A Listening Ear

No Regrets


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbHS1lspbQg (The lyrics are sweet haha <3)



It had been a few days after the incident. U-KISS came down regularly to see Kaenin in the hospital, and so did Seungri and yes, the rest of Bigbang as well. Heng-Yi came, too, and nearly screamed her head off at U-KISS for not properly looking after Kaenin again.

Right now, though, it was a breezy Saturday evening. The sky has just begun to darken, and Kaenin just stared out the window, her fingers playing with the hospital blanket while her other hand held on to her injured ankle. Her brother had already informed her that U-KISS would be out late today, so Kaenin prepared herself for a lonely night. She closed her eyes and sighed.

*If only I wasn't injured, I'd been performing now, at the dance competition. I'd be on stage, doing Ms Lee proud, doing the school proud, and getting one step closer to opening up a better future for myself* She thought wistfully. She had prepared so hard for this competition. But with one careless mistake on her part, everything had just gone to waste, and she'd now be replaced by another student. Another dancer.

"Ugh, I hate this." She huffed, squeezing the blanket a little too hard.

"Hate what? Me?"

Kaenin smiled. She'd recognise that voice anywhere.

Seungri stepped through the door and grinned like the mischievous idol he was. "Feeling any better?"

"As good as you can be when you have just been replaced like you're a nobody." Kaenin smiled bitterly. 

He smiled softly and walked over to the bed. Kaenin scooted over and winced a little as she aggravated her ankle injury. He sat down, watching her as she touched her ankle gingerly.

"It will heal in time. And then you have an even bigger competition to participate in and make it big." Seungri attempted to comfort her. "And then you'll be an international superstar. Bigger than U-KISS, heck, bigger than Big Bang."

Kaenin's lips twisted upwards. "Did it hurt for you to say that someone else was going to be bigger and better than you?" She teased.

He just shrugged. "If it's you, then... nope. Not at all."

Kaenin froze. "Seungri oppa-"

"Anyway!" He interrupted quickly, trying to make the red blush on his cheeks fade a little. "I brought some DVDs to watch!"

He began taking DVDs after DVDs out of the bag that he had brought.

"Percy Jackson... Three Musketeers... Transformers... Happy feet! Or would you like some horror? The classic horror movie... I present to you... Friday the 13th!" Seungri waved his hands around dramatically.

Kaenin shuddered, goose bumps appearing on her arm at just the thought it. "Thanks, but no thanks. Let's go with Happy Feet."

Seungri nodded. "If you say so." He then took out a portable DVD player out of his bag and set it onto the table before slotting the DVD in.

Kaenin sweated a little. "How did you bring all these anyway? The DVD player must have been rather heavy and the amount of DVDs..." Kaenin trailed off, looking at the multitude of DVDs being discarded onto the floor.

"I'm the Seungri, obviously." Seungri said absentmindedly as he fiddled with the gadget.

"No, seriously." Kaenin insisted.

"Aha! All done!" Seungri sat back triumphantly as the opening credits of Happy Feet began to play.


The pair watched the show together. After a while, Seungri felt his attention drift, and he found himself focusing on Kaenin instead. He watched her as she laughed at the comedic parts, and how she would squeal lightly when a cute penguin came up on screen.

But he knew her better than that.

Although she was laughing, her smile was empty, and her eyes were vacant.

Seungri sighed. *She really must be beat up about not being able to participate. Not that that's a feeling I can't relate to. All idols and trainees can*

"Hey look! Seungri oppa! That penguin dances way better than you!" Kaenin cooed at Mumble, the cute little penguin dancing on screen.

"What!" Seungri stood up in indignation. "I can dance way better than that black and white thing!"

"In case you haven't noticed, Seungri oppa, you're a 'black and white thing' too." Kaenin gestured to Seungri's outfit.

"That's different! That's a penguin that taps around his feet and I'm a y human that's a pro dancer!" To demonstrate his point, Seungri began doing some dance moves. After a while, he paused.

Kaenin blinked.

"Instead of showing you this, I might as well show you this..." Seungri winked and slid another DVD into the player.

Kaenin watched curiously for a while, but then rolled her eyes when the title appeared.

"Bigshow, really? Your ego... does not deflate. Ever."

