I Love You

No Regrets





The afternoon slipped away from my grasp as I spent my time packing up my stuff, cleaning around the dorm and giving a phone call to Heng-Yi. I'd already explained the situation to her before, and had winced when I heard her irritated screech from the other end as she threatened to dunk the manager in her washing machine. Odd threat, but that was Heng-Yi. She told me to be strong and keep my head held high, and to come to visit her soon.

Yep, I can safely say that without Heng-Yi, I wouldn't have been able to have kept my sanity.

Zipping up my luggage with one last, forlorn look around the room, I lifted the handle and stood. Just then, a flash of red caught my eye and I stopped.

"Oh, now how did I manage to forget you?" I mumbled, walking over to the dressing table. My fingers touched the lone red rose softly, the purple tag still firmly attached.

*I guess I'll never know who sent this in. Or what 831 means, anyway*

Heaving a sigh, I tucked the rose safely into my carry-on bag and proceeded on my way, calling a cab.

"Where to, miss?"

I gulped. "The airport, please."


As the cab pulled away, I pressed my fingers against the window and stared at the dorm as it slowly faded away. Feeling myself choke up, I hurriedly looked away, plugging my earphones into my ear as I tried to escape the harsh reality around me.

All too soon the cab pulled up at the airport. A feeling of nostalgia washed over me as I pictured myself back at the time when I had just arrived.

The first time when I arrived at U-KISS’s dorm, my jaw slackened, eyes widened, totally not prepared by the luxury of the house. The U-KISS members had accepted me so readily. They treated me like I was a part of the family.

I smiled slightly before pressing some cash into the taxi driver’s hands.

“Keep the change.”

I stepped out of the cab and walked into the airport. Glancing around, I queued up to check in my luggage.

Giving a small smile to the staff, I heaved my luggage up the conveyor belt and watched as a tag was attached onto it before walking off.

*I have to kill off two hours now. What should I do?*

I sat down gently on a nearby bench. Using my fingers, I began ticking off the number of people I had to say a proper goodbye to. Excluding U-KISS, of course.


My classmates


Of course. I had nearly forgotten about him. I had been so caught up with all the U-KISS drama that I had forgotten to call my favourite maknae. Well, aside from Dongho. I stood up with a determined glint in my eyes before running towards the nearest taxi stand, although the distance to the Bigbang dorm wasn't all that far.

“To Bigbang’s dorm.” I barked.

The taxi driver was puzzled. “And Bigbang’s dorm would be at...?”

I slapped my forehead in exasperation. Of course the taxi driver wouldn’t know. I am such an idiot.

“Just drive. I’ll call the directions.”

The taxi driver nodded and the ride began.

During the ride, I looked out of the window at the scenery, heart thumping at the thought of seeing Seungri again. All of a sudden, I realised, what if Seungri was attending a schedule right now? Once again, I am such an idiot. But still, it didn't hurt to hope.

Hastily, I whipped out my cell phone and sent two simple words to Seungri.

I’m coming.

I interlaced my fingers and prayed as hard as I could for Seungri to be at home.

Moments later, buzzing came from my phone. Immediately, I took it out.

From: y Seungri

Coming? To where? My dorm? I’m at home right now so it’s fine.

I heaved a sigh of relief. 

“Hey, could you go faster? I’m kinda in a hurry.” I requested sheepishly.

The taxi driver frowned. “I can’t flout the rules. I would be the one paying the price.”

“I’ll pay you ten bucks more.”


Within five minutes, I had reached Bigbang’s dorm. I paid the money in a hurry and ran out.

However, stupid me miscalculated the amount of strength needed to knock on the door. Hence, I ended up knocking on the door with the force of a punch.

“Ow!” I clutched my hand.

The door swung open abruptly.

“Kaenin?” A confused Seungri stood at the door. “Goodness, what have you done to your hand? And you look like you just ran a marathon.”

I winced. I’m pretty sure I don’t look good right now. Sweating profusely, a swelling hand and a head of messy hair.

“Forget that.” I glanced behind me as if there was something chasing me. I struggled to make myself look more presentable.

Seungri laughed and helped me arrange my hair neatly. “Relax, there’s only me here.”

I forced a smile. “Look oppa, I have to tell you something. Can you let me in?”

