A Message

Long Distance Love(Friends Forever #2)

It was already around 7pm, you were on your bed listening to music on the computer. Suddenly, your phone then started to ring.

You made a confused look, you picked up your phone and got a text message from Kwangmin:

Hey, what are you doing?

You started to smile as you read the message Kwangmin sent you then you reply:

Nothing, just listening to music on the computer.


Are you doing anything?


Nah, I'm bored right now. Since I'm just listening to music on the computer.


Then you should go get ready.

As you read the message, you made a confused face on what he mean. Then you started to ask:

What do you mean?

When you send the message, there was a knock on the door. You made a surprise look. You got up from your bed and walked to the door. When you open the door, you spotted Kwangmin.

"Kwangmin!" You said surprised.

"I told you to get ready." Kwangmin smiled.

"Wait...what are you doing here?" You asked curiously.

"We're going somewhere together." Kwangmin said.

"Where...?" You asked.

"It's a surprise. You're going to have to find out yourself." Kwangmin said.

"Aw...can't you please tell me." You whined.

Kwangmin smiled and nodded no.

"Don't worry, you're going to love it." Kwangmin said.

"Fine..." You smiled.

You closed the door on Kwangmin and you got ready. You changed your clothes, fix your hair and walked out of the door.

"Ok, I'm ready to go." You said.

Kwangmin smiled then as you guys both walk together, that was when he started to hold your hand. You looked up at him and you started to smile at him.

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I'm going to finally work on this stort along with the other. Sorry about the "haitus" news. I'm still updating some chapter though. Thanks for reading!


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min_jo #1
Chapter 1: ...who's on the blank??
Chapter 36: WaH !!!! i like the story I'm also crying now !!!
stephkwang #3
Chapter 36: i shoked so much because of the story i said to my self its great
Chapter 36: I read this story in one shot! it was great!!
Aw thank you so much for reading! :)
wow! I love <3 this story =) thanks for writing.
Aw...thanks for reading!
camerielai #9
I love it..thx for updating...