Happy Holidays, ElizabethXin

Who's My IGOT7 Secret Santa? 2016 [News update from the 2017.07.01]

Gift for ElizabethXin

Gift from ???

Title of the gift: Christmas Night Present

Pairing(s): JB x OC

How many words: 2670

Rating: T

Warnings: Fluff...? lol i don't know haha

Note to my giftee: Hello miss! I hope you like the present I made you! it might not be as good as the other stories but i tried to make it up to your expectations. Happy Reading!

Christmas Night Present


Jae In rolled her eyes for the nth time as the guy next to her cheered happily as he was winning the game over her (again).

It’s not like she could win over him anyways.

“Aww come on, don’t be so hurt just because you lost again,” he said with a cheeky grin plastered on his face as Jae In got up from the couch she had been sitting on for the past 2 hours. The girl groaned in annoyance as she sent daggers towards him. If only she could kick him out of their apartment.

“Geez, Im Jaebum – grow up, will you?” she said as her hand grabbed the water bottle and gulped its content down, taking the bag of chips with her as well. She could see Jaebum stared at her – as if he was reminding her about her diet plan she just stated earlier that week.

“What? It’s holiday! What do you expect from me?” she snapped before throwing herself back on the couch and opened the huge bag of chips, stuffing herself before offering Jaebum some, which he gladly accepted as he dipped his hand in and stuffed his mouth as well.

Jae In and Jaebum had been best friends for as long as she could remember. Even her parents already took him just like their own son, just like how his parents took her as their own. They knew each other like the back of their hand – all the goods and the bad things.

Jaebum would know how to soothe Jae In when she broke up with her boyfriend, or when she’s just being a pain in the because of her time of the month – just like how she would know when Jaebum got into a disagreement with his parents, or when he needed a helping hand to approach the cute girl next door.

So when both of them entered university and decided to move out, it wasn’t hard for them to convince their parents that it would be better for them to move in together since it would lessen the rent cost they had to pay if they lived separately. Besides, aside from bickering, there’s likely nothing would happen between the two.

After they entered university, though, some small things started to change slightly between them without the two even realizing. Jae In gradually stopped talking about the cute boy on her class, and Jaebum just stopped looking at every hot girl in the university though he didn’t really want to. They would argue less, though they still irritate each other in any time possible.

Another thing she actually noticed is that since the day they entered university, Jaebum’s ‘loyal’ followers would just increase in numbers every passing day. She just couldn’t wrap it around her head why would those girls follow him like a puppy and drool over him. She does admit that Jaebum is pretty cute, but–

“Stop staring, woman. I know I am good looking,” Jaebum said, abruptly cutting her train of thoughts. Jae In scoffed and stuffed him with more chips which he gladly ate.

“If you really are THAT good looking, you wouldn’t spend your Christmas Eve playing Mario Kart in our living room, for God’s sake,” she said before stuffing herself with more chips and started to change the channels. Jaebum frowned for a split second before his famous smirk replaced the flash emotion he didn’t want her to see.

“Or maybe I just pity my friend who had no date in Christmas Eve and decided to stay in and accompany her. Ah, aren’t I a good friend?” he asked, earning him another groan from Jae In’s pink lips.

“Just because I didn’t go it doesn’t mean no one asked me, ,” she spat, her eyes not once leaving the TV screen as it played the old ‘Home Alone’ movie. Jaebum scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief. Why would she watch the movie again and again when she already knew how the ending would be like?

“You wish. Who would possibly–“

“Jinyoung did.”

Jaebum knitted his eyebrows when Jae In mentioned the guy’s name. Jinyoung? That casanova, Park Jinyoung? Why would she ask her out?

Jaebum was lost in his thoughts, not realizing that Jae In is no longer paying any attention at the TV as her eyes traced on Jaebum’s side profile instead.

Hell yeah she didn’t understand why the other girls would drool over him, but she herself couldn’t resist his charms either. Not as the cool-chic-and-smart Jaebum the school knows, but just as how he is on daily basis – the mischievous, loud and childish Im Jaebum she had known for so long.

She exhaled and turned off the TV, snapping Jaebum out of his head.

“You’re going to sleep?” he asked, slightly worried since he knows that she’s not the type to sleep so early. Not to mention, this in Christmas Eve. Jae In never slept so early on Christmas Eve.

“I don’t know… There’s nothing fun on TV and I’m bored…” she said as her eyes stared blankly into the dark screen of the TV. Jaebum hummed in agreement. There’s nothing much to do when you’re stuck in your apartment.

Silence hovered upon the two as they fell deep in their own thoughts, desperately trying to find out something fun for them to do throughout the night. It’s pretty impossible to call out their friends since they’re most likely with their family back home.

Jae In exhaled and dropped her body on the couch, propping her head comfortably on Jaebum’s thigh. Just like how he would comfort her when some bad things start to get on her nerves. She’s grateful that Jaebum is always there, right next to her whenever she needed him, no matter how hard things must be on his life too.

She wouldn’t dare ask for more.

