
No Regrets





For the following days, Kaenin found herself staying with Bigbang over at their dorm, and she didn't regret her decision to stay with them one bit. All the members treated her differently, yet they all treated her so well. Kaenin couldn't have asked for anything better.

Because here, she was happy.

Firstly, TOP. Being the eldest of the group, he took on the role of the appa of the dorm, constantly watching over the members and keeping the group on track, ensuring that the members were disciplined and looked after each other well. He was selfless and caring, and he put the needs of the other four members, as well as Kaenin, before his own, and took care of her like his own biological sister.

Next, Taeyang. As the second eldest, he had unknowingly become just like an umma to the rest, constantly nagging at them, but yet his love for s was undying. When Kaenin came to stay, he made sure to look after her like he did towards the rest of the members, and he cared for her greatly.

GD, the leader of Bigbang. Although he wasn't the oldest, he took the responsibility of being the group's leader very seriously, and he worked hard to make sure that Bigbang was always on track, was always improving and getting better. Yet, he was also extremely energetic, childish and playful, and he never failed to put a smile on Kaenin's face if she was ever feeling down. Just like how he cared for his group, he cared for Kaenin too.

Fourth, Daesung. Although he was rather quiet, he was a really sweet and kind guy who was constantly pushing himself to stretch his vocal ability. He put Bigbang at the top of his list of priorities, but when Kaenin came in, he made sure not to leave her out as well. Whenever he could, he would sing for her, remembering the first time she told him he had a really soulful voice.

Last but not least, Seungri. From day one, he had never failed to be there for Kaenin. He was always watching over her and looking after her. Whenever she was upset, he was sad. If she was happy, he felt as though nothing could go wrong. In other words, it was like he became her own guardian angel. He knew about her likes and dislikes, and took note of her quirky habits. If her happiness took a dip, he'd be the first to know. He treated her to all her favourite things, from candy to Starbucks. He'd take her around with him when he was, or even if he wasn't, free. Kaenin didn't know where all his love and care came from, whereas Seungri was struggling to piece the pieces together himself.

All Kaenin knew was that she was happy, and that she had just found solace in five amazing guys.



However, living with Bigbang didn't mean she was miraculously pulled out from school.

She still attended lessons every weekday. While the bad news was that projects, assignments and exams seemed to be taking over the world and teachers were pestering their students to sign up for competition after competition, there was good news too.

What Heng-Yi had been saying about Chul-Moo from the very beginning was true.

She was nothing but, your's truly, a coward.

After the showcase, she had begged her parents to transfer her out, and she had left, just like that. Heng-Yi couldn't be happier, while Kaenin was relieved as well.

It officially marked closure of a period of some intense drama.

One Saturday morning, Kaenin woke up to the sound of music and singing coming from downstairs. She glanced at her phone.

11.54, Saturday

She blinked. It had been exactly two weeks since the showcase.

Since she had been staying with Bigbang.

She smiled and went downstairs, getting greeted happily by all the members as she made herself a simple breakfast and watched them rehearse. When they finally took a break, GD crashed on the couch next to her and she flinched, wrinkling her nose at the sweat.

"Yah, why're you guys rehearsing like your lives depend on it today?" She asked, prying GD's arm off from around her shoulders.

"We're on tonight on M-COUNTDOWN, Kaenin-ah." Taeyang explained with a tired smile.

"M-COUNTDOWN's serious business. We've got to do well or manager hyung and the rest are gonna go all PMS-y on us, you know." Seungri joked with a wink.

"Speaking of which..." GD began with a sly smirk. "You're coming with us!"

"Whoo!" Daesung cheered.

"Huh?!" Kaenin yelped.

"Don't worry about it. You can just wait in our dressing room. You'll get bored here." TOP suggested with a shrug.

Kaenin paused for a while, before giving in. "Araso araso," she nodded. "Now practice!" She cheered one last time, before heading back up, while Bigbang rehearsed again with excited grins.

Although they spent the afternoon doing different things, it wasn't long before all six of them had left for M-COUNTDOWN together. Excited chatter filled the air as they entered the building and settled down, as Kaenin looked on while Bigbang got ready. They didn't leave her out though, and did their best to include her into their conversations as stylists struggled to get the five guys ready.