Seungri opened the door wider and gestured for me to come in. 

I removed my shoes and stepped in.

“Sit down.” Seungri waved his hands in the general direction of the couch.

I shook my head. “Oppa. I have to make this quick. I’ve got a flight to catch.”

He balked. “What-”

I silenced him with a look. “Basically, I have to get out of the country.” I explained quickly.

Once Seungri had gotten a full picture of the situation, he was trembling with so much anger that he suddenly shouted.

“I’mma give that manager a piece of my mind. You hear me? What kind of idiot is he?”

I tried to calm him down. “It’s all right, oppa. I agree with the manager too. I am nothing but a... a nuisance. My visit today is my goodbye to you.”

I let that information sink in.

Seungri was dumbfounded. “Goodbye? But, it’s not like you can’t come back to Seoul anymore right? Or I could go to England. Or-”

“Oppa.” I shook my head. “I want to be as far away from U-KISS as possible. What if paparazzi see us together in England? Or Seoul? I don’t want to think what your fans will do to you instead.” I gulped. *I don’t want to see you in any trouble at all*

Seungri’s face was blank.

I continued. “Oppa, it’s best you stay away from me too.” With that, I struggled to hold the sad tears back as I gingerly hugged him. The boy who had given up so much for me. I owed him too much. “Goodbye.” I managed to get out as I gave him one last squeeze.

I turned around to walk out but Seungri grabbed me by the arm.


I turned around and lifted an eyebrow. “Yes?”

Seungri looked down at the floor, face heating up.

“Oppa? Yah, Seungri oppa.” I waved a hand in his face. “You don’t have a fever do you?”

Seungri shook his head. “No. Kaenin, I...”

“I?” I was confused now. “What about you?”

“I like you.” Seungri confessed, mumbling.

I laughed. “Awww, I love you too, oppa. You’ll be my best fake brother slash maknae forever!” I gave him a playful squeeze on the shoulder and prepared to step out again.

However, Seungri shook his head furiously and simply yanked me back to him, so much so that there was practically nothing but air between us. I felt my eyes widen considerably.

“I don’t mean that. Kaenin-ah, I...”

Seungri suddenly looked up at me, a steely determination so full of gentleness and affection in his eyes that it took me by surprise.

I gulped as he opened his mouth to continue.

“I love you.”


A CONFESSION MUAHAHAHAHAHA. Ahem, sorry, excuse my spazzy, evil (not really) laughter. Sorry Seungri wasn't included in the previous chapters, too much going on already \: Credits to my friend who is one heck of an amazing drama writer for helping to put these chapters together! I'm sure she'll be looking forward to over dramatising the remaining chapters as well. Teehee.

Hmmm, seems like all of you want to kill U-KISS's manager -.- I'm sure in real life he's not this bad la. REMEMBER THIS IS FICTION (IN FICTION LALALA BEAST!) Why not follow Heng-Yi? Dunk in a washing machine! (x

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Taemin22 #1
I've read this at least three times already and I seriously think it needs more credit because it is a really amazing story
Chapter 47: Nice story~^^
Thank you, author! ;D
Some time looking through OLD ukiss tags here was worth it lol cos I've read almost everything that's dated "2013" already!
Plans for the sequel, no? ;)
Are you going to write a sequel?
i love this story!

ItsTaylor543 #5
so i guess im a little late on commenting buttttt AHHHHHHHHHHHHH i love it so so so much ^^ this is by far the best fan fic i have read. :D saranghaeyo <3
Taemin22 #6
I love the story!!!<br />
The ending was good!!!<br />
Make a sequel!<br />
If you can :D
Thanks for all the support whee U-KISS <3 hahaha we're all fans, but let's not go overboard. Happy you all liked it (:
THe ending was really good! one of the best stories i have read so far. Most points about the fangirls are sooo true!! KiSeop and Kaenin are really cute together. hehe ^^
Great story~!<br />
Aish, I will never get INSANE fangirls.
iamanonymous #10
Awesome ending! I don't get those fangirls that don't want idols to date. Seems to me that if you really love them, you would want them to be happy. Plus, idols are always singing about love, but if they never date how can they actually KNOW what they're singing about. If they have never gone through the ups and downs of love they won't be able to really put emotion into their songs. So really by letting them date they become a better and more understanding singer.