
Wolf's Game [Frost Moon Cycle #1]


I stalked into the cabin and placed the sleeping girl onto the bed gently. I turned my head over my shoulder and took a glance at her mate, soundly asleep and not aware of my existence. I turned back to the girl and reached my fingers to her face, softly sweeping the hair away from her porcelain skin. My fingers felt a sharp tingle as I made contact with her skin, I bit my lips and held in the urge of doing anything stupid as I stared at the abnormally beautiful angel. I lowered my face, my hands trembling so hard i had to grip the sides of the bed to keep myself steady.  My lips were a few inches from hers when I heard a grunt behind me, I snap my head over my shoulder and saw her mate mumble, slightly shifting his position on bed before falling back to sleep. If he wakes up, things are not going to turn out pretty. I got up quickly and left the cabin, my hands clenched into fists as I cursed under my breath. 


Even if I shake my head a thousand times and tell myself I'm kidding myself, the burning sensation where she slide her fingers across my chest still made me go into a frenzy. My breath quickens and my heart beats a hundred times faster every time I think of her, the stupid effect of wolf hormones. If she was marked by her mate, it wouldn't hit me so hard. Or maybe...she was never marked at all. I let out a grunt and put my arm over my eyes, trying to think out of this complicated mess.

'Is something bothering you?' Kai came towards me and reached over to take his towel. 'Nah..its nothing.' I felt him pause and stare at me before continuing 'Are you..thinking about 'her'?' I kept quiet and he laughed. 'Looks like I've got it right. Hey, just give it up. She's had a mate already, no use thinking about it anymore. Geez~ I can't believe it, shouldn't her mate be the alpha or the beta? Why is it that guy? Grr~ Its such a waste.' he shuddered and went into the bathroom. 

Her mate? I don't think so. More like her bodyguard, maybe? I took my hand away and stared at the ceiling, a flash of her angelic face spread across my head. Her eyes closed peacefully and her smooth rosy lips parted slightly, making my mouth dry as the burning sensation started to torture me again. I inhaled deeply and went to the small table, pouring myself a cup of water and gulping it down furiously. This is driving me insane! I ruffled my hair and sat on the chair, I trailed my fingers across my chest and regretted it immediately. I dug my nails into my skin to keep me from going back to that cabin where she lie silently unconcious. Then, the bathroom door clicked. Kai walked out the misty bathroom and dried his hair with his towel.

'Hey, I've been wanting to ask you this, how did it felt when she touched you? I'm sure it's not as strong but still have it right? Geez~ I can't believe...' he kept on mumbling about his complaints while I was lost in thought of getting out of my misery. 'It was strong..' he continued 'Yah~I should've been more enthusiastic, looking at her naiveness, she must be easy...' 'I said it was strong!' That's when he turned to stare at me, his eyes wide and questioning 'What do you mean?' 'I don't think she's been marked..I can still feel it on me. The burning..sensation.' I ducked my head in embarassment as I said the last words but he kept silent. I turned to him and saw him staring at the floor in deep thought 'Do you was all a lie?' He turned his gaze up and stared at me while I stared back at him, giving him a nod. 'I think so too.'



He's here again. 'Go away...' I cried as he locked my hands above my head, his strong grasp tightening around my wrists making me wince in his effortless grip. His mesmerizing smile spread across his face as he dipped his peachy lips towards mine. Forcing my mouth open and sliding his tongue through greedily. He tangled his fingers into my red hair, pulling me closer to him. I gasped when he grazed his lips softly on my neck, giggling everytime I shivered at his touch. 'Bad girl..bad bad girl..' he whispered into my ear as he caressed my neck with his free hand. Trailing his fingers down my throat and back to my jaw as he took a deep breath, inhaling my scent deeply and shivering at the sensation. With his thrill driven trembling voice, he whispered 'Mine..MINE!' He lifted his gaze and stared at me with his crimson irises, bright and dangerous. 

I gasped and opened my eyes, 'Shh...what's wrong babe? Bad dreams?' I turned to my side and saw Ken's face under the silver moonlight. Even without seeing his full expression, I could tell he was grinning at me. His fingers traced slow and gentle circles on my palm, going up to my wrist and coming back down slowly. Without realizing, tears started to fall down my eyes. I started sobbing and I couldn't make myself stop, I look so weak; I hate it. 'Oh..shush,shush.. I'm here, I'm here..' he locked his fingers between mine and lifted my hand. I bit my lips, trying to control myself as I watch him close his eyes and pressed his lips softly on the back of my hand. He grazed his lips down my wrist and planted a gentle kiss on it, parting his lips, he inhaled softly and let out a shaky breath. 'Now that you know 'me'. I'm not afraid to tell you that, you are quite tempting sometimes.' He chuckled and I paused, my tears stopping as I thought about his confession. 

