
Wolf's Game [Frost Moon Cycle #1]

I steadied myself on the damp soil and took a deep breath. After all the nightmares, I'm finally back home. I tidied my clothes and yanked through my messy red curls, if In Gook sees me in this unpresentable state, he's going to break Ken's neck and destroy the Rose pack. 'I'm so dead. Thanks babe.' Ken started to walk towards the direction of the pack, his hands behind his head. 'I will explain to them, I won't let them hurt you ok?' 'That's funny.' He chuckled and continued to walk on.

I saw In Gook and a few other pack members standing in a circle in the middle of a disscussion. The members that formed the circle were Hongbin, Jungkook, Kyungsoo and.. N and Leo? I stopped in my tracks and stared at them, this is so...bad! Suddenly, a gust of wind blew from behind, bringing my hair along with it. My red curls flew in the hair like fuming flames as I struggled to push the lose strands away from my face. After the wind died down, the pack of wolves standing a yard from me turned towards my direction. Oh no, the wind must've brought my scent towards their direction. 

'Yura!' In Gook yelled my name and started to run towards my direction, Hongbin, Leo and the others following behind him. When they were merely a few feet away, an enormous gray wolf jumped through the air. It glared at me and I flinched instinctively under his glare, turning my gaze away and jumping out of its way. He pounced on Ken and within a second, Ken changed into his dark brown hazel-eyed wolf. They growled at each other, fangs bared threateningly in front of the other's. 'No! In Gook, don't do it! It's not his fault, it was MY plan!' In Gook turned his glare towards me and snarled, my hands started trembling involuntarily.

Ken laid helplessly under In Gook as he continued to growl at him, 'Please, please, PLEASE! Don't hurt him. It was my fault ok?' I turned my palms up and almost got on my knees when In Gook turned his growl into a snarl. 'Yura, he's broke his promise. He has to be punished, no matter what.' I heard Hongbin say beside me, his voice tensed with anger. 'But he didn't do anything wrong, I made him do it!' 'No, it's still the same. He still broke it.' Before I could respond, a loud snarl and a yelp struck from the wolves' direction. I snapped my head around and saw four wolves circling one brown wolf, waiting to pounce on him.

A sandy coloured wolf took the first step and pounced on the brown wolf, leading the others to attack. They stirred up dust and soil as they fought on the lush green opening, snarls and growls echoed in the silent surrounding. I gasped when I heard a yelp among the snarls, 'Stop It!' I yelled at them but the fight didn't even pause for a second. This is wrong, Ken is going to get hurt, I can't let that happen. I took a step towards the bunch of snapping wolves and felt my hand being held back, I yanked my hand back but the iron grip just wouldn't let go. 

I risked a glance to the back and saw Hongbin staring at me with his glittlering silver eyes. 'Let.go.' I growled at him and he growled back 'Not a chance.' I struggled under his hand and another yelp made me snap my head towards the fight. 'Ken! Let go of me!' I yanked my hand and he pulled me towards him, his hands wrapping around me, securing me in them. 'Yura, please..I beg you, just be good for a while. Please..' He tightened his arms making me totally motionless in them, 'No..don't do this please!' Tears rolled down my cheeks and flowed onto his chest, my body quivered under sobs and my legs gave out.

'Don't do this..don't do this..' I kept on mumbling to myself until the snarls stop, following after the silence was the sound of something being dragged away into the distance, it's over. The arms around me losened and I slumped into him, my tears still flowing like small streams. 'Yura, I missed you so much..' he duck his head towards my neck and pressed his warm lips onto my skin gently. He inhaled my scent and pulled me closer to him, his grip on my shoulders tightening. 'Get away from her!' I heard another sound and the arms around me dissapeared immediately, exposing me to the cold breeze before another pair of arms took me in and lifted me from the ground.'You're finally back, my baby sister.'


'Honey..Honey? Are you awake?' A soft bell-like voice rang in my ears. I winced and opened my eyes, Sojin stared at me with her puffy red eyes. 'Oh...I was so worried about you. Why did you do something so stupid?' She my face with her cold frail fingers and started to sob. 'Don't cry..' she noded her head and smiled at me, her cheeks flushing into a rosy red. Ken, Ken! 'Where's Ken?' 'What did you say?' 'I say where's Ken? Where is he?' I sat up on my elbows and stared at her troubled face, 'He will be fine, he's getting treated in the clinic. Don't worry sweetheart.' 'I have to see him.' I sat up but fell back down, my body felt like jelly. 'Stay still, honey. You're still very weak, I'm sure he's fine. Don't worry ok?' I sighed and can only pray that his vampire genes can help him in his recovery.

I feel so horrible for him, in the end, someone got hurt because of me again. 'Is In Gook mad at me?' I kept my eyes on my closet and whispered. Sojin held my hand in hers and continued 'Nah, he's more grateful that you're back than mad.' I let out a sigh and heard loud footsteps coming up the stairs. The oak wood stairs creaking with the heavy thumps, then, the door was pushed open slowly. In Gook stepped into the room and met my eyes, he frowned and came towards me. 'You're such a brat.' He sat on the chair beside me when Sojin got up and left the room. 'Yes, I am. So, why did you punish him?' He frowned at me and continued 'That's the law, Yura. He knows that too when he broke the rules.' 

'But' 'Shh! I don't want to hear anything about it anymore, just be good and rest ok?' He gave me a heartwarming smile and leaned in to kiss my forehead. He stared at me for a while and his lips tightened into a straight line 'Can you tell me what happened when you were there?' He held my hand and leaned in, his face serious and his eyebrows furrowing together concernedly. 'He..didn't really mistreated me, he just gave me food and told me his story. That's all.' I edited out the points where he 'told' me his story on his bed and all those unessacary things about the others.

He cocked an eyebrow and questioned 'Really?' His face filled with doubt as he analysed my lie 'Yes, that's all.' He let out a sigh and drifted his gaze towards the window 'Yura, I'm sick of getting you out of trouble and warning you from invading territories. Furthermore, the mating season is coming soon. Now, I want them to STOP permanently.' I scoffed and rolled my eyes 'So, we are going to find you a mate.' He turned his gaze towards me and stared at me, his blue eyes piercing mine. I can see it, it wasn't a statement, it wasn't a plead, it was an order.

No way, I'm not going to do this. 'No way.' I turned away and pouted, my forehead forming a few creases as my lower lip jutted out slightly.'It's already been decided, I've came here just to tell you about it. Now, you just need to get ready for the mating ceremony and it's done. No argues, period.' He stood up and after one last glance at me, he walked out of the room. No, my life is going to be taken away in a matter of weeks. But there's nothing I can do about it, I have been sentenced by the alpha and I have to comply. Again, it's over.

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luveun #1
Chapter 30: I read all 30 chapters in one go! Love it! Thanks for writing this story and writing a sequel! Very excited to read the sequel!
Kitty16 #2
Chapter 18: Soo good!!!!!
eelie-h #3
I like the story, looking forward for the next update!