Thank You...

Long Distance Love(Friends Forever #2)

It's offical, you and Kwangmin are now offically back together. After you have figure out the truth on why he broke up with you, who could have know that he loved you this whole time. Both of you guys spended time together like a normal couple for the whole day. You actually miss this feeling with Kwangmin.

Kwangmin walked you home and you gave him a hug one last time. Kwangmin walked away and you watched him walk away. You couldn't stop smiling. You were so happy right now that you could just dream about Kwangmin all day. Kevin spotted you smiling and blushing really red and he figure out right away. "What's going on with you?" Kevin asked.

You looked at Kevin and said, "Guess what?"

"Mwo?" Kevin asked. "Is it about Kwangmin?"

"How did you know?!" You asked surprised.

"I see you guys got back together." Kevin said.

"Nae, I'm so happy. Now I know why he broke up with me. Who could have known he loved me this whole time." You said happily.

Kevin smiled and said, "I'm happy that you're not crying anymore."

"Thanks for supporting me all this time Kevin. I appreciate it." You smiled.

"Araso, I guess Kwangmin is your true love. I can tell from your face. You're in loved with him." Kevin smiled.

You nodded and said, "Nae...he's actually my first love. So...that's why I loved him so much."

Kevin smiled and you walked in your room. I'm so happy for her. Nice job Kwangmin. Kevin thought.

The next day came, you woke up and you head to the your training. When you open the door, you spotted U-KISS running up to you and hugging you tightly. You smiled and then you said, "Mwoyoe?"

"Kevin told us the news." Soohyun smiled.

You looked at Kevin and he smiled at you. "Is it true?" Hoon asked.

You smiled and said, "Nae..."

"We're so happy for you." Dongho said as he hugged you tightly.

"Oppa! I can't breath!" You pouted.

Kevin pushed Dongho away and started to hug you. "Yah! Leave my dongsaeng alone. She's mine." Kevin said as he looked at Dongho.

"...Get your hands off my girl." A familiar voice said.

You turned around and spotted Kwangmin smiling and walking up to you. You smiled and said, "Kwangminnie~!"

You ran up to Kwangmin and start to hug him tightly. "Araso, she's yours." Kevin teased.

"What are you doing here?" Eli asked.

"I just came here to thank Kevin." Kwangmin said.

"About...?" Kevin asked.

"For taking care of ________." Kwangmin smiled.

Kevin was surprised and he smiled at him, "If you ever hurt her again. I'm going to attack you in yout sleep."

"Araso..." Kwangmin smiled.

You smiled at both Kwangmin and Kevin and then you thought, I'm so happy that their friends. Also, I'm so glad all this drama is cleared up. I'm happy because the only person I think about and is only on my Kwangmin...

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I'm going to finally work on this stort along with the other. Sorry about the "haitus" news. I'm still updating some chapter though. Thanks for reading!


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min_jo #1
Chapter 1: ...who's on the blank??
Chapter 36: WaH !!!! i like the story I'm also crying now !!!
stephkwang #3
Chapter 36: i shoked so much because of the story i said to my self its great
Chapter 36: I read this story in one shot! it was great!!
Aw thank you so much for reading! :)
wow! I love <3 this story =) thanks for writing.
Aw...thanks for reading!
camerielai #9
I love it..thx for updating...