
No Regrets




It had been a few days after the Bigshow, and Kaenin still hadn't brought up the whole scouting issue to her brother yet. However, if it was something she and Heng-Yi didn't plan on forgetting, it would be the absolutely spectacular concert. Not only because Bigbang performed with energy and charisma the whole way through, but it was the way the VIPs undyingly showed their support for the whole 3 hours, never once failing to wave their VIP lightsticks and signboards up high.

It was a sea of sparkling yellow, and Kaenin would never forget it.

Because she was a part of it, too, screaming her lungs out for all five of her loving oppas who had taken her in during her loneliest times.

One afternoon, Kaenin was just lounging around at home, when she heard a knock on her door.

"Hmmm?" She hummed at whoever was at her door.

The door opened a crack, and Kaenin saw Kiseop's smiling face.

"Oh. Seoppie oppa. The guys are back?" Kaenin questioned.

Kiseop shook his head and stepped inside. "I had a different schedule today. You know, ulzzang shidae?"

"Ah." Kaenin replied. "So, what's up?" She sat up and faced him.

"Nothing, actually. That's why I'm here now. Remember we agreed to go out some time? Like, just the two of us?" Kiseop asked.

Kaenin paused, then nodded slowly. "So... you want to go out now?"

Kiseop brightened and Kaenin laughed.

"Araso, just let me get ready."

Kiseop grinned and stepped out, but then he snapped his fingers and spun around again.

"Oh. Dress casual. No skirts, dresses, that sort of thing. Wait for me here, okay? I've got to get a few things ready first."

It didn't take Kaenin long to throw on a simple shirt and shorts. She packed light, humming along to the music on her phone while waiting for him in her room. After getting through three U-KISS songs, he was finally done, and the pair set off. 

"Yah, what's all that for?" Kaenin eyed the basket Kiseop was carrying warily.

Kiseop grinned cheekily and adjusted his sunglasses and cap. "Surprise for later. Come on."

They travelled on for what seemed like a long time, or maybe it was just because Kaenin had no idea where they were headed to. Eventually, though, the bus pulled up at a stop near a park, and Kiseop tugged Kaenin out. They made their way over to a quieter area of the park, settling down where it overlooked the water.

Kiseop set the stuff down and watched with a gentle expression as Kaenin twirled around freely and sniffed the fresh air.

*Pretty* He thought to himself.

"Yah, oppa, what're we gonna do here?" Kaenin questioned, staring up at Kiseop through her bangs.

Kiseop smirked and pointed to the water.

(A/N: haha ignore the people inside! yes, it's kim hyun joong and his talented co-star in playful kiss, the kdrama!)

Kaenin gulped. "Boating?"

Kiseop laughed and patted her head gently. "Relax, it'll be fun. There're life jackets in the boat. Come on."

Kiseop guided her down, and suited her up sweetly, helping her to fasten the belts. As Kaenin watched him, focused on ensuring that she was safe, she couldn't help but smile at the sweet boy in front of her.

"Okay?" Kiseop asked after putting on his own jacket. With a shaky nod, Kaenin walked towards the boat, struggling to get in and nearly tripping over the oar. Kiseop regarded her softly.

"Here." He offered a hand and she took it gratefully as they both settled in the boat.

"There's only one pair of oars..." Kaenin pointed out, looking around.

Kiseop rolled his eyes with a smile. "You think I'll let you row this boat? Just enjoy it, araso?"

Kaenin grinned and relaxed as the boat began moving. The early evening air was peaceful and tranquil, and Kaenin tilted her head back, a small laugh escaping her lips as the breeze hit the duo. Kiseop watched her with a pleased and gentle look in his eyes.

*She's really something different. Special* He mused.

"...Yah, yah. Oppa? Did you hear me? I want to try rowing the boat." Kaenin's voice snapped Kiseop out of his reverie, and he uncertainly handed over the oars to her.

In the next instant, the both regretted it.

For they found themselves tossed in the water as the boat capsized, Kaenin being unable to control it steadily enough.

They both broke through the surface, and Kiseop hurriedly swam over to Kaenin who was gasping for air.

"Relax, Kaenin-ah. Oppa's here." He carefully tugged her into his arms and propelled them both to dry land, humming soothingly to her.

"How did you know I was afraid of water." Kaenin mumbled into his shoulder.

His expression softened. "You told me before, pabo. You're important to me, Woo Kaenin. Don't forget that."

Kaenin hugged him tightly and Kiseop smiled, pulling out two towels from inside the basket that he had packed before drying Kaenin up sweetly, ruffling her hair when he was done.

"Let's eat now, neh?" Kiseop suggested.

