
No Regrets





Days passed, then weeks.

Soon, it had been a month since Kaenin had almost left Seoul. Of course, after finding out that Kaenin had remained behind and getting lashed at angrily by the seven boys, there was a period of tension before U-KISS's manager was finally, well, fired.  NH Media had terminated his contract, and now U-KISS had just gotten a new manager. So far, they preferred him a lot more compared to the previous one.

At least none of them had the urge to toss him into the washing machine at turbo speed before tumble drying him. Not to mention hanging him out on clothes peg, making sure to pinch him as hard as they could with the pegs.

That was a significant start.

One obstacle cleared.

Actually taking pigeon Eli's suggestion into consideration, U-KISS decided to bring up the suggestion of having a press conference as well to clear up the confusion amongst fans, as well as to put a stop to all the hate and unnecessary drama.

While Heng-Yi and Kaenin sat anxiously in front of the television at U-KISS's dorm, the boys were almost ready when Kaenin's phone buzzed with a message. Heng-Yi shot her a look while Kaenin flipped open the phone.

From: y Seungri

Yah yah yah, crazy fangirl. U-KISS is having a press conference now?! You better not be there. If persistent delusional fangirls are present too... I shudder greatly. Let's just say, things wouldn't be nice. But, if they claw up your pretty face, then you won't have the right to call me ugly anymore! (x

Heng-Yi rolled her eyes at the text while Kaenin laughed, as the two girls re-trained their attention to the screen. The press conference started off okay. Simple questions thrown here and there as the members answered them all politely.

Then the million dollar question.

"Kiseop-ssi, there've been rumours about you and the young lady you were with that day at Lotte World. Could you confirm if the rumours are true?" A perky female reporter piped up.

To Kaenin's and Heng-Yi's great surprise, the guys didn't tense up or look worried. Instead, they all had calm smiles on their faces as Kiseop thought for a moment before answering the question.

"Well, at first, it wasn't true. We were simply two good friends spending time together at the amusement park after I picked her up from the hospital. It was really nothing more than that. But..." Kiseop frowned at this point, as if being extra careful to select the right words. "After the news spread like wildfire and gained negative reactions, my friend, well, she nearly left the country. Not on her own terms."

There was silence in the hall. Kaenin in a breath at the bad memory while Heng-Yi grasped her hand encouragingly.

A random fangirl cried out. "Well, good riddance! She should have left! She ain't welcome here that's for sure! Hooray for whoever made her leave!" Kevin frowned unhappily, and so did the rest of the guys.

Several cries of approval rang out. Some from crazed reporters as well as fans. As chatter soon began to fill the room, Kevin heaved a sigh and held up a hand before standing up.

Everyone was hushed into silence again.

"I'm sorry, but I'd appreciate if you wouldn't speak about my little sister in such a degrading tone," Kevin spoke slowly, eyeing the fan and the rest in the hall. There was pin-drop silence. Kevin's serious and intimidating image was something people had to get used to. He was human, after all, and there were things he cared about with a passion.

Hushed whispers filled the hall.


Kevin nodded. "Neh. My sister, Woo Kaenin." At the name, the sound of typing on keyboards resounded throughout the hall. "She's been studying in England for four years, and came back only recently because she's finished her studies there. That's all."

Accepting nods of this logical piece of information could be seen from those present at the conference, so Kevin took a breath and continued on. "It's been a really hectic period for all of us members, recently. And yes, my sister is the girl who was with Kiseop at Lotte World. I can, no, we all can testify that at the point in time, they were strictly friends-"

A reporter with dyed blonde hair and an extremely exposing dress spoke up, cutting him off. "Well then, why haven't we heard about her before?" The reporter fluttered her eyelashes. "I mean, it's the Kevin Woo's sister."

Heng-Yi gagged. "Bimbo alert! I thought reporters were supposed to be professional." Kaenin chuckled at her best friend's antics as they continued listening.

"Because it's pertaining to Kevin's private life." Soohyun replied evenly.

"And what's supposed to be private should stay private." Eli finished smoothly, eyeing the reporter with an innocent yet stern look. A hint of a smile tucked on Kevin's lips. He loved s.

