
Wolf's Game [Frost Moon Cycle #1]

I opened my blurry eyes and frowned. 'Oh! She's awake! She's awake! Momma! She's awake!' I heard Jenny shouting out loud towards the door and cup my face with her hands 'Yura, you're finally awake!' I forced my eyes open and put on a forced smile 'Hey, was I asleep for a very long time?' She put her index finger to her chin and thought for awhile '3 days?' 'WHAT?!' I sat up immediately but only to end up with a painful headache which pulled me down again. 'Sorry.' I apologized to Jenny that was covering her ears and sulking at me, I patted her head and heard the door open. 'How are you feeling?' Sojin walked in and asked me this question with a warm smile on her face. 'Fine, but just a little shock to know that I slept for 3 days straight.' I put my palm on my forehead and slide it down to my eyes. Sojin smiled at Jenny to signal her to leave the room for a sec and Jenny obediently left the room after she gave me a hug. I smiled at her and she walked out of the room, I looked at Sojin and she turned to a serious face that made the hair behind my neck stand immediately. "This is not good~" I thought.

'Is something wrong?' I gulped and asked softly, Sojin walked to me and sat by my side on the bed. She placed her hand on my stomach and slide it down making me take a deep gasp. I stared at her and she lower her lips to my ear and whispered 'Guess're pregnant.' My heart skipped a beat and I stared at her hysterically, she gave me a confirmation nod and frowned. "Oh no, this is big and bad. I've even made Sojin mad,!" I took  another gulp and Sojin glared at me with her glowing eyes 'Now you better tell me what you did and what did I thought you all these years.' Tears started to form in my eyes and I started talking in a shaky voice 'I…It was.. involuntary.. I…m s…sorry.' The tears finally fall down through the corners of my eyes, Sojin looked at me and sighed. 'I'm so sorry Yura.. But the problem is…what do you want to do with it now?' I stared at her blankly and thought, what now? After a few seconds, I made up my decision 'I'm going to keep it.' Sojin looked at me with a troubled look and sighed. She looked around for a while and bit her lip 'Its your choice and I'm going to respect it but your brother's going to give me a handful.' She chuckled and got up of the bed. I stared at her with a sad look and she replied back with a bright smile 'There's food in the refrigerator, you can heat it in the microwave anytime you want it ok?.' I smiled at her and she continued 'Well.. I'm going to bed now. Call me anytime if you need anything ok.' She winked at me and i let out a soft laugh.

After the door closed, I let out a deep sigh.I put my hands to my belly and it softly. While I'm still in the midst of my thoughts, the window sill was pushed up softly and carefully. I diverted my gaze to the window sill and a familliar scent swaped into my nose, I stared at the black shadow that slipped in through the window smoothly and instantly. Without even turning my eyes to look at who it is, I said with a soft voice to not let anyone notice this unwanted intruder,'What do you want Ken...' and the beautiful hazel eyes glittered in the dark shadows. He came out from the shadows with a wide and mysterious smile on his face, 'Nothing to tell me? Babe?' I let out a sigh and stared to the ceiling 'Get out of here.' I heared him chuckle and the deep mischievous chuckle came nearer and nearer to my bed.

My bed creaked when he climbed up with his hands and knees and soon he was half way on top of me. I looked down and he was smacking his lips while looking at me, I glared at him sending the social ranks rules to him by eye signals. Stupidly, he ignored me. He slide his hands under my thin sleeping gown and wandered his hand from my thigh to my belly. I got up immediately when my maternal instinct kicked in and his hand slide out when I got up. He stared at me and I stared at him more fiercely than ever, he positioned himself and sat on his knees, he smiled and said 'Don't be like that, I won't do anything just a touch of him won't hurt right?' I cursed at him and eased up a bit 'By the way, why on earth would you want your 's child grow in you?' Ken said mockingly pointing his finger onto my belly, 'He's not a !' I said pouncing myself onto the bed in front of me and glaring at him, he blocked me with his hands on mid air nonchalantly and said with a smirk 'Then what is he?' I was caught up by his words and I slumped back to my place. I put my right hand onto my belly and clutched my hand a little while looking at the other side of the bed, what am I saying? What is he to me anyway after forcing me to do those horrible things?

