A Surprise Visit For Kwangmin

Long Distance Love(Friends Forever #2)

"Kwangmin!" You called out.

Kwangmin turned around and he spotted you smiling at him.

Kwangmin got up and he started to hug you tightly.

"I can't believe it's really you." Kwangmin smiled.

"I really miss you Kwangmin." You said as you hug him.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were coming over?!" Kwangmin asked.

"I wanted it to be a surprise that's why." You teased.

"_______...." Kwangmin sighed.

You then started to laugh.

"It's great to see you guys again." Kwangmin's mom smiled.

"It's so great to see you as well." Your mom said.

"______ you really have change now." Kwangmin's mom said surprised.

"Aw...thank you." You smiled.

"So this is _______ then." Youngmin said.

"It's nice to meet you Youngmin." You smiled.

"But, you guys don't really look alike. I can actually tell the difference between you guys." You said curiously.

"That was before Youngmin dye his hair blond." Kwangmin said.

"Yup!" Youngmin smiled.

"Well, at least I can tell the difference. And I notice you change your hair as well." You said surprised.

"I had to do it for a music video." Kwangmin said.

"You became famous?" You asked.

"Of course! We're in a band now." Youngmin said.

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I'm going to finally work on this stort along with the other. Sorry about the "haitus" news. I'm still updating some chapter though. Thanks for reading!


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min_jo #1
Chapter 1: ...who's on the blank??
Chapter 36: WaH !!!! i like the story I'm also crying now !!!
stephkwang #3
Chapter 36: i shoked so much because of the story i said to my self its great
Chapter 36: I read this story in one shot! it was great!!
Aw thank you so much for reading! :)
wow! I love <3 this story =) thanks for writing.
Aw...thanks for reading!
camerielai #9
I love it..thx for updating...