
My Girl Crush
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Luckily i have collected 10 signatures before the deadline time ended. 10 signatures, without Taeyeon's and Hyorin unnie's signature. i can't bring myself to face Taeyeon unnie for some reason, beside i heard she's kind of mean in giving 'condition' so we can get her signature. and i also avoid Hyorin unnie because i heard she asked the junior to confess her love to the most killer seniors in the student council, which are Taeyeon, Hyoyeon, and Heechul. nah, i can't risk myself for that. what if she asked me to confess to Taeyeon? no no, that's a big no no.


"hey people, having fun so far?" Juhyun unnie asked with a warm smile on her face. she's definitely my favorite. i believe for the others too. she's not a , sorry for the other unnies. i know they are just put up an act. i mean to look all scary and bossy in front of us for this 3 days, but still, some of them were just too playful.

"yeah." we all tiredly answer but still manage to response back to our favorite senior.

"aigoo, you all look so exhausted. but don't worry, today is the last day already. Are you guys happy or sad to know today is the last day of orientation day?"

some shouts 'happy' some 'sad'. well, those fakers. i can see their gleeful eyes when they said they were sad because the orientation will end today. surely all of the 10 graders are beyond happy to know today is the last day of student orientation.


Now it's time for the chairman of student council to give her final speech. we're already in the last session for today. yay!

"hey, dongsaengs!" Hyoyeon said while smiling warmly at us. whoaaa this is the first time we all saw that kind of smile on her face. it's not an annoying smirk that she usually put up on her face whenever she watched over us. it's not also that evil grin she usually have on her face when she watched us doing something wrong and being punished. it's a very warm sincere smile that causing me and the other junior to unconsciously smiling back at her. and yes, she called us with 'dongsaengs' not 'kiddos' like what she usually adressed us with.

"hi, Hyoyeon unnie/noona." we response back in unison.

"days passed quickly eh? especially when you enjoyed it." then she laugh causing us to playfully 'woo-ing' her in disagreement. she and her friends might having lots of fun, but not us, the victim.

"hehe, mian mian. i know these past 3 days were kind of hard and surely tiring for you guys. but trust me, me and my friends here also got our energy drained. it's not that i want to complain or what to you, but i just want to share a little bit of behind the story of this event. we came way earlier than you all and leave way later than you. we have to prepare for the equipments needed, planning for the events, brainstorming hard for that, preparing the rundown and schedule, make sure everything is fine and run smoothly according to plan, and then after the event finished and you guys can peacefully went home to get some rest, meanwhile we still have to stay at school to clean up the mess, put back the property we used to its place, held a meeting to discuss about what lack in today, what should we improve and prepare for tomorrow, and other stuffs. i didn't mean to rant at you guys, i just want to say that we all exhausted too here. So we did feel what you feel. Plus scolding you guys when you keep doing a mistake and violate the rule also drained our enegry more. *laugh* but i want to sincerely thanked each and every of you for keeping up with this event until the end. you guys are sweet juniors actually. *giggles* thank you for the effort and the hard work. and i also want to apologize to you, on behalf of me personally and also on behalf of my members as a whole committees for this student orientation. i know we treated you kind of hard and mean in these past 3 days, but believe me we were all just doing our 'task'. which is to guide you and teach you some lessons. Giving you some new experience. we wants to prepare your mental before you really get into the hard school life as a senior high-schooler through our games, our event, even our act toward you. so i hope you guys can forgive us and hopefully no hard feeling involve. and in the future, if we walk pass through each other, let's greet each other warmly with a smile. don't be a stranger okay? your senior here is not as scary as what you thought. we're normally not like this. trust me. we're not." Hyoyeon's serious face in trying to convince us is somehow funny, causing us to throw a laughing fit. She too laugh along with us. what a warm comfortable ambience.

"and if in the future, you have any problem or question, say related with school stuff or simply just a teenager problem, don't be hesitate to come to us, i mean not literally the 12 of us all at once, that's just too many and too troublesome, don't ya think?" another remark from her that making us laugh.

"my point is, let's be friends, kay?" She said with a smile.

"ne unnie/noona!" we answered energetically.

"And actually i have this silly idea in my head. i just curious, even my members here don't have any idea about this sudden vote i'm going to make." She smirks.

"eh? what vote?" the other seniors asked their leader, while the leader just keep smirking naughtily at them.

"dongsaeng-ah, i'm gonna ask few questions and you have to answer quickly kay? staa....rt! who is the prettiest senior among us?"

"Hyoyeon unnie/noona!" some shouts.

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Can't believe that you guys actually like the way i ended this story. haha thank you for the support and your understanding :)


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NekoLS #1
Chapter 27: Wow dude the ending surely mind-blowing
maemae08 #2
maemae08 #3
Chapter 26: How ironic the wedding is October and I'm reading it now September 5 lol
Mihyun101 #4
Chapter 8: Wahh
Mihyun101 #5
Chapter 2: ! I used to have so many girl crushes but then i met kim taeyeon. Lol i never had a crush on someone after i met the goddess king taeyeon
Oh!! Hola querida, nuevamente comento en español jejeje.
Creo que me voy a suscribir a esta historia, al parecer tenemos mucho en común, al menos puedo admitir que en definitiva me gusta Kim TaeYeon.
Chapter 27: this is the most heartbreaking taeny story :((
Chapter 13: Omg Yes and No is definitely one of my favorite movies and I love the ending of this chapter, not to mention how cute the actress who plays Kim is~
Chapter 12: Chomi! Great story so far :)
TaeNy fighting!!
dragonic_smith #10
Chapter 27: i just want sequel from this story