The reporter didn't seem to be fazed. She puckered her lips. "But we're his fans. Meaning, Kevin kinda sorta belongs to us, ya know." Some of the other ridiculous fangirls bobbed their heads quickly, agreeing.

Heng-Yi was ready to throw up now. "Bimbo and delusioned fangirl alert!"

Kiseop sighed in exasperation, and so did Eli.

"Kevin hyung belongs to himself. So do Soohyun hyung, Hoon hyung, AJ hyung, Eli hyung, Kiseop hyung and myself as well.  I repeat, we belong to ourselves." Dongho's firm voice rang through the room as U-KISS smirked proudly at their maknae. They couldn't have said it better themselves.

The reporter shut her trap. Pretending to fix her hair, she held her hands out in front of her to check her nails in order to feign innocence. She had nothing to answer to that. As such, Kiseop carried on.

"Continuing from where Kevin left off, yes, me and Kaenin were, past tense, friends, at that point in time. But now... not really. I guess we're something a little more than that." As that particular piece of information sunk in, it sparked an uproar in the hall.

"Just kill me now. Where's my gun?" AJ groaned, as Hoon stared at the scene in shock. Dongho and Eli looked ready to throw their mics at the noise-polluting people in frustration, while Kevin and Soohyun were whispering frantically to each other. Kiseop pinched his nose, feeling yet another raging headache.

"Aspirin, I need aspirin." Kiseop muttered. Kevin nodded wordlessly in agreement.

"Come on, Lee Kiseop. Finish what you started. Comfort me with the thought that you can pull through this, so I don't regret letting my best friend date you!" Heng-Yi hissed at the screen, glaring at whatever she saw.

Kaenin bit her lip. She felt awful. *Hwaiting, oppa*

Finally, he stood, with a completely serious gaze directed at each and every person present in the hall. He spoke firmly and confidently. "Look, we decided to have this press conference to clear everything up. So here's the truth, the only truth." His eyes seemed to soften before he spoke again. "I really do like her, Woo Kaenin. For me, I guess you could say she's now the most special and important person to me. This is the honest truth, like it or not. Because I really do."

Kevin beamed up at his fellow member as he spoke with such affection towards his sister.

Kiseop's gaze turned somewhat pleading. "Listen, kiss mes. U-KISS loves you guys a lot. You have no idea how grateful we are for all your undying support and love. You guys give us the strength and motivation to continue to do what we do, and we do it for you. We treasure you all dearly as a fan base. To us, all of you kiss mes are definitely irreplaceable. That will never change. But I'm sure some of you have also experienced what it's like to truly like, even love, someone special. Not some silly crush, I'm talking about the real thing. And that's what I feel for Kaenin. I, no, we just want your support, kiss mes. Is it so wrong for us idols to love? Aren't we human, too?"

No one said a word. Kiseop's words had hit home.

"Well, if you like her, that's good enough for me!" A fangirl cried out.

Finally. A sensible fangirl.

U-KISS shot a grateful smile to that girl who was seated near the front, a sincere expression on her face. Murmurs of agreement soon filled the room. Finally, the kiss mes seemed to see sense. Those who were hating before seemed to feel a pang of guilt, too, as they struggled to sort out their emotions.

"Kiseop oppa, we'll support you and Kaenin unnie with all our hearts! Take care of her!" Another exclaimed happily. Kiseop grinned and acknowledged her with a thankful nod.

However, the not-so-sensible reporter merely huffed and crossed her legs.

"I won't like U-KISS anymore!" She screamed in frustration like a three-year old unable to get what she wanted.

Unfortunately, her little threat went unheard due to all the buzzing in the room.

"Fine! Be like that!" She got up, stomped her feet and speed-walked to the exit.

"Hah! Good riddance, I say! Who stomps their foot anyway? Not unless you're a kid." Heng-Yi stood up abruptly and cheered. "This calls for a celebration! Kimchi, where's my kimchi?" She sang giddily. Kaenin laughed but said nothing, instead looping her arm through her friend's before they headed to the kitchen.

Before long, the press conference was rounded up and the reaction, thankfully, seemed rather positive. Kaenin and Heng-Yi pigged out happily in the dining room, only to snap their heads up when the door burst open and seven rowdy guys sped in to join them.

"Watch your fat , pigeon!" Heng-Yi barked as Eli knocked her swiftly out of the seat. "And no stealing my kimchi either!" She yelled, whacking the back of his head.