Jaebum subconsciously runs his fingers through Jae In’s brown locks, playing with her long, soft hair as the two kept thinking silently. His eyes scanned all over the room before he spotted an empty beer bottle he hadn’t thrown out after his short drinking session with his friends a couple days back. Suddenly, a light flickered in his head.

“Jae In-ah?”


“Want to play drunken truth or dare?”


Jae In’s face was already flushed red by the time she got to her 5th shot – unlike Jaebum who was still way sober than her. On the first couple rounds, the two would switch between truths and dare – confidently picking some questions as each other’s truth penalty but they gradually ran out of ideas.

“Jaebum… It’s your turn, right? What do you pick?” Jae In asked as she tried to keep her head straight. Jaebum couldn’t help but to chuckle at her silly actions but he let her be. It’s a rare thing she would let anyone saw her drunken side, anyway.

Jaebum tapped his finger on his cheekbone lightly before sounding his choice. “I pick truth.” Jae In giggled as she poured Jaebum another glass of soju – which Jaebum hid for God knows how long, and told him to drink it.

“Hold up, question first. I might actually get drunk after this shot, woman,” he laughed, stopping Jae In’s hand from pushing the alcohol closer to his lips.

The girl nodded then started to tap her chin, eyes barely open. Jaebum couldn’t understand how she managed to do that – still beautiful even with her slightly messy hair and flushed face. Everything she does just mesmerize him, and he wouldn’t mind seeing it for a long time.

Suddenly Jae In snapped her fingers then propped her chin on her palm, eyeing Jaebum closely. “Hmm… Why didn’t you go out with Haneul? I know she asked you…” she asked.

Jaebum’s lips curved in into a slight smirk, wondering how she knew he rejected the iest girl in their year and gulped down the clear liquid in one shot. The boy then leaned closer; their face was just inches away as he eyed her with his sharp gaze, piercing through Jae In’s hazel brown iris.

“Well…” he said in his low, husky voice. “Someone just snatched her opportunity… But I guess the girl herself didn’t know it yet…” Jaebum smirked, pulling his back straight as he watched Jae In’s cheeks as they turn into a brighter shade of red.

It wasn’t in Jaebum’s nature to twist his words the way he just did; and she realized that. Jaebum was always the most straight-forward person she knew, and it hit the curious button inside her when he masks his true words like that.

Suddenly, Jae In wasn’t so drunk anymore.

“Who is it?” she asked curiously. Jaebum knitted his eyebrows then laughed, shaking his head. “Nope. You already used your chance. Your turn. Truth or dare?” Jaebum quickly changed the topic, making her pout.

“Fine. Truth.” She said, pouring the alcohol herself and eyed Jaebum. “Question?”

Jaebum let out a low chuckle, amused by how quickly Jae In changed her behavior due to his one action. She’s amazing, he thought.

The boy cleared his throat then sound out his earlier unsolved question. “Since you asked me about Haneul… Why did you reject Jinyoung as well?”

Jae In glared at Jaebum upon hearing his question and scoffed. “Such an uncreative question, Im Jaebum,” she said, rolling her eyes and exhaled.

“I rejected him because someone just snatched his opportunity, but I guess the boy himself hadn’t had any clue yet,” she said sneakily, copying Jaebum’s answer earlier and left the boy dumbfounded.

So that’s how she gonna play it, huh? Fine, two could play the game.

Jaebum slowly leaned closer, closing the gap between him and the girl in front of him and successfully surprised her. Blinking her huge, deer-like eyes, Jae In leaned backwards as she tried to keep her distance from Jaebum… before her back hits the couch’s armrest – and Jaebum didn’t seem like he’s going to stop.

“Jaebum what are—STOP!!” Jae In yelped as Jaebum’s hands actively trying to tickle her waist, making her laugh as she tried to wiggle out of his hands.

The boy laughed and shook his head, completely rejecting her idea and kept tickling her waist. He knew exactly how ticklish she was—he would always poke her waist whenever she zoned out, snapping her back to reality… to be with him.

Jae In restlessly trying to push Jaebum away as she tried to catch her breath, but Jaebum didn’t budge even a bit. “Jaebum please—I can’t breathe—ahahaha!!” she pleaded—her eyes already teared up. The boy chuckled and wiped her tears, stopped his hands from tickling her waist and pinned both of her arms over her head.

“Now seriously…” Jaebum said softly, his other hand fixing her raised shirt and messy hair but yet letting go of his grip on both her wrist. “Why did you reject Jinyoung? I know girls worship him, including you, so I just don’t get it why would you reject him?”

Jae In didn’t answer him right away, but instead she let her gaze traveled on his eyes, trying to see through his clouded intentions; but no avail. Jaebum, aside from being really straight-forward, is also a very good person to entrust your secrets with. There’s no way anyone would drill through his thick layers of masks, including his family.

“Well…” Jae In said, finally giving up and decided to just tell Jaebum the truth. Jaebum, in the other hand, had his full attention at her, looking at Jae In’s pair of hazel eyes intensely.

