Second Life of..

Wolf's Game [Frost Moon Cycle #1]

We sat by the crackling fire as we held a hot coffee in our hands. Sojin couldn't keep her smile after she met me at the door. I gave her a smile and she smiled even wider. 'So how's it going? Are you getting used to it?' I tightened my lips and gulped, well I can't really tell her what happened right? 'It's alright, you can tell me honey.' I turned to her and closed my eyes.

'I rejected him.' I felt so ashamed as I said my problem. I took a peek at Sojin when she didn't reply me. She frowned and replied 'What is bothering you honey? Is it the past?' 'No, it's kind of that but it's not really that. I don't think I can accept him. All I ever think of him was as my best friend not my mate.' I bit my lips and dip my head even lower when Sojin held my hands in her warm ones.

'Yura, you're all grown up now. What has been made have been made and you can't change anything. There's no other choice than to accept fate.' I squeezed her hand and feel the overwhelming tears start to fill my eyes again. 'Sojin..I keep thinking about him every night..I can't stop myself.. there's too much..' 'What is it honey?' I paused and meet Sojin's concerned eyes staring at my blurry ones.

'N, Leo..and..' Sojin perked her eyebrow and whispered the last one 'Him..' Sojin gasped with her eyes wide open and came to my side 'You're still thinking about that? Oh my god, what did that monster do to you?' I started to weep on her shoulder until I feel her body tensed. 'Come in.' She said in a stern voice making me notice the familiar scent.

The door creaked and in come the scent I can't be any familiar with, 'Greetings Luna.' I gasped when I see Leo walk in with a different vibe radiating off him. I can't say what it is, but there is a big change in his aura. 'Alpha Leo, I guess you haven't had any news about N.' Sojin said seriously as Leo came to stand beside her. 'Yes, but I have obtained news that he is establishing a new pack.' 'Oh, really?' Sojin frowned and took a glance at Leo.

'What did the alpha say?' 'He said N broke the Wolf Laws which makes him nothing more than a rogue now so..' Leo took a glimpse at me and continued 'We have to kill him at any cost.' I gasped and stood up 'Why do you have to do that? He didn't do anything wrong! He just left.' I held Leo's hand and he frowned at me 'He will post a threat on us if we don't take him down. There has been news about a new pack of werewolves taking down small clans within a week and we believe that it is his doings.' 'I'm sure he won't hurt any of us' 'Yura, you have no idea what he is capable of, he..'

'That's enough!' In Guk came in with Hongbin beside him, 'The decision's been made. The White Pack and the Moon Pack will hunt down the traitors and kill them on the spot they are captured. Those who aide them will be considered their ally and will be killed as well.' I frowned as I bit my lip to hold in my tears. How could he do this? N is his brother and they've been together like forever. How could he?! I turned around and ran out of the house, Hongbin tried to grab my hand but In Guk stopped him. I'm never going to let that happen. 


I ran to our meeting place with tears flowing down my cheeks. I yelled into the woods as I turned around 'COME OUT HAKYEON! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME!! COME BACK!! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU GET HURT!! ..' I collapse to the ground with tears all over my face. I put my hand to my chest when breathing became a lot harder. 'You're such a dummy.' I lifted my gaze and met the pair of golden eyes I've been missing everyday.

'Hakyeon-ah! Where have you been? Why do you make me worry so much! You have to stop whatever you're doing and come back to me..please!' I stared at him desperately while he gave me a soft smile. 'Don't worry Yura, I'll be fine.' I continued to stare at him as he gave me a bright smile. 'Oh, I took really good care of Yu-ie too! She's the sweetest thing ever!' He smiled brightly as he held my hands tightly. I frown at him and his smile drop into a smaller one. 'So how have you been?' I turned away and replied 'Fine.' His grip tightened as I continued to stare at the space behind him. 

'Why are you doing this Hakyeon? It's not too late to came back. Please..' I hugged him with my trembling hands as he stood there without a single emotion. My heart shattered at the situation as I weeped onto his shoulder. My body tensed when I heard a growl behind me. I turned around and glare at the white and silver wolf before us. Their eyes glaring at the figure behind me as they came closer and closer. 'No, please don't do this.' 

N kiss the back of my head and slide his hands around my waist. 'Please move Yura, do this for me.' I held his hands tightly and took a deep breath 'Not over my dead body.' Then, the silver wolf leapt into the air heading straight towards our direction. Things happened so quickly as I opened my arms to protect the person behind me. I glared into his eyes as he kept his gaze on N. The sound of cracking bones rang in my ears as I blocked Hongbin's jaw from going past me. His eyes were pure with terror when blood flow down the corners of his jaw.

'Yura!' N held me in his arms as I gritted my teeth to hold in the pain. Hongbin returned to his human form and reached his hands towards me. I grunted when the bones grinded against each other on my shoulder causing more blood to pour out of the wound. 'Yura-ah..' My heart ached when I see tears roll down Hongbin's eyes as he held my cold hand in his warm ones. 

'My, my..what a scene.' I turned my gaze towards the top of the pine tree and see the hazel eyes staring at us with a wide Cheshire smile. 'What a pain, I feel bad for the girl.' Ken came down the tree with one lilt jump and came towards us. I struggled to keep my eyes open as the blood continued to drain out of me. The time I blinked my eyes, I was in another person's arms. 'Look at how miserable you are babe..well, better bid them farewell.' I heard a loud snarl and see my surroundings become a blur of green.

As I blinked my eyes for the third time, I feel my body falling down in thin air. I turned my weak gaze towards Ken's excited ones and questioned 'Are we falling?' He took a glimpse at me and grinned 'Well, yes we are and welcome to my world.' I creased my forehead and out into the world of darkness.

To Be Continued...


Hi guys, I hope you have liked the story and I really do appreciate the support you have given me throughout the whole story. (Really thank you!!!!)>♢< I'll be writing a sequel for the story and I hope you guys can read it as well. I promise to make it WAY better than the first and thanks again for reading and subscribing to my fanfic although it is not as good and exciting as others >///< THANKXXX★★★

Here's the link to it↓↓↓

Thanks for everything and I wish you guys have a glorious day!!!♥♥☆XOXO


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luveun #1
Chapter 30: I read all 30 chapters in one go! Love it! Thanks for writing this story and writing a sequel! Very excited to read the sequel!
Kitty16 #2
Chapter 18: Soo good!!!!!
eelie-h #3
I like the story, looking forward for the next update!