
No Regrets





Kaenin hopped off the bus and faced the streets of Hongdae with a slight smile, although her heart still felt heavy. She spun around, searching for a familiar someone whom she hadn't seen in a while. Suddenly, she felt an arm around her shoulder, and looked up to see a boy removing his shades from his face, staring straight ahead although he was talking to her. 

"I told you, didn't I. Whatever happens, don't panic, just call me, and I'll come to the rescue. And aren't I here now? Crazy fangirl." He ruffled her hair lightly as Kaenin looked up at him with a relieved smile.

"Stupid maknae, I knew you'd come." She murmured to him.

Seungri chuckled and shifted his hood up his head and put his sunglasses back on. "So, why'd you call me out?" 

Kaenin's expression darkened slightly, and Seungri nodded knowingly to himself. Just as he opened his mouth to ask her what she wanted to do, she cut him off. 

"Yah, I'm unhappy today, and you're gonna follow me around here and we'll do everything I wanna do, araso?" She told him, mustering up as much enthusiasm as she could. 

Seungri felt a sudden pain hit his heart as he took in just how sad she really was, but played along by plastering a fake unhappy smile onto his face and sulking as she dragged him off. They headed into many different shops, and Seungri watched as Kaenin frantically dashed in and out of shoe shops, trying on all sorts of shoes that he'd never known existed. 

"Y-yah," he began worriedly, eyeing the heap of shoes Kaenin had picked out, "all this money isn't coming out from my pocket, right?" He asked with a nervous laugh. 

All Kaenin did was dump the shoes at the register and beckon Seungri over. "Give a girl the right pair of shoes, and she can conquer the world." She sang into his ear before stepping back and letting him settle the payment. As Seungri grumbled chidishly, pulling out his wallet, Kaenin cracked an amused smile, not noticing how Seungri watched her, and grinned at the same time she did. 

*As long as you smile like before, losing all my money today will be worth it* He thought triumphantly.

After successfully buying the shoes of her choice, Kaenin felt her mood lift slightly as Seungri steered her in the direction of the many small food stalls along the streets, buying all sorts of food and snacks for the both of them to share. From spicy food to sweet desserts, the duo laughed and chattered happily as they strolled along the bustling district of Hongdae. 

"Pabo-ah, say 'ah'." Kaenin prompted as she lifted up her ice cream cone for Seungri to try. She had immediately insisted on chocolate, and Seungri had got it for her without hesitation. Now, standing in the middle of the evening streets, he opened his mouth and took a quick , smiling slightly when Kaenin shook her head teasingly at him. 

"Messy maknae. You took one and there's ice cream..." she reached up with a napkin and gently wiped off the stain from the corner of his lip. "Here."

Seungri froze as Kaenin simply turned, balled the napkin up and tossed it into a trashbin, shaking off the weird feeling he had and laughing mockingly as the napkin missed the bin completely. 

"Klutzy, crazed and zero aim. What are we going to do with you, Woo Kaenin?" Seungri chided jokingly as he picked up the napkin and threw it away for her. 

"You're walking on thin ice, ugly." Kaenin countered with a victorious smirk, chuckling at Seungri's horrified expression. However, her expression completely shifted the minute her eyes glanced upon a lighted up sign.


"Starbucks. Lee Seunghyun! Starbucks! Pali! I've been deprived for too long heheheh!" Kaenin let out a maniac laugh as she bounded over to the shop, running oddly. Seungri just chased after her and smiled as he took in another, slightly dorky, side of Kaenin. As he strode in, he saw her placing her order with a cheery smile before glancing over at him.

"Want anything?" She asked.

"I'll get whatever you're having." Seungri replied with a wave of his hand.

He observed her from his position near the door and saw how her eyes would widen and sparkle when she was excited, and how she would like to jump a little when she got what she wanted.

"Yah, here." Kaenin waved the drink in front of his face as she sipped her's happily.

Seungri rolled his eyes, feigning distate. "Chocolate again? Aish, and it's your first time paying for something since we arrived in Hongdae!" He whined and pouted unhappily. Kaenin just gave him the stink eye before they both left Starbucks, heading off once again to raid another store. By then, the sky had already darkened considerably, and it was getting late. Up ahead, Kaenin spotted a neoprint booth and flung Seungri towards it with one powerful yank of her arm, nearly causing him to trip.

"Yah!" He complained.

"Go find a booth first, I'll be back soon, araso? Don't go anywhere." Just like that, she dashed off, leaving Seungri behind, confused. However, he did as Kaenin asked and found a vacant booth, waiting for her to get back while finishing up his drink. As he tapped his foot impatiently, the booth's curtain suddenly flung open, and Kaenin stepped in, slotting coins into the booth to get it started. She watched with a knowing smirk as Seungri struggled to neaten out his hair and clothes and gave him a warning glance.

"I paid for this, araso? So let's make it count."

Soon, the pair found themselves laughing elatedly as the camera flashed repeatedly, posing dorkily together. As the screen alerted them that it was their final shot, Kaenin glanced over at the boy next to her, and smiled softly.

3, 2, 1.

Kaenin leaned towards Seungri, and pecked him once lightly on the cheek.


Seungri felt his face flush as he cast a glance at Kaenin. She reached into her bag and held out a box to him.

"I saw you eyeing this just now, and decided to get it as a way of saying thanks. If it were any more expensive, you wouldn't have gotten it, just to let you know," she began as Seungri grinned, spying the simple watch he had been admiring just now. "I was feeling kind of frustrated and down today, but that all just changed, from the second you showed up to meet me here, like you promised you would." She stood and collected the pictures, giving half of them to Seungri. "Gomawo, oppa, for today." She finished with a sincere smile.

All Seungri could do was stand there, trying to ignore the new funny feeling he felt as he looked at Kaenin. He opened his arms and pulled her into a hug while smiling, satisfied.

"Thank you, Kaenin-ah," he said as he let her go. "I'll bring you back home."


Okay phew last update for today. Us authors have been looking forward to writing this chapter since who knows when, and we hope you enjoyed it because we had spaz attacks planning it and writing it (x

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Taemin22 #1
I've read this at least three times already and I seriously think it needs more credit because it is a really amazing story
Chapter 47: Nice story~^^
Thank you, author! ;D
Some time looking through OLD ukiss tags here was worth it lol cos I've read almost everything that's dated "2013" already!
Plans for the sequel, no? ;)
Are you going to write a sequel?
i love this story!

ItsTaylor543 #5
so i guess im a little late on commenting buttttt AHHHHHHHHHHHHH i love it so so so much ^^ this is by far the best fan fic i have read. :D saranghaeyo <3
Taemin22 #6
I love the story!!!<br />
The ending was good!!!<br />
Make a sequel!<br />
If you can :D
Thanks for all the support whee U-KISS <3 hahaha we're all fans, but let's not go overboard. Happy you all liked it (:
THe ending was really good! one of the best stories i have read so far. Most points about the fangirls are sooo true!! KiSeop and Kaenin are really cute together. hehe ^^
Great story~!<br />
Aish, I will never get INSANE fangirls.
iamanonymous #10
Awesome ending! I don't get those fangirls that don't want idols to date. Seems to me that if you really love them, you would want them to be happy. Plus, idols are always singing about love, but if they never date how can they actually KNOW what they're singing about. If they have never gone through the ups and downs of love they won't be able to really put emotion into their songs. So really by letting them date they become a better and more understanding singer.