“It’s true that I used to like him… But someone did steal my attention away from him…” Jae In said. One step away from the truth, she thought.

“And who, exactly, is that?”

Jae In blinked her eyes. She wasn’t expecting that kind of straight-forwarded question. Usually Jaebum would first before asking her in a joking tone, but that was completely different. This is not the Jaebum she knew.

Jae In felt her cheeks burning as Jaebum’s gaze got more intense, turning her gaze away from his. “U-uhh…”

“Fine,” Jaebum’s stern voice turned Jae In’s gaze back at his eyes, which was still looking intensely at her. “If you’re not going to spill it first, then I will.”

Now he completely had Jae In’s attention. Jaebum exhaled and braced himself. This is the moment he had been waiting for—where he could finally be true to himself.

Jaebum know exactly what might happen to him and Jae In, but he can’t back off now. He’s not going to run away. “The reason why I rejected Haneul was because… I fell in love with my own best friend.”

Jae In’s eyes widen in shock, but she kept silent and let Jaebum finish his words.

“Not exactly knowing how or when, but I knew that at one point… I just fell for you. So yeah… that’s my reason.” Jaebum tugged his lips, forming a faint smile as he loosens his grip on her wrists.

Jaebum awkwardly rubbed his nape, letting a low chuckle escaped from his lips. “I know you might hate me after this, but just so you know… I wasn’t trying to ask you out or anything…” Jae In stared at Jaebum’s eyes as she’s trying to absorb everything that just happened. Is it even real?

“Don’t you want to know my reasons?” Jae In asked, completely ignoring Jaebum’s confession which catches Jaebum off guard.

“O-oh, sure…” He stuttered, dumbfounded. He didn’t expect that kind of reaction coming from Jae In, especially after what just happened.

“So my reason why I rejected Jinyoung was because… someone really stupid and annoying really caught my attention.” Jae In said, making Jaebum frowned slightly.

“This stupid and annoying person, though, is the same person as the one who always stood by me, no matter what happened. He was there when I fell in love for the first time, and he was also the person who punched the boy who broke my heart for the first time.”

Jaebum knitted his brows in confusion. What is this girl saying?

“He was the one who would accompany me through the nights when I couldn’t sleep because my cat died, and took me to a cat café the next day.” Jae In poured her heart out, smiling as she saw Jaebum’s dumbfounded expression as he started to realize what was happening.

“I… I fell for my stupid and annoying best friend,” Jae In said, smiling at Jaebum who was smiling at her as well.

Jaebum couldn’t be happier than he is now. Knowing that his feeling all along wasn’t a one sided love, Jaebum was more than lucky that his best friend for years actually had a feeling for him as well. He knew he might look like an idiot now, but who cares?

“Well, if that’s the case then… Should I take back my words?” Jaebum grinned mischievously as Jae In knitted her brows, slightly panicking. “H-huh?”

 “I mean, I’m trying to ask you out now. Would you?” he asked, grinning ever so widely, making Jae In laugh as she nodded her head shyly. Jaebum chuckled, leaning closer towards her and pecked her forehead, making Jae In’s face as bright as a cherry tomato.

“Then I guess you’ll be moving to my room starting from tonight?” Jaebum asked mischievously, which earned him a good kick on his left leg. The boy chuckled and scooped her smaller figure off the couch, making her yelp and subconsciously wrapped her arms around Jaebum’s neck.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” Jaebum smiled, leaning in for a quick peck on her lips before whispering softly on her ear, “I love you, Jae In.”

Her heart warmed to his words, relaxing her muscles as she snuggled up to Jaebum’s chest comfortably and mumbled softly, but loud enough for both of them to hear.

“I love you too, my stupid and annoying boyfriend.”




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Chapter 22: Thank you for making fluffy markjin fics.
Jejessiee #2
Chapter 6: Well that's unfortunate... i was looking forward for the gift :( anyway i hope things will go smoothly for you two! Fighting! <3
Chapter 6: Aww that's very unfortunate. But thank you for holding this contest and good luck with your lives!!! ^^
Chapter 7: i guess i'll still have to wait for mine, but that's all good.
glad that a lot of the stories were posted for those that could enjoy it throughout the contest. =]
hopefully this year will happen again? lol
thanks for hosting another successful event ladies!! ^^
Chapter 7: I just wanted to thank once more Lidashen for the amazing story she wrote for me.
You are amazing !!!
RinaZar #6
Chapter 7: I just checked this and OH MY GOD, GDAE_WOO WROTE MINE *FANGIRLS* I have always been a fan of Gdae_Woo so thank you for this!!
-Mieun- #7
Chapter 2: I'm looking forward to the big reveal~
Chapter 86: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH OMG you don't have to apologize for anything at all!! I love stories about crushes and this was so CUTE!!! Thank you so sosomuch much and happy holidays!!
Jejessiee #9
Chapter 6: I'm kinda sad my gift is yet posted... but i'm looking forward to it~
Chapter 84: I'm crying. This isn't even mine and I'm dying from feels~ JJP for life!!