An Argument With Kwangmin

Long Distance Love(Friends Forever #2)

You and your friends were still walking around Korea and it was already 1pm. 

"It's already 1pm. We should be heading back." ________ suggested.

"Ok!" You nodded.

While you were walking, you bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry! Mian haeyo!" You said nervously.

As you looked up, you made a surprise look and spotted Kwangmin.

"Kwangmin..." You said nervously.

Kwangmin stood quiet and you notice that he's with another girl.

"Who's this?" You asked nervously.

"Oh...her? She's just a friend." Kwangmin said.

From behind, your friends just stand wondering what's going on.

"Kwangmin..." _______ said.

"So...that's the reason why you broke up with me?" You asked sadly.

"It's not like that." Kwangmin said.

"Liar..." You said.

You looked up at him and then your eyes started to get watery.

"You liar! Geojismal! Geojismal! Geojismal!" You shouted out.

"Don't even think about calling me a liar!" Kwangmin shouted angrily.

"You're the one that left me behind, so I can call you whatever name you want! You pabo!" You shouted out again.

"Guys, please stop fighting..." ________ suggested sadly.

"You should tell it to Kwangmin! Since he's the one that started it!" You shouted.

"Why are you even blaming it on me?!" Kwangmin shouted.

"Because you're the one that broke up with me and just left me behind just like that!" You shouted.

Kwangmin made a surprise look and then you started crying.

"What's going on here?" A person asked behind.

You looked behind you and spotted Kevin making a worried look at you.

"Kevin..." You said surprised.

Kevin comforted you and then started to look up at Kwangmin.

"I think it's better for you to leave." Kevin suggested.

Kwangmin made a sad look and then he just walked away with another girl. You watched them walked away and then you made a sad look. Your eyes started to get watery more and tears started falling down your cheek.

"Gwenchana?" Kevin asked.

"Aniyo..." You said sadly.

You then started to hug Kevin tightly and Kevin then made a worried look.

"It's ok..." Kevin said.

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I'm going to finally work on this stort along with the other. Sorry about the "haitus" news. I'm still updating some chapter though. Thanks for reading!


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min_jo #1
Chapter 1: ...who's on the blank??
Chapter 36: WaH !!!! i like the story I'm also crying now !!!
stephkwang #3
Chapter 36: i shoked so much because of the story i said to my self its great
Chapter 36: I read this story in one shot! it was great!!
Aw thank you so much for reading! :)
wow! I love <3 this story =) thanks for writing.
Aw...thanks for reading!
camerielai #9
I love it..thx for updating...