Ken crawled towards me and lifted my chin, he whispered a soft sentence in my ear that made me stunned 'You know what? It's not worth it babe..' Suddenly, he sinked his teeth onto my neck and excruciating pain knocked me, I felt the pain of my flesh being punctured and my blood being flushed out of me. His warm tongue that was warmed by my blood was tickling my skin and I felt warm thick liquids flow down my neck slowly and smoothly that leaked out of his lips. I yelped when he bit down harder and I couldn't take it anymore and pushed him away but I can only move him for a centimeter. I was draining out of energy. '' I pleaded him to stop but he wrapped his arms around me and sunked deeper into me. After a couple of minutes, he laid my lifeless body on the bed and hovered over me. He the blood that has leaked onto my body and took off my gown. He went to my closet to get another one and put it on for me. After cleaning all the mess, he my wound one last time and stared into my scarcely opened eyes. I was gasping and when he smirked and smacked his lips looking at me he said something but my eyes blurred and everything turned black. 

On the next morning, when I woke up dizzily still totally aware of the things I went through yesterday, I walked towards my mirror and lifted my hair off my neck. I gasped when not a single scar was left on my neck. How could this be? Was I dreaming? No, I felt it, it was real..but how? I heard my stomach grumbled and I whispered to myself with my hands rubbing on my belly. 'Be patient little one, I'm going to fill your stomach now.' I smiled and walked out of the room. Werewolves like us grow faster than normal human beings, so other than getting pregnant for eight months, four months and the baby will be delivered. I took a deep breath and walked down the stairs, when I stepped into the dining room, In Guk was already there. He took a glance at me with worried and sleepless eyes and let out a deep sigh, he said 'I'm sorry Yura… It's all my fault for putting you through all these, I'm so useless. I can't even protect you… I'm so sorry Yura.' He walked towards me and gave me a tight hug. I wrapped my arms around him and said 'It's not your fault, it's all my own mistake.. I never listened to you and thought that you are just naggy. It's none of your fault. I'm sorry.' I gave him a smile and he smiled back.

After that, I took a glance at the bowl of salad and looked around at the beautiful plates of steaks. Sojin looked at me and smiled 'Healthy food for four months is not too much… eat up!' I gave her a forced smile and took up my fork, I punched the fork in the vegetables and chucked it in my mouth. I munched and crunched until the bowl is finally empty, I let out a long sigh and looked towards the living room. The TV was on and Jenny and Jamie were playing with their toys giggling and laughing leaving the TV on and not watched so I got up and head towards the TV and switched it off with the remote control, after a sigh, I walked towards the door. By the second I pulled the doorknob, the door was pushed open by someone. I cocked my head and met with Hongbin's eyes, he stared at me with his big round eyes and I stared at him with a frown.

I looked into the silver eyes that glowed under the bright sunlight, with a smile I say 'What's up?' I saw him frown a little but recovered after a split second 'Well, just checking my princess up. So, how are you feeling after those craze?' I shrugged at him and said 'Fine, I've even got someone to protect of after all that.' He nodded with a serious face and said 'Yup, heard of that. Are you going to keep it?' I chuckled and replied 'Well, he's part of me now. I can't help it.' He frowned and grabbed my arms with a slightly raised voice he said 'Why? You wouldn't need it, it's just all a mistake Yura. Get rid of it!' I stared at him with a strange gaze, my heart felt like it was burning. I pushed his hands away and said 'It's my choice Hongbin, I can't just get rid of it. So, please..Binnie..' I turned away and started walking towards the pine trees, I heard him yell my name behind of me but I just walked on. I reached the small stream and sat on the big rock I used to sit on. Is it so wrong to keep him? I fiddled with a dried leaf and crunched it in my palm. No matter what, he's not going to leave me. I'm going to do my best to protect him from today onwards!

I stared into the clear stream thinking about everything that was a worry to me. Suddenly, I saw an apparition in the water. I peered at it closely and the apparition started to come clearer and clearer, I gasped when I saw the face that marked me, then a voice whispered into my ear. 'Thank you for being such a good girl..Yura.' I turned to my side but nothing was there, I looked towards the stream and it was gone. 'What're you looking at, Yura?' I heard a voice behind me and I turned to look at it. I saw N half with his black jeans on. I stared at him blankly thinking for an excuse to shake it off and said 'Nah, its nothing. Just, a fly.' I smiled at him and he walked towards me with a suspicious expression. He kneeled down beside me 'Really?' He stared at me and came closer and closer. I turned my gaze away from his avoiding his eye contact, he put his hands onto the rock and cocked his head slightly trying to look into my eyes. I felt uncomfortable with his face just inches away from mine, so I pleaded him 'What are you doing? Get away from me, please...' I heard him chuckled and moved away from me 'Seems like Yura learned how to lie. What a bad, bad girl.' I glared at him and smacked him. He yapped and we fell back into deep silence.


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luveun #1
Chapter 30: I read all 30 chapters in one go! Love it! Thanks for writing this story and writing a sequel! Very excited to read the sequel!
Kitty16 #2
Chapter 18: Soo good!!!!!
eelie-h #3
I like the story, looking forward for the next update!