Twenty Three

My Girl Crush
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The two cars soon pulled up to one restaurant before make its total stop. The car door opened and the 9 girls came out from it one by one.

"Aaaahhh finally food!" Sooyoung do a celebratory dance choreographed by herself as the other girls can only facepalming theirselves out of embarrassement.

"Stop it, Choi Sooyoung." Sunny despite her petite figure is strong enough to pinched Sooyoung hard on her and successfully made the girl to stop her weird dance because she's currently busy rubbing her aching , hoping the pain will go away soon.

"Unnies, c'mon let's go in. I'm hungry." Yoona said with her high pitched voice. She called it as aegyo, but for her unnies that's such a torture for their poor ears.

"Kaja kaja!" Hyoyeon leads the pact and get inside the restaurant.

As the others follow Hyoyeon, Juhyun stealthily approaching Sunny and Yuri who walked slightly behind the others.

"Emergency." Juhyun came in between the two and surprised them a bit with the sudden intrusion.

"Yah Seo Juhyun! You surprised me!" Yuri slapped Juhyun's arm while Sunny nudged her stomach with her elbow. Yeah, these girls are kinda violent at times so be careful and don't mess with them.

"Sorry, didn't mean to surprised you two. But seriously, it's an emergency situation. Please listen up." Juhyun said with such seriousness causing both Yuri and Sunny to halted their movement, even unconsciously hold back their breath, because when Juhyun being this serious, it means something real bad happened.

Juhyun told them about what happened in Taeyeon's car earlier and how one question from Hyoyeon effectively caused a dreadful silence for the rest of the journey. Juhyun also said she heard a faint sniff came from the back seat occupied by Taeyeon and Tiffany. She tried to put two and two together and finally came up with a conclusion that there's something going on between Taeyeon and Tiffany. Something serious and personal, like an unfinished story and lingering feeling from the past. Juhyun is not stupid nor insensitive, instead she's the opposite. She's smart and quick-witted.

After hearing the story from Juhyun, Yuri and Sunny can only nodding their head while do a brainstroming. They agreed with Juhyun's hypothesis because it's obvious that Taeyeon and Tiffany once had a feeling, special feeling for each other when they were in high school. Even though they never admit it verbally, but their act showed it all. The look in their eyes when they looked at each other, that was just too intense. But they thought as time goes by, with their current situation, Taeyeon is someone's fiancee while Tiffany also dating someone else, they thought the two probably already get over it and moved on. But guess they are wrong. The two still has an unfinished story and remaining feelings. They know it's not healthy for both Taeyeon and Tiffany to nurture their feeling back but as a friend, it will hurt them too to see their friend get hurt because of each other. So if they need to interfere, they will gladly do it.

"We need to make them talk. They need to talk it out and solve whatever problem and feeling they have for each other like an adult. We're no longer a high school brat with unstable emotion. They need to clear everything between them tonight, once and for all." Yuri finally speak up after her long thought.

"I agree with Yul. And i think i have a plan. But to proceed this plan, i will need a help from all of us." Sunny said after.

"What is it?" Juhyun impatiently asked.

"I'll tell you later. But for now, let's get inside the restaurant. I'm afraid the others will grow suspicious by now because the three of us aren't with them. If they asked where were we, just tell them we went to the toilet. Okay?" Sunny said and answered by a firm nod by her two friends.


(Inside the restaurant)

"Yah, where were you guys going without us?" Sooyoung asked once she saw her three friends walked inside the restaurant. Just like what Sunny predicted.

"We went to the toilet." The three of them casually answered in unison. They tried to act as normal as possible so their friend will buy their lie, at least for now because soon all of them will know the truth, except for Taeyeon and Tiffany.

Sunny, Yuri and Juhyun are walking toward their friends' table as they search for a vacant seat for them. Sunny raised her eyebrow as she see Tiffany sitting in between Yoona and Jessica on the left side of the table, meanwhile Taeyeon sits across them on furthest right side. It's obvious that the two is trying to avoid each other by creating as big as possible distance between them. They are pathetic. Sunny inwardly thought.


Soon the foods they ordered came out. Sooyoung and Yoona didn't waste any second to get the food and put them inside their awaiting mouth. The other girls could only shaking their head in combination of disapproval and amusement as they watched their two shikshin friends savouring their food like there's no tomorrow.




First thing to do.. Sunny have to tell the 'plan' to Jessica, while Yuri will handle Yoona. Juhyun will take care of the rest, which is Hyoyeon and Sooyoung. They decided to tell the other girls one by one rather than all at the same time because it will lessen the risk to get caught. They have to do it as subtle as possible and TaeNy shouldn't find out about their little plan.

Second agenda, once they arrived in the hotel where they will spend their night, the girls will divided into 3 rooms. The roommate arrangement will be Tiffany, Yoona, Jessica in one room. Yuri, Sunny and Taeyeon in one room. Juhyun, Hyoyeon and Sooyoung in another room.

