The Letter

Long Distance Love(Friends Forever #2)

You were so happy that you have gotten back together with Kwangmin. But, have to leave him again. Kwangmin walked you back home and you have gave him a hug, this lasted longer than usual. You didn't want to let him go. You lay your head on his shoulder which gave him a smile. You finally let go and he walked away. You were smiling, you couldn't stop. the same were heartbroken.

You walked inside your room and spotted your mom. "Hey mom." You said sadly.

"Hey, are you still upset that we're leaving Korea?" Your mom asked.

"Nae...but we have to. Besides, I actually did have fun in Korea." You said sadly.

Your mom smiled at you and then she put her left hand on your right shoulder. "No matter what, we'll go back to this place...someday. It's time to go. Besides, we'll be leaving...starting next week." Your mom said as she gave out a cheerful smile to you.

You then started to nod and walked to your bed. The first thing you did when you saw your bed was fall forward. You started to hold tight on the pillow and bury your face in it. Kwangmin-oppa! You thought. That was actually the first thing that just popped up in your head. Out of nowhere, when you grabbed the pillow you spotted something behind it. It gave you a curious look, you slowly put set your pillow down and then spotted a small pikachu.

You have the pink pikachu plush

Your reaction was an "aw...". You then started to pick up the pikachu and there was a zipper behind it. You slowly opened it and there was a piece of paper. It actually made your curious at first since you spotted a small piece of paper. You got the paper out and you unfold it. You scanned through the letter and you were surprised. A letter from all your friends...each one of them wrote out something for you. You started to smile and you started to read the letter:

Annyeonghaseyo ________! Your favorite "twin" is here. I'm so happy that you and Kwangmin got back together. But, I also heard you were leaving. :( Why did you have to leave me dongsaeng-ah! I'm going to miss you. I hope you can head back to Korea someday. I figure that I'm going to stay...besides, let just say I "fell in love" with someone. ;)


Dongsaenggie! Why did you have to go? I don't want you to leave. The whole reason why me and ________ came here was for you to be happy and cheered up. Tell Kwangmin I'm watching him. If he hurts your feelings again, then he will be killed. He's going to regret it! Anyways, I wish you can stay. I'm actually going to stay because, of something. :) It's been a while since you and Kwangmin got back together...let just say, what ________ said, I "fell in love" and I decided to stay with that person.


Dongsaeng, I'm going to miss you. When you arrive in Korea, I remember how I met you. You must have really surprised Kwangmin. Things has been going on between you 2 and I'm glad things are settled out. Ever since you guys got back together, I was actually happy that Kwangmin was back to his normal, jumpy, and hyper self again. Too bad you can't stay. :/ I wish you can. ________ is staying. She realize that she doesn't want to leave me. I hope we can meet again...someday. Have she told you?


You are so adorable~! That is all I'm going to say. XD I'm going to miss you. I would never forget about you. Why do you have to leave already?! :'( Now I'm going to cry... No! Please don't go! :( I hope we can meet again someday. Just like what ________ told me. :) Congratulations on you and Kwangmin. :D


Even though I only met you one time. I hope to get to know you more. Ever since what was going on with you and Kwangmin. I'm glad everything is solve between you 2. I wish you haven't leave. You were actually a good friend, and you make Kwangmin happy. :)


The first time I met you, you thought I was quiet. I can actually tell. But that's ok. We haven't talk that much. But, I know you were perfect Kwangmin. Both you and Kwangmin are perfect for each other and you guys should stay together no matter what. I hope we can see each other someday. Because...I will miss you. You're a good friend no matter what.


________~! It's us! U-KISS! We will miss you! No matter what! You had to leave?! You should not go! Because, then we will be sad. :( We hope we can talk to you. Saranghaeyo out favorite dongsaeng!

~Members of U-KISS

Hey, I'm going to miss you. I remember how I first met you. You were sad and heartbroken. I wanted to cheer you up. I'm actually glad you're happy again. I would never forget about you. I hope you can comeback to Korea someday. Because, then I will be happy. :) I'm going to miss you. I'm going to miss your bubbly personality and your smile. Just like what the other members said, they love. I love you more! *Don't tell anyone* :P


I know this is long, but this is how special you are. I know we haven't talk ever since you arrived to Korea. I'm sorry about that. :( I always liked you, every single were always in my heart. I never stopped thinking about you. I can't believe I'm saying this but, I love always. You were always the one for me. I'm sorry I hurted you...I didn't mean to. I would never forget about you once you leave. I can't believe this is the last time I get to hold on to you..and then I will be alone. You will be heading back which makes me feel said. I can't believe this is it. Everyone helped you out...and I didn't. Which made me feel bad. I will never forget about you...because, I love you no matter what.


You keep reading the note that Kwangmin said to you, that it started to make you cry. Your eyes become watery and your cheeks were red. Right away, you started to cry and hugged the pikachu tightly. Kwangminnie, I love you too... You thought sadly...

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I'm going to finally work on this stort along with the other. Sorry about the "haitus" news. I'm still updating some chapter though. Thanks for reading!


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min_jo #1
Chapter 1: ...who's on the blank??
Chapter 36: WaH !!!! i like the story I'm also crying now !!!
stephkwang #3
Chapter 36: i shoked so much because of the story i said to my self its great
Chapter 36: I read this story in one shot! it was great!!
Aw thank you so much for reading! :)
wow! I love <3 this story =) thanks for writing.
Aw...thanks for reading!
camerielai #9
I love it..thx for updating...