Happy Holidays, cluelesspanda

Who's My IGOT7 Secret Santa? 2016 [News update from the 2017.07.01]

Gift for cluelesspanda

Gift from ???

Title of the gift: Cafe Love~

Pairing(s): Markjae

How many words: 2663

Rating: PG

Warnings: None

Note to my giftee: Merry Christmas Giftee! I’m sorry if this one-shot was not what you wanted but I hope you enjoy it anyways. I noticed you really liked 2Jae so I’m sorry that you got this instead. If you didn’t enjoy this one shot, I am deeply sorry.

Have a Merry Chrismas.

Cafe Love~


    Youngjae sighed to himself as he was sitting outside of a small cute cafe, waiting for his date to come, since Jaebum and Jinyoung complained about him being the third wheel in their relationship all the time and not having friends to hang out with. He has friends, right? Whatever, he thought as he tapped his fingers on the table and waited for his date. They wanted him to have someone to spend Christmas with since it was 2 days away. After a while his date came. Her name was Selyun.

She was pretty. She had brown flowing hair, bright blue eyes and he was sure this was going to work out until he made a mistake and started telling her corny jokes. She didn't find them entertaining at all. Gulping, he told her another one but she didn't laugh but instead stared at him with bored eyes but his ears caught the sound of a small high pitch laughter coming from the table next to them.

As he continued trying to make his date laugh, the other wouldn't budge but every time he does, he would hear the same cute pitchy laugh next to them. “look, I don't think this is going to work out”. He sighed and nodded as well. They stood up and gave each other a hug before she apologized and left. He sat back down and put his head down on the table. “What is wrong with me? Why did i have to tell her such ridiculous jokes".

He lifted his head up when he remembered that someone was laughing at his jokes when he told them to his date. He turned his head to find a fluffy blonde haired boy, with skin pale as snow, cute button nose and a cute smile that was placed upon the porcelain skin. He blushed as the other waved at him, making him wave shyly before standing up and walking to where the boy was sitting before plopping down on the chair across from him. “HI!".

He smiled. "Hey, I’m guessing you heard what I said when I tried to impress my date, huh?". He rubbed the back of his neck shyly as he waited for the other to respond. “I did and your jokes were funny. I can't believe your date didn't like them". He blushed slightly at the blonde across from him, making the other giggle as he blushed even more. "M-my name is Youngjae by the way. Choi Youngjae”. The blonde smiled. "My name is Mark. Mark Tuan". He noticed that the way the other spoke korean, he wasn't from around here. "You aren't from around here. Are you?".

Mark shook his head. “I came from California, LA but moved here 4 years ago".Youngjae smiled and continued asking questions as the other happily answered them. Mark is three years older than him and he's Chinese even though he came from California. They continued chatting until he got a phone call from Jaebum."Aish, I have to take this, do you mind?". Mark shook his head and smiled, as he was texting his own friend.

He walked away from the table before picking up the call. “How’s it going with your date". He sighed. "It didn't go too well”. Jaebum sighed as well." Anyway need you to come back, Yugyeom came and he's being lou-YUGYEOM SHUT UP!...sorry about that. Jinyoung has a headache and we need someone to calm the younger down, so please come back as soon as you can”. Before he could get a word out, the other hung up on him.

He walked back to where Mark was and sat down. “I’m sorry but I have to go but can we maybe meet up tomorrow again?". He looked down shyly before the other nodded. “Of course! I would like to see you again as well.I have to go anyway, my friend Jackson almost burned down our apartment so what about we meet here again tomorrow?". He smiled widely and nodded happily. "Sure, I hope your apartment is okay". Mark grinned. "I hope so too".

They both got up from the table before giving each other a hug then parting their separate ways "See you tomorrow morning!". Mark yelled before running. As he arrived back to the apartment he shared with the two, he found Yugyeom sitting in the corner pouting as Jaebum and Jinyoung sat on the couch, with their hands holding their heads."I see you got him to be quiet". Jaebum glared but his eyes softened. "What happened to your date?". "It just didn't work out". Jaebum sighed but before he could speak the other continued. "But I met this guy named Mark and we're meeting each other tomorrow".

Yugyeom shot up from the floor and bounded next to him. "MARK?! YOU MEAN MARK TUAN?". They flinched as the younger yelled his heart out. "Yea. How'd you know?". Yugyeom smiled widely at him. "I'm friends with Mark Hyung! And now you're going on a date with him! How cute, hyung". Youngjae blushed. "Who said anything about a date?!".Jaebum and Jinyoung smirked. "Sounds like a date to me.". He whined. "It's not a daaaaate~".Their smirked deepened. "Who knows, maybe after Christmas, you'll be boyfriends.". Huffing, he stomped to his room with a flaming hot face.