Third agenda, YoonSic will try to talk to Tiffany. A heart to heart talk. Ask her about what happened between her and Taeyeon in order to understand their situation and problem. They couldn't help if they didn't know what's the problem. YulSun will do the same to Taeyeon. Once they understand the real problem, the two teams will try to knock some senses into TaeNy's head and hopefully they are not that stubborn to listen to them. Once finish with the talk, each 'team' will send their 'client' to HyoSooHyun's room by making a little white lie. YoonSic and YulSun will tell them that Juhyun and the gang want to meet them for something important. The truth is HyooSooHyun will leave the room as soon as TaeNy leave their respective room and heading to their room.

Last agenda, lock TaeNy inside the room and make sure the two couldn't escape until morning come. As childish as it might look like, Sunny believes this way will work. Hopefully it will.

Taeyeon and Tiffany have to finish whatever problem they have before they are going back to Seoul tomorrow afternoon. Because tomorrow evening, The Choi will have a family dinner and surely Taeyeon and Tiffany won't be able to freely and comfortably talk to each other with their respective's partner around. Not to mention, in front of the Choi family, their (perhaps) soon to be in law. And then the next morning, Tiffany will leave Korea, go back to States with her so called boyfriend. So now or never. They are running out of time.



"Taeyeon.." Sunny softly called out to her danshin buddy once the three of them laying peacefully on their sharing master bed.


"We've been friends for more than a decade now. Rather than seeing you as a friend, i already see you as my family, like my own sister. I care for you, we care for you, like a lot. We love you, Tae."

"Sunny? What's with the sudden confession?" Taeyeon playfully nudged her who's laying on her left while Yuri is on her right.

"Just listen to what i have to say, Kim Taeyeon. And no interrupting until i finish. Okay?" Sunny gently said.

"Fine." Taeyeon relented.

"So i was saying, we really care about you. Seeing you hurt, will hurt us too. Seeing you in trouble, will troubled us too. And i remember we used to say this, no matter what the problem we face, we will share it with each other so we can try to solve it together. Two is better than one. And nine is surely better than two." Sunny paused to let out a long sigh. Taeyeon starts to wondering whether she did something bad or wrong for causing her friend to act like this. Taeyeon seems can't remember when was the last time they had a serious heart-to-heart talk like this. And honestly speaking, she kinda missed it.

"There's supposed to be no secret between us. Be it small or big secret, a stupid silly ones or one of our deepest secret. We always shared our secret to each other and we'll keep it among the 9 of us only. No outsiders allowed to know because that's our secret. Your secret is my secret too. And together we'll keep that secret. We'll keep our promise to always be there for each other. But now, you're keeping things from us, Taeyeon. And rather than feeling mad or angry at you, i feel sad and disappointed. Are you planning to hide this forever from us? Are we can't be trust anymore? Do you even still considered us as your closest friends?" Now Taeyeon has a mental breakdown. Why Sunny said these things? Of course she's still see them as her bestest, closest friends that she ever had. What Sunny said sound like nonsense in her ears.

"What? No. Don't be silly, Sunny. I trust you guys still, and will always trust you all. You guys are my best friends. I know for sure none of you will betray me or do something bad to me. We're sisters." Taeyeon immediately said, trying to clear up the misunderstanding. She didn't want to be in bad term with any of these girls since they are mean a lot for her.

"If that's true, then why you're not being honest with us?" Sunny pried further.

"What do you mean, Sunny-ah? What did i do?" Taeyeon confusedly asked. By now the three girls aren't comfortably lying on their bed anymore, but instead they are sitting upright on the bed while looking eyes-to-eyes with such intensity. People who don't know them might be wrongly think that the three of them are enemies instead of best friends if they see them right now.

"What's going on between you and Tiffany?" One question, just one question from Sunny, and it's all it takes to make Taeyeon paralyzed on her spot and become  a mute. Temporarily, but still.


"For God's sake, Kim Taeyeon. Stop being a coward and man up, will you? You can't hide things like this from us forever. If i were you, rather than pretending to be a mute, i will speak and let out everything. Isn't it tiring, Tae for suppressing all the feelings and keep it to yourself and have no one to share the

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Can't believe that you guys actually like the way i ended this story. haha thank you for the support and your understanding :)


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NekoLS #1
Chapter 27: Wow dude the ending surely mind-blowing
maemae08 #2
maemae08 #3
Chapter 26: How ironic the wedding is October and I'm reading it now September 5 lol
Mihyun101 #4
Chapter 8: Wahh
Mihyun101 #5
Chapter 2: ! I used to have so many girl crushes but then i met kim taeyeon. Lol i never had a crush on someone after i met the goddess king taeyeon
Oh!! Hola querida, nuevamente comento en español jejeje.
Creo que me voy a suscribir a esta historia, al parecer tenemos mucho en común, al menos puedo admitir que en definitiva me gusta Kim TaeYeon.
Chapter 27: this is the most heartbreaking taeny story :((
Chapter 13: Omg Yes and No is definitely one of my favorite movies and I love the ending of this chapter, not to mention how cute the actress who plays Kim is~
Chapter 12: Chomi! Great story so far :)
TaeNy fighting!!
dragonic_smith #10
Chapter 27: i just want sequel from this story