Starting Again

No Regrets




After an evening filled with jokes, laughter and conversation, we all decided to call it a night since U-KISS had to attend rehearsals early next morning. As the boys dispersed to their various rooms, I remembered my forgotten luggage near the door and headed over to bring it with me. I grumbled lazily as I warily eyed the flight of stairs ahead of me. *Kevin oppa, I can't believe you ranked a shower more important than helping me* I sighed and bent down to pick up my luggage to lug it up the stairs, but a quick hand beat me to it. *Deja vu, what's with people and taking my bags?* I went back to the incident at the airport with a wary smile.

"Why're you smiling like that?" I snapped my eyes over to the source of the voice. Kiseop.

"Ah, nothing. This just reminds me of what happened just now at the airport..." I trailed off as I scrambled to follow Kiseop up the stairs with my other bag.

"What?" He asked as we headed down the hall to my room.

I relayed the incident to him briefly, and he looked surprised when I mentioned SHINee. "Lucky you, bumping into the SHINee after you just landed in Seoul."

I had to laugh at that one. "Yeah, they're interesting, those 5." I thought about all the chicken comments and shook my head.

"Well," Kiseop gestured, "your room's here. Kevin's and Eli's is just next door here, and mine and Dongho's is next to your's on the right. Soohyun hyung gets one to himself and AJ and Hoon take the one here. Though Soohyun hyung sometimes shares with the manager." He pointed to the rooms and opened my door for me.

I looked up at him with a grateful smile. "Thanks. I really wonder how rooming with Dongho is, it looks like it could drive someone insane. Thanks again, Kiseop oppa." And with that, I pulled my bags in and shut the door with a quick smile.



Kiseop stood there, a happy smile on his face as he bit his lip, slightly embarrassed.

"Why're you standing out here like some dumb struck toad?" Eli questioned curiously as he toweled his wet hair dry. "In front of Kaenin's room?"

Kiseop jumped, startled, managed a quick smile and stumbled into his room, crashing into Dongho who was on his way out. "HYUNG!" Dongho whined like a baby before stomping down the stairs.

Eli just rose his eyebrows in confusion, but waved it away. After all, a pigeon's brain isn't meant for absorbing any form of complex information.

Just then, Kevin walked down the hall, balking when he saw Eli. "You! Go put on a shirt, please! Seriously." Kevin pushed him into the room and shut the door, before sighing and knocking on his sister's door.

"Yup?" He heard his sister's voice pop on the p.

"Kae, open up, it's Kev."

"It's not even locked. Since when do you knock?"

"Aish," Kevin muttered as he sat down on the bed. "Oh, hope you like the room, by the way. I remembered, purple. But, I'm just curious, what're you planning on doing about school?"


Kaenin smiled. "The room's nice, thanks, oppa," she began as she sat next to him, digging through her bag. "As for school..." She handed him a folder.

Kevin arched a brow and Kaenin prodded him to open it. His eyes widened as he took in the information. "School of Performing Arts, Seoul?"

"Mm hmm," Kaenin hummed as she busied herself with unpacking. "When I was studying abroad, one of my teacher's saw my potential in music, dance and the arts, and after finding out where I was from, she presented me with this, and told me she had recommended me to enrol in the school. I thought it over and decided to come back and enter, and that's where I am now." She finished.

"Awww. My little sister is one big ball of talent!" Kevin squealed happily as he gave her a congratulatory hug. Kaenin rolled her eyes, but smiled at the familiar embrace of her brother. "But," Kevin continued, "I thought you didn't want to pursue arts anymore. I mean, I remember there was one time you-" A dark shadow passed over Kaenin's features, but it disappeared just as soon as it was there. She looked back up at Kevin with the same happy spark in her eyes, but this one was forced. "Ah, funny story," Kaenin laughed uneasily, "let's just not bring up the past already. It's been a while and I figured I'd try it again, okay?"

Kevin simply grinned, unaware he'd just brought back a slightly painful memory.

"Kay then. Get some rest now. Our group'll be out early tomorrow, but we'll be back in the late afternoon before heading out again." A thought formed in Kevin's head, and he smiled. He walked over to his sister and gave her a quick peck on the head. "Night, sis, saranghae!" Kevin made a heart with his hands and chuckled.


"Night, girly." Kaenin replied. Kevin pouted once before leaving the room, smiling to himself once outside. *Kae, I hope that as you start again back in Seoul, eveything'll work out for you*. His thoughts wandered back to the plan he had in his head earlier, and he made a mental note to inform U-KISS of his idea tomorrow.

*I'm pretty sure it'll mark a good start to her new life in Korea*


Whoo, last update for today. Some new hints about the plot and chapters ahead have been mentioned here (I hope), and I'll try to make the next few chapters exciting as I bring in some idols (hint hint). Comment if you have any suggestions and I'll see what I can do. A bias works too, hahaha (x

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Taemin22 #1
I've read this at least three times already and I seriously think it needs more credit because it is a really amazing story
Chapter 47: Nice story~^^
Thank you, author! ;D
Some time looking through OLD ukiss tags here was worth it lol cos I've read almost everything that's dated "2013" already!
Plans for the sequel, no? ;)
Are you going to write a sequel?
i love this story!

ItsTaylor543 #5
so i guess im a little late on commenting buttttt AHHHHHHHHHHHHH i love it so so so much ^^ this is by far the best fan fic i have read. :D saranghaeyo <3
Taemin22 #6
I love the story!!!<br />
The ending was good!!!<br />
Make a sequel!<br />
If you can :D
Thanks for all the support whee U-KISS <3 hahaha we're all fans, but let's not go overboard. Happy you all liked it (:
THe ending was really good! one of the best stories i have read so far. Most points about the fangirls are sooo true!! KiSeop and Kaenin are really cute together. hehe ^^
Great story~!<br />
Aish, I will never get INSANE fangirls.
iamanonymous #10
Awesome ending! I don't get those fangirls that don't want idols to date. Seems to me that if you really love them, you would want them to be happy. Plus, idols are always singing about love, but if they never date how can they actually KNOW what they're singing about. If they have never gone through the ups and downs of love they won't be able to really put emotion into their songs. So really by letting them date they become a better and more understanding singer.