*U-KISS didn't do all this for me* Kaenin mused.

"Yah... yah! Earth to my dearest crazy fangirl!" Seungri called out to Kaenin.

Kaenin blinked and faced a certain smirking maknae.

"I'm heading out to find a vending machine or something to get some food. Hyungs are hungry. Maknae's duty. Want anything?" He shrugged.

Kaenin simply smiled. "You know what I want, oppa. Gomawo." She laughed lightly, and Seungri smiled in return.

He strolled out of the room and walked down the corridor, finding a vending machine pretty easily. There was someone there, though. He narrowed his eyes and his brows shot up.


Kiseop looked up startled, dropping his phone in the process. "H-hyung!"

"You dropped your..." Seungri trailed off when he saw what Kiseop was looking at.

It was a picture of Kaenin, smiling, carefree, as she held a single rose between her fingers.

Kiseop flushed red and snatched the phone back. "One day, Kaenin was bored at home, so I brought her out and around. We stopped at a florist, and she was admiring this rose. So I got it for her, and decided to take a picture." He explained carefully.

Seungri nodded slowly and looked his dongsaeng over. "Mmhmm, then why are you so red?"

Kiseop flushed yet again and stuffed his phone into his pocket. Seungri smirked, although his insides weren't matching the teasing expression he was giving off at the moment.

Seungri chuckled. "Yah yah. Don't lie to your hyung. You must like her, no?" He winked.

Kiseop's jaw dropped. "H-hyung! A-ani..." He stammered off.

Seungri rolled his eyes. "You keep telling yourself that, dearest dongsaeng."

Kiseop ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "In all honesty, I don't know." He confessed to Seungri, who was finishing up purchasing his food from the vending machine. Just as Seungri began to walk away, he turned and faced Kiseop, the teasing expressions gone from his face.

"You might want to be careful, though." Seungri began slowly.

Kiseop blinked. "Huh?"

Seungri shrugged innocently, but the serious gaze he gave Kiseop said differently. "Just saying. Someone else might take her away first."

The two idols stared at each other for what seemed like the longest time, as the atmosphere unknowingly tensed.

"Well, see you around, Kiseoppie." Seungri said finally, turning around to go.

Kiseop didn't know why, but somehow, he felt as though this particular battle was already lost. Still, he bit his lip and clutched onto his phone, heading back to U-KISS's dressing room. He knew what he had to do, though.

Make Kaenin come back to the dorm.


When you read the title, who did you think was going to face-off? Haha, I love writing stuff like this. Ah, Seungri and Kiseop, you crack me up (x Wonder what's going to happen. *shrugs like Seungri*

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Taemin22 #1
I've read this at least three times already and I seriously think it needs more credit because it is a really amazing story
Chapter 47: Nice story~^^
Thank you, author! ;D
Some time looking through OLD ukiss tags here was worth it lol cos I've read almost everything that's dated "2013" already!
Plans for the sequel, no? ;)
Are you going to write a sequel?
i love this story!

ItsTaylor543 #5
so i guess im a little late on commenting buttttt AHHHHHHHHHHHHH i love it so so so much ^^ this is by far the best fan fic i have read. :D saranghaeyo <3
Taemin22 #6
I love the story!!!<br />
The ending was good!!!<br />
Make a sequel!<br />
If you can :D
Thanks for all the support whee U-KISS <3 hahaha we're all fans, but let's not go overboard. Happy you all liked it (:
THe ending was really good! one of the best stories i have read so far. Most points about the fangirls are sooo true!! KiSeop and Kaenin are really cute together. hehe ^^
Great story~!<br />
Aish, I will never get INSANE fangirls.
iamanonymous #10
Awesome ending! I don't get those fangirls that don't want idols to date. Seems to me that if you really love them, you would want them to be happy. Plus, idols are always singing about love, but if they never date how can they actually KNOW what they're singing about. If they have never gone through the ups and downs of love they won't be able to really put emotion into their songs. So really by letting them date they become a better and more understanding singer.