The next day, he was waiting patiently for Mark to arrived as he sat in the same seat yesterday. He already ordered something to drink and since it was still chilly, he ordered a Christmas Cookie Latte. He sipped it slowly, letting the warm liquid into his mouth when he heard Mark call his name."Youngjae~Did you wait long?". Youngjae smiled at the other. Mark was wearing a light blue hoodie over a black shirt with gray skinny jeans and white converse. Youngjae stared at the beauty in front of him. Mark was smiling at him, eyes sparkling and cheeks dusted a rosy red. "I just got here as well". Mark smiled even more.

"Great. I was wondering if you wanted to go to the Christmas Carnival today? It's open this entire week but since it's Friday, it’s closing tomorrow”. He looked at the other, nodding smiling to himself as well. "Sure, wanna head out right now?”. The other nodded excitedly, pulling his arm and walking side by side together. The carnival was a bit far away but Mark enjoyed the peacefulness as slight wind was blowing and snow that was sprinkled over the ground, making everything white and beautiful.

"Hey, Youngjae? Do you have anyone to be with for Christmas?". The question caught Youngjae off guard. "No. I actually don't". Mark hummed before his face was lighting up. "Hey, look it's the carnival, let's go!". Mark tugged on his sleeve as he tried to make the other walk faster with him. "Okay okay, I'm coming". Youngjae chuckled at the older boys energy.

They went on many different rides which he screamed on all of them and clutched onto Mark who enjoyed the rush of it. As they got off, Mark laughed at Youngjae who looked like a scared puppy. "You're so cute Youngjae.". He blushed. "Are you hungry?". Youngjae stomach growled so Mark took that as a yes. They ate and chatted before Mark dragged him on more rides which he actually enjoyed this time.

A few rides later, it was getting dark and they were now wandering around, playing carnival games.Mark had won him a stuffed dog while he had won Mark a stuffed deer, who eye lit up at the sight of it.He doesn't know how but somehow their hands were intertwined together as they walked around. He smiled and flushed as the felt the heat the older was emitting from his hand before seeing the Ferris wheel. "Mark, can we go on that?". Mark gulped and nodded hesitatingly. It's fair since he dragged Youngjae on the ones he wanted to ride so he should go with the younger, right? Right?

Youngjae smiled and dragged Mark towards the ride that slowly spins in circles. As they got on, he unconscionably slipped his hand into Youngjae's, squeezing trying to calm himself, while taking deep breaths. He squished himself closer to Youngjae as the ride started moving. The younger didn't seem to notice the elder’s actions before hearing a whimper. Turning his head, he found Mark squished up against him, hands clasped tightly together and eyes closed tight. "Mark? Are you scared?". The older nodded. Even though he likes rollarcoasters, he can't handle Ferris Wheels because it moves so slow and he feels like they might fall.

Youngjae blushed at Mark being so close to him but smiled at the others cute actions. He shuffled Mark closer to him before telling Mark to open his eyes as they reached the top. "Mark, open your eyes". The other shook his head, shaking from fright. "Trust me. You trust me, don't you?". Mark nodded slowly before opening his eyes.

He was awed by the sight. He was seeing lights illuminating from the buildings of Seoul and saw the moon was peeking over the mountains, adding to the beautiful scenery. Smiling, he took his phone out and took a picture before moving slightly, holding his phone out taking a selfie with Youngjae. Smiling at how it turns out, he cuddled closer to Youngjae who was flushing bright red from so much contact.


Youngjae was now walking Mark back to his apartment, hands intertwined and huddled together before reaching the apartment. Mark walked up, knocking on the door and a dude that was short with a snapback opened the door, smiling at him. Mark turned around and bounded towards him before pecking him on the cheek then rushing back. "I had a great time today Youngjae~". Mark was blushing as well before he closed the door. Jackson smirked at him. "So, Markipoo has a crush now don't he". Mark blushed even more and chased Jackson around the apartment with BamBam watching in amusement.

While that was happening, Youngjae was standing outside, holding his cheek, not moving as a blush dusted over his cheeks and mouth parted opened. He then felt himself smile as the elder’s lips still lingering on his cheek. After a few minutes of standing, still thinking what just happened he ran back to his apartment with a full on happy smile.

He knocked rapidly on the door, to be opened by Jaebum who smirked when he saw how happy Youngjae was. "I'm guessing, your date went well?". He nodded, still dazed. "Hyung! Are you and Mark going to be dating now?". Youngjae didn’t answer but just continued smiling like a kid who got what he wanted for Christmas. He walked to his room and sat down on his bed, face down before squealing like a highschool girl into his pillow before taking a deep sigh. Suddenly he felt his phone vibrate so he reached into his pants to find an unknown number calling him, picking it up hesitatingly, he answered with a hello. “Youngjae?”. He froze when he heard a familiar voice on the other end.