"Just watch me!" Seungri whined childishly.

"Araso, araso." Kaenin said with a light laugh, lifting up her hands as a form of mock surrender. Seungri grinned as he saw the life coming back into her eyes.

The two watched in comfortable silence, and Kaenin found herself truly enjoying watching Bigbang perform. With stage presence that oozed charisma and amazing vocals and dance abilities, Kaenin wondered what it actually felt like to perform, on stage, in front of thousands of screaming fans.

"Mmhmm, it's a pretty amazing feeling." Seungri mused.

"Amazing feeling? How so?" Kaenin questioned though her eyes were glued to the screen.

"Adoring fans screaming your name. It makes you feel like you're on the top of the world. All that hard work pays off the moment you step onto that stage. The feeling... is indescribable." Seungri blanked out a little, reminiscing a little. He recovered soon thereafter. "So. Have you considered the offer?"

"Offer?" Kaenin took a sip of water.

"Yeah. That offer that my manager told you about." Seungri watched Kaenin intently.

Kaenin choked.

Seungri panicked a little, patting Kaenin's back.

After she recovered, Kaenin spoke sheepishly. "Well... not yet. I was too busy with the competition and all. There was no time to discuss this with Kevin oppa."

"I see..."

There was a moment of awkward silence between them.

"What's on your mind, Woo Kaenin?" Seungri murmured softly, observing her.


"Liar," he replied flatly. "You do know you can't lie to me anymore. Tell me what's stopping you from accepting that offer."

"Did you have to give things up? When you chose to become a trainee?" Kaenin questioned.

Seungri nodded. "Of course. I had to give up family time, time with my friends, school time..."

"That's exactly it. More like, that's exactly what happened."

"You're losing me, Kaenin."

Kaenin sighed and she eyed Seungri.

*Can I trust him with this?*

But as she looked into his curious brown eyes, every inch of doubt flew out the window. This was Lee Seungri, the boy who had been watching over her since they met.

"When Kevin got scouted..." Kaenin's voice trailed off.

"Carry on." Seungri encouraged. 

"My world was turned upside down." She said flatly.

"Turned... upside down?" Seungri's voice furrowed in confusion.

"Yeah." Kaenin sighed. "There was no time for family time anymore. Or rather, sibling bonding time. We used to be really close. But then, suddenly, that brotherly figure I had all my life slipped out from my grasp. Taken away by all his training. His popularity. Him being an idol took away my world."  A forbidden tear slid down her cheek.

Seungri sighed sympathetically and took a tissue paper to wipe it away.

She continued. "This sounds really selfish. And this sounds really ridiculous right now. But the me back then, the stupid me, was beyond upset. I really wanted my brother back. I blamed everything on idols. But then I looked back and realised how selfish I was. Even so, this is a really painful memory. So... now, I'm scared." Another tear slid down her cheek and Seungri, reliable Seungri, wiped it again once again.

"I'm scared of losing my friends. Heng-Yi. My family. I don't want to give up everything because I'm an idol." Kaenin whispered.

Kaenin expected Seungri to respond just like everyone else she had confided in. "Oh, you won't lose anything." or "That popularity makes up for everything!"

Instead, Seungri responded, "Yeah. You will lose something." 

She sighed. Seems like Seungri was just like everyone... huh?

"You heard me. You will lose something. Sure, you'll lose time, your free time. But you in the process, you also gain something. I gained more friends. My band members. My fans are my friends. I still see my parents. I don't see them often, sure. But they sure see me often... on TV." Seungri winked at that last statement.

Kaenin cracked up, giggling softly.

"And sometimes, when you're an idol, you get to meet some really interesting people too. People who you'd never expect to meet, but will yet, eventually, become a big part of your life. Someone like... you." He whispered sincerely.

Kaenin had nothing to say to that. Instead, she just flushed. Seungri smiled triumphantly and wiped the remaining tears from her eyes.

He tilted his head to the side. "Smile, will you? You're prettier when you do."

Kaenin couldn't help but crack a dorky smile.

He grinned. "Better. So, my point is, life's too short for you to hold back. Kaenin-ah, believe me when I say this. You've got the talent, and not only I see that. I see an uprising star in you. Don't let past fears stop you from going after what you want, or what you can do. Be selfish, Kaenin-ah, make a decision that will let you be happy, araso?"

