
Wolf's Game [Frost Moon Cycle #1]


First of all, thanks for reading my story and I hoped that you enjoyed it but I wish you guys could leave a comment about the story and tell me if I'm doing it right or I'm doing it totally wrong. Because I'm really confused about whether I'm making a terrible mistake or not. I will really really appreciate it if you could leave your comment and tell me what do you think about the story so that I can brush up at some points to make it more better. Thanks again for reading and subscribing to my story. I LOVE YOU GUYSS!!!!! >///<

I ran through the forest, my silky red coat flaring across the dark with my heart thumping so hard against my rib cage it was about to explode. My ears flickered forward, absorbing the sounds of snarls and yelps at the edge of the territory. Concentrating, I tried to catch any of the sounds that I recognized in the midst of this chaos. As I was speeding through the night, another set of heavy thumps ran by my side. I took a glimpse at the brown wolf by the corner of my eyes and saw him wink at me with a you're-so-in-trouble look, making me feel like a kindergartener that commited a crime of not bringing my homework to school. I rolled my eyes and focused at the fight when we started to near the border line.

Knowing that exposing myself and surrending to them is the stupidest thing to do, I still wanted to go on with it because I don't want to risk anyone's safety for my stupidity and carelessness; especially N and Leo's safety. It's not like I don't believe they can protect themselves but this time, I'm going to take responsibility. 



'Ken, please..let me go. Kay? I can handle this without involving them, you have to trust me!' I pleaded him while he still held me securely on the bed. His eyes mocking me and his smirk grew into a wider smile 'No. You are such a stubborn, reckless, short-sighted and..' he thought for a while and said 'Ignorant girl. What makes you think you can settle this without getting me skinned alive and thrown to feed the wolves after I let you into the lion's den? Sides, I can't bear to watch you get touched again by low lifes either. It hurts me, you know?' He sighed and grinned at me. I groaned and started pleading again 'I can do this only if you help me. Don't you want to join the fight also?' He stared at me in curiousity as I said my plan 'Hmmmnn..' 



We reached the battle ground when the fight was already ongoing for quite some time. The metallic scent of blood was heavy in the air as I let a howl rip through my throat and gain everyone's attention. Everything paused, all of their attention was diverted to me now. I heard a snarl a few feet from my side and recognized it as Leo's. As I turned to face him, his eyes were fuming with rage when they flickered from me to Ken. I caught a large gash on his shoulder still dripping with blood, tainting his beautiful white coat to a dark red making me gasp at the awful sight. In a split second, he jumped through the air heading straight for the brown wolf's throat. I stepped in, just in time to stop him from getting to Ken's throat. He snarled at me fiercely, his muzzle pulled back over his teeth sending the Alpha dominance that everyone feared except me. 

I snarled back, crouching into a defensive posture as I challenged him head on. I heard another growl from Ken making Leo snap at him and crouch. His hackles rising to the ends. I can tell he was totally furious to the point where he can rip everyone's throat off in a second. I heard a low rumble further away from us and turned my gaze to see the saddle wolf staring at me with thruimphant eyes. He took a step towards our direction and a black wolf jumped in front of him, blocking his view from me and growled menacingly at him. Then, the whole lot of wolves were tense again. Growling and snarling at each other with full alert.

I turned back to Leo and saw him still pinning his glare on Ken, his snarl never breaking until I snapped at him to cut him out of his rage. He turned his glare to me and snapped back, rage fuming from his snarl. I ignored him and turned to the direction of the saddle wolf, I felt his rage immediately turn to shock as I trotted quickly to the enemy's side; not giving him a chance to  stop me from betraying him. I stood in front of the Blood Rose alpha and beside of N, I felt the black wolf's eyes stared at me in pure horror when I folded my knees and pressed my ears flat to my skull, submitting before the alpha. N whined but I kept my gaze to the ground, waiting for the acceptance from the alpha. He lifted his paw and before he could take a step forward, N snarled the most menacing snarl I've ever heard. It made me wonder if it was truly him that let out that snarl.

To show the alpha my commitment, I turned and snapped at him. My muzzle pulled over my razor teeths, snarling at him with pure rage. In a split second, sadness filled his eyes as he stared into mine; pleading me to stop this nonsense. My heart ached so badly I was almost losing it, if I was human, tears will start flowing down like a waterfall, never ending. I heard a low rumble and the alpha came between us, blocking our sights and nudge my side. I followed by the alpha's side and clenched my teeth tightly together as a heart wrenching and agonizing howl break through the dark sky. I can't let them clean up my mess anymore.