How did Mark get his number? “Mark?”. He heard a happy giggled on the other side. “How’d you get my number?”. He sat crisscrossed on his bed, holding his phone to his ear waiting for a response. ”Oh, my friend told me he was friends with one of your friends and your friends gave me your number. Does that make sense?’”. He nodded even though the other couldn’t see him. “Okay, so I called you because I wanted to see if you would like to come with me to a party for Christmas eve tomorrow?”. He smiled. “I would love to.”. Hearing a excited sigh on the other end, he giggled himself. “Great! So we’ll meet up at my apartment tomorrow at 5. I can’t wait. Bye Youngjae~”. The other hanged up while he sat there blushing and smiling. Jinyoung walked into the room with a smirk. “I’m starting to think that you and Mark has some chemistry going on.”. He felt his face warm up and he looked down shyly. “I don’t think he likes me like I like him.”. Jinyoung groaned. “You’re so oblivious. He obviously like you. At least you won’t be alone for Christmas.”.

Youngjae nodded and smiled at Jinyoung. ”I really like him hyung.”. The older smiled at him” You’re like a girl Youngjae. I swear to god but he really likes you too. Have fun on your date tomorrow. ”Jinyoung smiled and ruffled Youngjae’s hair before walking out, leaving the boy in his thoughts.


By the time it was 4:45, he left the apartment, heading to Mark’s. He smiled when he saw Mark waiting outside. “Youngjae~ You look good.”. He flushed. He was only wearing a simple hoodie with a pair of black skinny jeans and red converse. “You do too.”. Mark giggled at how the younger gets so easily flustered. “Okay, let’s go. The party is at the park.”. He ran up to the younger and slipped his cold hands into the younger’s warm ones. Youngjae felt like he was on fire. The elder was so close to him and their hands were gripping each other so tight that he was basically trying not to squeal like a girl on her first date with someone she really likes.

When they reached the park, a few people were already there and by few he means crowds of people. Mark had dragged him over to a small group of friends. He was surprised to see Jaebum, Jinyoung and Yugyeom there. They all chatted and talked for a while before most people at the party got drunk. He felt uncomfortable and Mark noticed. “Youngjae ah, come with me.”. The younger nodded and followed Mark.

They walked side by side, down the busy sidewalks full of families and couples who were talking and enjoying their Christmas before they stopped at the Cafe where they first met. They ordered drinks and sat down at the table right outside where the sky was dark except Christmas lights, lighting everything up. Hearing a sigh, he looked over at Mark who had a slight blush on his face while clutching his drink.

“Youngjae? Can I tell you something but you can’t hate me?”. He nodded. “I-i like you. I have ever since we met a few days ago.”. He blushed hardcore. The other liked him as well? “I l-like you as well.”. Mark’s face lit up.” For reals?  You’re not kidding?”. He shook his head and looked down. Not hearing a response from the other, he looked up but once he did, his eyes widen when his lips met Mark’s. Mark pulled back and grinned at Youngjae who was full on blushing. “Youngjae, will you be my boyfriend?”. The younger nodded, not able to form any words as he reached up to touch his lips.

Mark giggled and leaned over, pecking the other on the cheek. ”I’m really glad we met at this Cafe.”. Youngjae smiled. “I’m g-glad we met too.”. Snow suddenly started falling softly. “I love you.”. Flushing even more, he smiled. ”I love you too.”. Their hands connected again and they both had smiles on their faces. ”Remember how I responded saying that I didn’t have anyone to be with for Christmas?”. Mark nodded. “I was wrong. I have you.”. Mark giggled and flushed slightly. ”Me too.”. The two spent their time, chatting and giggling with each other at the Cafe before sharing another kiss. I guess this was a very Merry Christmas after all.~

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Chapter 22: Thank you for making fluffy markjin fics.
Jejessiee #2
Chapter 6: Well that's unfortunate... i was looking forward for the gift :( anyway i hope things will go smoothly for you two! Fighting! <3
Chapter 6: Aww that's very unfortunate. But thank you for holding this contest and good luck with your lives!!! ^^
Chapter 7: i guess i'll still have to wait for mine, but that's all good.
glad that a lot of the stories were posted for those that could enjoy it throughout the contest. =]
hopefully this year will happen again? lol
thanks for hosting another successful event ladies!! ^^
Chapter 7: I just wanted to thank once more Lidashen for the amazing story she wrote for me.
You are amazing !!!
RinaZar #6
Chapter 7: I just checked this and OH MY GOD, GDAE_WOO WROTE MINE *FANGIRLS* I have always been a fan of Gdae_Woo so thank you for this!!
-Mieun- #7
Chapter 2: I'm looking forward to the big reveal~
Chapter 86: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH OMG you don't have to apologize for anything at all!! I love stories about crushes and this was so CUTE!!! Thank you so sosomuch much and happy holidays!!
Jejessiee #9
Chapter 6: I'm kinda sad my gift is yet posted... but i'm looking forward to it~
Chapter 84: I'm crying. This isn't even mine and I'm dying from feels~ JJP for life!!