Kaenin felt her spirits lift. "You know, for an egoistic, annoying, maknae like you, I don't know how I could've come to treasure you this much."

Seungri just shrugged. "What can I say, it's a gift. I grow on people." But inside, he felt truly happy at her words.

"So? What's the verdict, Miss Woo?" Seungri dared to ask.

She smiled. "Yeah, I'll do it."

Seungri grinned cheerily and without thinking, attempted to give Kaenin a hug.

However, he missed when Kaenin suddenly shot up. "It's a new start Kaenin! You can totally do- ouch!"

It was obvious that Kaenin had completely forgotten about her injured ankle as she stumbled back onto the bed and fell backwards.

Right into Seungri's arms.

Kaenin's face turned into a nice shade of red as she attempted to get off Seungri's lap. "Hey! Let me get off!"

Seungri's face twisted into an evil smirk. "Nope! Not a chance!" Seungri proceeded to tickle Kaenin senseless.

"Wha- Oh gosh! Stop it! Now! Seu- Hahaha! Stop it, I'm telling you!" Kaenin trashed about wildly.

"What's going on here?" Kaenin and Seungri froze in terror at the demonic aura behind them. They slowly turned their heads to the door, only to face a scary U-KISS.

"Yah! Lee Seungri! While I'm not here you attempt to make a move on my beautiful, lovely, amazing, talented, pretty, adorable little sister!" Kevin all but roared.

Seungri eeped and gently set Kaenin down onto the bed and got up. "I'll be making a move now! Don't miss me too much!" Within milliseconds, Seungri was nowhere in sight.

Kaenin looked at U-KISS and sighed. A part of her brain registered Kiseop's weird look on his face and shrugged it off.

"Kevin oppa. Don't be mad at him."

"Don't be mad at him! Why, that dang thing had the guts to hit on you! He assaulted you! He-!" Kevin ranted on.

"He helped me."

"He is a murderer- huh?"

"You heard me, he helped me. Now back off." Kaenin spoke sternly.

Kevin whimpered. "Yes m'am."

She smiled and gestured for a hug. Kevin happily bounded over and put his arms around his sister as he squeezed her lifeless.

"Awww! Group hug!" Soohyun announced. Immediately, all seven guys were surrounding Kaenin as they laughed heartily together.

As Kiseop gave Kaenin's hair a gentle ruffle, she smiled brightly up at him and looked at the guys not only in her room, but also in her life.

Thinking of Seungri as well, she grinned happily, previous sadness already washed away.


Double update because I feel bad |: Wrote this with my friend! She's the master of drama, I'm better at cheesy romance (x haha, hope you like it! It's a long chapter, too.

Comments and subscribers are love, thanks (:

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Taemin22 #1
I've read this at least three times already and I seriously think it needs more credit because it is a really amazing story
Chapter 47: Nice story~^^
Thank you, author! ;D
Some time looking through OLD ukiss tags here was worth it lol cos I've read almost everything that's dated "2013" already!
Plans for the sequel, no? ;)
Are you going to write a sequel?
i love this story!

ItsTaylor543 #5
so i guess im a little late on commenting buttttt AHHHHHHHHHHHHH i love it so so so much ^^ this is by far the best fan fic i have read. :D saranghaeyo <3
Taemin22 #6
I love the story!!!<br />
The ending was good!!!<br />
Make a sequel!<br />
If you can :D
Thanks for all the support whee U-KISS <3 hahaha we're all fans, but let's not go overboard. Happy you all liked it (:
THe ending was really good! one of the best stories i have read so far. Most points about the fangirls are sooo true!! KiSeop and Kaenin are really cute together. hehe ^^
Great story~!<br />
Aish, I will never get INSANE fangirls.
iamanonymous #10
Awesome ending! I don't get those fangirls that don't want idols to date. Seems to me that if you really love them, you would want them to be happy. Plus, idols are always singing about love, but if they never date how can they actually KNOW what they're singing about. If they have never gone through the ups and downs of love they won't be able to really put emotion into their songs. So really by letting them date they become a better and more understanding singer.