Kaenin shot a quick thumbs up to AJ, Hoon and Soohyun, and patted Dongho's head with a carefree laugh when he nudged her. Kevin enveloped her in a hug, causing Dongho to frown at being pushed aside. When he finally gave her the opportunity to breathe again, she turned to face a sceptical Kiseop, eyeing her with an eyebrow raised as he held out his arms. Grinning, she headed towards him as he lifted her off the ground. She squealed while Kevin protested angrily in the background. Dongho as well.

"Good job, oppa. I'm proud of you," Kaenin began, before shrugging. "Well, it's a good thing you have a way with words, because your scrawny size wouldn't help in a fist fight." She pointed out with a sly wink.

Heng-Yi burst into laughter and gave her a quick fist bumb. "Assa, I taught you well." 

Kiseop just shook his head with a warning glance, easily reaching out an arm and wrapping it around his girlfriend's waist, pulling him back to her. She crashed into his chest as he stared down at her. Kaenin's heart pounded, and she prayed he couldn't hear it. Kiseop just smirked in victory before leaning dangerously close.

Kevin, Dongho, Eli and Heng-Yi yelled in protest, whereas Hoon, AJ and Soohyun, the more sensible ones, simply laughed teasingly.

"M-mianhae!" Kaenin squeaked.

Kiseop flashed her a charming grin. "Too late."

With that, he closed his eyes and kissed her softly, holding her tightly in his arms. Kevin let out an ear-piercing screech, but Kaenin and Kiseop heard nothing. 

"Oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh, I'm hyperventilating. Knife, give me the knife!" He shrieked.

Soohyun covered the maknae's eyes in worry. However, everyone stopped moving when Kaenin's phone started ringing.

"Here, catch!" Heng-Yi called out, tossing her bestie her phone.

Kaenin furrowed her brows and flipped it open.



Kaenin beamed. "Panda oppa!"

"Remember, Seoppie. He saved your life today." Kevin stated. Kiseop flinched.

Seungri's cheery laugh came from the other end. "Crazy fangirl, I have good news."

"Hmmm?" Kaenin hummed in reply.

"Congratulations. You just got accepted into YG Entertainment."


AND IT'S THE END! OMG. THERE'RE NO WORDS TO DESCRIBE THE SATISFACTION AT COMPLETING A FIC PROPERLY. Hahaha, a big thank you to all our readers, suscribers and commenters! :D yes, we might not have many, but you guys are amazing <3 thanks for all the support, we'll (try) to work our way up yeah?

On a side note, do you guys want a sequel for this story? (x hahaha, it'll be about life as an idol, I guess (:

And we're planning a new story too! So do look out for that! Hope you guys'll continue to check and read, yeah! I might post the link up here, when the time comes.

All right, and for the last time:

Comments and subcribers are love, thanks (:



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Taemin22 #1
I've read this at least three times already and I seriously think it needs more credit because it is a really amazing story
Chapter 47: Nice story~^^
Thank you, author! ;D
Some time looking through OLD ukiss tags here was worth it lol cos I've read almost everything that's dated "2013" already!
Plans for the sequel, no? ;)
Are you going to write a sequel?
i love this story!

ItsTaylor543 #5
so i guess im a little late on commenting buttttt AHHHHHHHHHHHHH i love it so so so much ^^ this is by far the best fan fic i have read. :D saranghaeyo <3
Taemin22 #6
I love the story!!!<br />
The ending was good!!!<br />
Make a sequel!<br />
If you can :D
Thanks for all the support whee U-KISS <3 hahaha we're all fans, but let's not go overboard. Happy you all liked it (:
THe ending was really good! one of the best stories i have read so far. Most points about the fangirls are sooo true!! KiSeop and Kaenin are really cute together. hehe ^^
Great story~!<br />
Aish, I will never get INSANE fangirls.
iamanonymous #10
Awesome ending! I don't get those fangirls that don't want idols to date. Seems to me that if you really love them, you would want them to be happy. Plus, idols are always singing about love, but if they never date how can they actually KNOW what they're singing about. If they have never gone through the ups and downs of love they won't be able to really put emotion into their songs. So really by letting them date they become a better and more understanding singer.