Blood Rose Pack

'Hmmmnn..what should I do with you?' He stared at me, his eyes filled with curiosity and lust. I gritted my teeth and continued to glare at him as he stared at me expecting me to give him a response. He chuckled and continued 'I love that, keep that attitude going. Well, you must be hungry sweetheart. I've had my wolves prepare dinner, you could have it first then! We will talk about your fate later. How's that?' He lifted my chin and forced me to look at him, his ivy green eyes staring into mine excitedly. I turned away and he let out a satisfied laugh 'Yoona! Get her to my room and send the food there. I don't want to let her starve, we have a long night ahead of us.' He turned around and said to the beautiful girl that stood by his side the whole time I was brought here to his office. 'Yes.' She replied with a monotone and nod her head, she turned towards me and glowered at me with a loathfull expression before holding out her hand to let me walk ahead first.

I walked through a long hallway in a modern house, pale and clean but with lots and lots of hallways. I groaned in annoyment when I finally reached the end of the hallway where a big oak wood door stood in the walls like a barrier. The girl named Yoona walked past me and turned the carved silver door knob, pushing the giant door inwards. Immediately, the scent of roses intoxicated my surroundings making me cringe at the smell. She stepped aside and tilted her head towards the room, instructing me to go inside. I glared at her and she ground her teeth so hard I could hear them frictioning against each other as I entered the room. I held in my smile as I got on her nerves.

After leaving me alone in the oversized and too luxrious room. I walked forward, observing the pricey decorations and the big king sized bed at the middle of the whole space. A silky see through veil tied up by the sides of the clean white mattress. I shuddered as I felt the cold breeze touched my face, didn't he close the windows? I turned around and saw 2! 2 air conditioners placed by the sides of the tall walls, concentrating all the cold air to the center of the room. He's insane. I turned to my side and saw a pile of neatly folded clothes at the end of the bed, I hesitated for a while and dropped my towel. 

I stared at the long sleeves of the button up shirt dangle over my hands and let out a deep sigh. Then, the door clicked and was pushed open. I frowned at the visitor and recognized it as Yoona, behind her were two other females who were as beautiful as her. Each of them holding a steel tray topped with plates, cups and bowls walking towards me. I glared at their mocking gazes, inspecting me from head to toe making me roll my eyes at them in annoyment. They rested the trays filled with fancy food on the bed beside me, the blonde girl among the trio said 'Enjoy and behave.' She gave me a smirk and flipped her curly blonde hair over her shoulder, excessive perfume burned my nose immediately. They gave me one last dirty look and walked out of the room.

I groaned and heard a screeching sound on the window making goosebumps stand on my arms. I turned to the window and growl 'Ken, stop that.' He poke his head into view and grinned at me. Without much effort, he pushed the frame up and jumped in, totally silent in the whole process. 'How's my beloved mate?' He cooed in my ear making me cringe and smack him in the head 'Don't call me that! You should wait outside, I guess he will be coming in any minute.' I whispered to him and frowned at the door 'Wow, he prepared quite a feast for you. I wonder why does he wants you when he got those hotties?' 'Why don't you eat it and go seduce those hotties? I don't need you here.' He wrapped his arms around my waist and whined 'Aww.. I don't need them, I have you babe.' I wriggled in his arms and we both tensed by the sound of heavier footsteps. 'He's here, I'll be just outside if anything goes out of hand.' He winked at me and dissapeared immediately.

The door was pushed open and I sat on the bed like nothing happened, glaring at him as he came in with a smile on his face. His eyes flickered to the untouched food and back to me as he walk towards me. 'You don't like it?' He stood in front of me and leaned down, his face just a few inches away from mine. He knelt down in front of me, both of his knees on the carpeted floor and continued to stare at me with his too gentle gaze for a stranger. 'Look away.' He cocked an eyebrow when I continued to glare at him 'Not bad.' He clapped his hands together and Yoona with her two assistants came in and took the trays of food away. They glared at me and I turned to give them a smirk making them fume through their heads as they walked out.

