Chapter Six

His little sister



"you okay?" yongguk stopped in front of you.

You look up and nod, giving him a weak smile.

"What is it with them and oppa? If they wanted to see their son so badly, they can just call him..." you mumbled.

"you know your brother is no longer in contact with them... They just want to know how he's doing..." Yongguk said.

"I guess..." you shrugged and drink another gulp of ice water before you jumped down and walked back to the TV room with Yongguk.

"She has a brother?" Hyunah whispered.

"I don't know!" Joon answered, just in time with you entering the room.

"what are you guys talking about?" you asked.

"nothing... you okay? we heard... shoutings..." Doojoon said.

"yeah. i'm good." you grinned and sit between Yongguk and Leejoon.

Yongguk casually wrapped his arm around your shoulders while you tried to concentrated on the movie withour having your heart burst out due to his warmth, oblivious to the boiling Joon.

As the movie ended, the doorbell ring. Lee Joon decided to go and open the door, trying to escape the sight of you and Yongguk.

"Who is it?" he asked through the intercomm.

"um...i'm looking for kim Jae..Kimjaehwa..." a man in a suit and a sunglasses said. 

He has two other men next to him.

"Who is this?"joon furrowed his eyebrows.

"We were told by boss to take her. So we asked for your cooperation to talk to her and tell her we're here." 

"who is it, hyung?" Yongguk asked as he walked out of the room.

"I don't know, they're looking for Jaehwa..." Joon said.

Yongguk stops in his track and walks towards Joon, pressing the intercomm.

"Did he send you?" Yongguk asked.


"What does he want?"

"we weren't told anything. So please just cooperate and tell her to go out and come with us, Yongguk-ssi" The man said.

"He knows you?" Joon asked in confusion.

Yongguk sighed, ignoring Joon and called you.


"Ne?" you walked out.

"They're here for you." Yongguk said.

"Damn it. How did they find this warehouse?" you cursed.

"Well i guess i better go. See you guys later." you said and waved to joon and Yongguk before you leave with those 3 men.

"Who are they, Yongguk?" Joon asked.

"Nobody. Why don't we go back inside?" Yongguk smiles and left Joon dumbfounded.



"we just found out that they didn't come from a good background. They all have secrets... Including that Yongguk and his brother. I can't risk your safety."

you scoffed at him.

"They are MY friends. I choose to be with them and they're friends with me without knowing our relationship."you said.

"I guess i have to tell them so you'll leave them then."

"You wouldn't dare. If you do, i'm gonna kill you." you hissed.

"You Have to, Jaehwa! They're dangerous! You don't know their past!" he roared.

"Then tell me! TELL ME so i'll understand!" you screamed.

"They're the one who attacked us and sent Changmin into comma. They're the one who made us change our jobs to singers." 

You body froze as you stared at him.

"liar." you whispered.

"I'm not. They might be jjangs in front of you and the rest of other people but They have worked under our biggest rival." He said.

You stared at him in silence before he spoke up.

"And they have killed your sister too, Don't forget that." He said.

"Liar.... you evil liar. I hate you, Jaejoong oppa." you hissed and walked out of the room.


2011/12/01 thursday

bY seoulchae

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 37: It's great so read thi story again ^_^ Still love it!
Chapter 37: Where's my changmin oppa?? Still in coma??
Jungkoyoung #3
Chapter 37: Its so beautiful!!!!!
Jungkoyoung #4
Chapter 37: Awwwwww but what about changminnie!!!!!
crazygirl143 #5
Chapter 30: i really like this story... it has meaning... oh! and in chapter 29 when junhyung asked hyuna if she had moved on and she answered maybe suddenly hyunseung name popped in my head lolz
Saemiy #6
Chapter 37: I teared up, once again. *sigh*
Dont get me wrong.
Its a very touching ending.
The story's plot is soooooo cool.
Although it might be hard to understand at the begining, and you need to read the rest to understand.

Good one author-nim
Sooyong #7
Chapter 37: Reading it twice. Such a nice story!!!
Chapter 37: Definitely a good story!!! ^_^
Chapter 37: All my favorites are in this whole storyyyyyy yayyyy love the plot of the story very much
Chapter 37: Amazing! ^_^ but i have a question... Does Changmin ever wake up? ^_^