'You're not going to drink my blood are you?' He paused at kissing my wrist and turned to look at me 'What? Are you feeling afraid now?' He grinned at me, his eyes crimson at one and hazel at the other. I frowned at him and said 'If you want it, you would've me dry ages ago.' He let out another chuckle and continued 'You're right. I don't want to lose you.' his gaze softened and he put my hand to his face, his eyes turning into the usual hazels after a blink. I stared at him until a howl rang through the forest. My eyes, now wide with alert as I hear the message in the loud and piercing howl, an announcement for war.

I turned towards Ken and saw him grimace at the direction of the howl, he turned back to me and smiled 'How annoying could they be? Go to sleep babe, it's not worth the strain.' He my hair and I frowned at him 'They're here for me right? I should go to them, I don't want anyone to be involved in my mess and more awfully, get hurt in the process.' I sat up on my elbows, ready to get up from the bed but Ken held me down with his strong hands. 'I can't let you babe, it's out of the rules.' 'I don't care! Let go of me this instance Ken!' I glared at him and he gave me a smirk making me feel like giving him a punch in the face.

'It's no use glaring at a vampire.' He chuckled and his crimson iris is back. 'Ugghh.' I rolled my eyes at him and started to plan my next step to avoid the fight.


Blood Rose Pack


'Arrhhhh!!!!' I smashed the heavy wooden table across the room and took a deep breath. Those #$%& wolves! WHERE ON EARTH DID THEY HID HER!!! 'Alpha, please calm down. It's just a female, we can...' 'MINE! She's mine! I want her and I'm going to get her!' I threw the chair at the wolf and glared at the lot behind me. They flinched and ducked their heads in submission, what a joke! 'Alpha, I suggest we pay a visit to the White Pack.' I turned to my beta and stared at him 'Why is that?' He lifted his gaze and continued 'I've been the beta of the White Pack's former alpha and I've learnt that the recent alpha and beta of the pack are somewhat the friends of this girl you're looking for.' I frowned at him and took a step closer 'What? So you mean..they might have hid her there temporarily?' He noded and replied 'Yes, alpha.' I rubbed my hands together as excitement started to course through my veins. This is going to be fun. 'When do you think is the best time to go get her, my dear beta?' He grinned at me and replied 'Tonight, at midnight.' 

I led my wolves through the dark as we head out to ambush the unexpecting White Pack. My heart beating faster and faster as we neared our destination. The thought of having that girl to myself is such a reward after going through all these challenges; afterall the more the merrier. I howled in thriump and started to run when we were merely 2 miles away from their territory. My wolves followed my lead and started to howl a victory serenade. 


I stood by the border of the territory now, my pack growling and snarling constantly behind me. Just as excited as me for this sudden..invasion? I chuckled and throw my head to the back, letting a loud and ear piercing howl pierce through the sky, announcing our arrival. I stared into the distance as a dozen different scents flowed into my nostrils, I flared my nose and grinned at the white wolf appearing from the dark with another midnight-black wolf by his side. He glared at me and let out a low growl after stepping out of the shadow while his pack remained hidden under them 'Alpha Sehun, is there anything I can help you with?' I trembled in excitement as I challenged his glare. 'I'm sure you know my intentions, Alpha Leo.' I my muzzle and he let out a menacing snarl 'I don't think I know it. I don't read minds.' He snapped at me and I let a rumble escape from my chest 'We're here to search for a red female. I'm sure she's here.' 'Too bad, we've never had a female after the last Lunar passed away.' He continued to growl at me as he said those words in disgust. 

Hmmm....looks like its time to make things more exciting. 'Well, then..We'll have to search for her ourselves then.' I took a step towards him and he went into the defense stance immediately. His body chrouching lower and his hackles rising. He released a loud menacing snarl towards my direction. His pack followed, coming closer to his side; revealing their faces as they stepped out of the shadows. I crouched and snarled back, my pack inching forward by my sides. A power play rippled through the air as thick as butter while we snarled at each other, alpha to alpha and beta to beta. Just another step and all hell will break lose, we will cross the boundary and blood will be shed and above that all, I will claim my reward.

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luveun #1
Chapter 30: I read all 30 chapters in one go! Love it! Thanks for writing this story and writing a sequel! Very excited to read the sequel!
Kitty16 #2
Chapter 18: Soo good!!!!!
eelie-h #3
I like the story, looking forward for the next update!