He chuckled and I turn back to him 'You sure are something. Tell me, who are you?' He put his hands by my sides and lifted himself to lean in again. 'My name is Yura. Sister of the Moon Pack's Alpha.' His eyes widened in astonishment and he laughed 'I can't believe it. For all of my life, I've never known you existed.' I frowned and flicked my eyes to the window, seeing a red and hazel spark glowing in the dark. I turned my gaze to him and he continued to stare at me. He scooped me up in his arms and laid me down on the giant bed, hovering over me as soon as my back touched the soft matress. 'I won't hurt you. I actually like you, your glare, your attitude and your stubborn nature. All what I'm looking for..' he tilted his head and pressed his lips on my cheek. I gasped and he jerk, 'Shh..I won't hurt you.' 

'Why are you doing this? Are you still not enough with everything you have?' He grazed his lips along my jaw and replied 'No, those are my compensation. You are my reward.' He pressed another kiss on my collarbone and continued to my nape. I shuddered and he continued to say between kisses and gasps 'I have a pretty bad mother was the Luna, my father was the alpha..' He slide his fingers into my hair and pulled me closer to him, his warm breaths hit my skin as he grazed his lips on my neck 'My father was also a womanizer, he was out all night leaving my mother alone in the room and abusing her everytime he came back. Mmmnnn...' his lips met mine but I avoided him by pulling away, urging him to continue his story 'Then?' 'Then one day, she got pregnant. No one cared for her, she was all alone as she faced all the difficulties of pregnancy.'

He kissed the skin under my ear and grazed his lips down to my neck, circling the circuit until he broke off to my throat. 'After 9 painful months, she finally gave birth to me. She refused to nurse me and left me on the crib to starve to death. The pack fed me with goat milk and took care of me until I was 5 years old. I was able to feed myself and take care of myself without the help of others now. But she came to me and promised to be a good mother again while I trusted her with all my heart, hugging and crying in her comforting arms. But I was wrong.'He chuckled and kissed my lips 'All day long she did nothing but hit me and lock me up in a room just like how my father had treated her, she wanted revenge and she was getting it by abusing me.'

'One day, she threw me to my father's mistresses. I was 8 then, quite helpless under the hands of so many women even though I was a boy. They had their hands on me, laughing and giggling as they got all over me. Humilliating and embarassing me to the point I didn't even want to live anymore. It was the most painful and unforgettable day of my life.' I gasp at his awful memories, the images of my night in the cave with 'him' flashed through my mind. His painful grasps and awful bites, the pain he constructed on me and his giggling voice of his joy  rang inside my ears. Tears started to form in my eyes as my body stiffened in the drowning memories. 'It was awful, I will never forget it. So, after I was powerful enough; I took them down. I hated all the woman that up to me, so I use them just like tools, using them and throwing them away. But you were different, you challenged me. Strong and powerful. I was mesmerized immediately.' 

I couldn't respond, tears flowed down my cheeks as I thought about the nightmares that haunt me until now. His hands came up to my shirt, ing the buttons quickly while his lips moved against mine urgently and intensely. My mind's not working anymore, I can't think straight neither can I stop him from hurting me either. My body started shaking when I felt his hands trailed down my sides, bringing up the memory of 'his' touch on my body. I was under a panic-attack, perspiration glistened my skin and my blue irises went blank with terror. I felt my body being lifted up, gently. So gentle I thought I was imagining things, I curled towards the warm chest. My breath shaky and my body trembling, I kept my teeths clenched to stop the chattering but I gave up when it was too tiring.

'Dang, it hurt to see you touch her. I should've acted on my own but she's my mistress, gotta follow orders. Well, I don't plan on following anymore. I'm going to rip your head offyour filthy body and burn your remains along with your luxurious pack. Generous aren't I?' after saying his tremendous kill plan, the voice in front of me chuckled. 'No..No! No! No! Don't.Touch.Him!' I stared at the hazel and crimson eyes with my shock ridden ones, yelling my protest with my shaky voice. He's suffered enough when he was young, he doesn't deserve this. It's not his fault. 'Geez~ My soft hearted mate.' Ken gave me a smirk and continued 'You'll never get to her again. Fare.well.' Then, I felt the wind sweeping past me and a blur of green flow past my blurry vision, I snuggled closer to the chest that cradled me closely and let out a shudder.

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luveun #1
Chapter 30: I read all 30 chapters in one go! Love it! Thanks for writing this story and writing a sequel! Very excited to read the sequel!
Kitty16 #2
Chapter 18: Soo good!!!!!
eelie-h #3
I like the story, looking forward for the next update!