Kaenin nodded, and the pair began dinner. It was simple, but because they had each other, it was enough. They chatted merrily amidst the darkening night sky, time flying by without them noticing it. As Kiseop watched Kaenin pop a fruit into , he frowned when a gust of wind caused her to shiver suddenly. Yet, Kaenin didn't say a word.

*That's Kaenin for you. She never tells you if she needs something* Kiseop sighed, scooting closer to her. Feeling his body warmth, she looked up at him, confused. Kiseop simply put an arm around her waist, pulling her against his side where she relaxed instantly.

"Better?" He murmured, gazing at the water ahead. He felt her nod against his shoulder. Silence fell between the two, yet they didn't feel the need to fill it with noise. After a while of just sitting there, together, Kaenin lifted her head from Kiseop's shoulder and faced him with a happy smile.

"Gomawo, oppa. Although we ended up getting drenched, this was definitely the best date I've ever had."

Kiseop chuckled. "Yeah, I kno-" He paused abruptly. "Wait, date?"

Kaenin blinked. "Huh? It's not?"

"Ani ani! It is!" He blurted, then froze, embarrassed.

Kaenin laughed. "Oppa, you're weird, you know. But, that's okay with me."

Kiseop stared at the girl he had come to treasure so much. However, just as the pair inched closer to each other slowly, Kiseop's phone rang abruptly, totally killing the moment.

Kaenin's eyes widened as the thought of what they were just about to do dawned upon her, and Kiseop just screamed in his head as he yanked his phone out from his pocket.

Missed Call- Kevin


"Uh, oppa?" Kaenin began shakily. "I think we should head home."

"Huh?" Kiseop blinked.

Kaenin just showed him her phone screen.

57 Missed Calls- Kevin oppa

18 Missed Calls- y Seungri

6 Missed Calls- Baby Dongho

4 Missed Calls- Pigeon Eli

They didn't even want to see the unread text messages.

And that was enough to send the two little 'lovebirds' packing frantically, scared out of their wits at the complete doom awaiting them back home.


Hi readers! (: how's everyone doing? Okay, long A/N about MAMAs and fandoms. Anyway, MAMA voting is out! Sadly, U-KISS didn't get nominated for anything, and that is something I can never comprehend.

On the bright side, Bigbang got nominated for lots of awards! Best male group, best male group for dance, song of the year, best MV... yeah, if I'm not wrong. Congrats to them yeah! VIPs, it's time for us to do our job. They're up against scary groups like dbsk, super junior, beast and 2pm (I'm a fan of all these groups, but I super love Bigbang haha), so let's give Bigbang our fullest support yeah!

Oh, same goes for 2ne1! (Whoo YG!) Their nominations are the same as Bigbang's I think. Uh, except it's not male, it's female. Haha (: just type in MAMA 2011 nominees and you can see it all! All the way, blackjacks! <3 Apparently, they're lagging behind snsd. No offense, because I know there are tons of amazing and kind-hearted sones out there, but there are some sones on youtube who are totally bashing on all the other groups like ft island, U-KISS, beast etc, including f(x). Seriously, it's these sones that make me dislike snsd more and more sometimes \: Why can't they just co-operate like elfs and VIPs and blackjacks do? Honestly. But for all those other sones out there helping out and scolding these ridiculous no-mannered sones, you guys are awesome fans!

Comments and subscribers are love, thanks (:

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Taemin22 #1
I've read this at least three times already and I seriously think it needs more credit because it is a really amazing story
Chapter 47: Nice story~^^
Thank you, author! ;D
Some time looking through OLD ukiss tags here was worth it lol cos I've read almost everything that's dated "2013" already!
Plans for the sequel, no? ;)
Are you going to write a sequel?
i love this story!

ItsTaylor543 #5
so i guess im a little late on commenting buttttt AHHHHHHHHHHHHH i love it so so so much ^^ this is by far the best fan fic i have read. :D saranghaeyo <3
Taemin22 #6
I love the story!!!<br />
The ending was good!!!<br />
Make a sequel!<br />
If you can :D
Thanks for all the support whee U-KISS <3 hahaha we're all fans, but let's not go overboard. Happy you all liked it (:
THe ending was really good! one of the best stories i have read so far. Most points about the fangirls are sooo true!! KiSeop and Kaenin are really cute together. hehe ^^
Great story~!<br />
Aish, I will never get INSANE fangirls.
iamanonymous #10
Awesome ending! I don't get those fangirls that don't want idols to date. Seems to me that if you really love them, you would want them to be happy. Plus, idols are always singing about love, but if they never date how can they actually KNOW what they're singing about. If they have never gone through the ups and downs of love they won't be able to really put emotion into their songs. So really by letting them date they become a better and more understanding singer.