I Bought Food... But do You Know that?

No Regrets


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzCbEdtNbJ0&ob=av2e (Seungri looks so good in this MV zomg)



The next morning, I got ready quickly, because I had forgotten to set the alarm, and woke up late. I headed to the dining room where U-KISS sat, their energies high as they ate before heading off for the day's schedules.

"Morni-" I got cut off as soon as I began.

"Kae-ah! Bring Chul-Moo here after school, araso?" Kevin asked while pointing a finger at me with a happy smile.

I took in a deep breath for patience. "As much as I would like to try, I can't. I'm staying back with Heng-Yi to practice for an upcoming audition for a dance showcase soon." I informed him calmly. 

Kiseop's eyes brightened at the word 'dance'. "That's cool! Give us the details and all, araso! If not..." He fake glared at me and I laughed.

Kevin waved a hand in the air. "Mmm mmm, but try to bring Chul-Moo here! Neh? Now pali! You can't be late!"

"Oh! Don't forget to thank Chul-Moo for us for ordering the pizzas last night!" AJ voiced as I headed out.

I slammed the door shut.

I met Heng-Yi at the school gates and we were about to stroll in when Chul-Moo caught up with us, waving cheerily. She latched onto my arm and started babbling about how amazing last night was, until Heng-Yi cut her off by turning the conversation to me.

"Yah, Kae, tell Ms Lee you're auditioning for the showcase today. Araso? We're staying back later, anyway, and the sooner you tell her, the better."

"Yep! Higher chances! Sorry I can't stay back to help, though, I've got extra classes outside when school ends." Chul-Moo added in with an apologetic shrug. The bell rang shrilly, signifying the start of the school day. We waved and parted ways, while I tried to find out when was the earliest time I could find Ms Lee. Lessons today were heavy as teachers collected assignments, returned tasks and handed out more work to complete.

Every. Single. Lesson.

I sighed in relief as I scanned through my schedule and found a free block in between classes, and I took that as my opportunity to inform Ms Lee of my participation in the audition. Apparently, she wasn't surprised at my indication of interest, and just wished me good luck before waving me away dismissively. I made a face at her back childishly before turning to go.

From: Kaenin

Yah, Yang Heng-Yi. I told Ms Lee already. See you in the dance studio, I don't plan on having lunch.

I struggled to keep my eyes open and brain awake for the rest of the day as the final bell drew nearer. Dance was a way, for me, to just forget about time and place and let it all go.

I was in desperate need of some of that now.


I dropped my bag on the floor as I entered the empty studio and plugged my iPod into the speakers, turning up the volume of the music as I did some warm-ups before starting to choreograph a routine for the audition. In a matter of minutes, I spotted the reflection of Heng-Yi in the mirror as she came in, changed and ready. In no time, usually easy-going Heng-Yi morphed into scary-as-hell Heng-Yi, as she drilled me for the next few hours into creating a routine that'll pass me to the showcase stage. For those few hours, I managed to successfully shut out all the thoughts swarming my mind and focus on dancing, and dancing only.

And it felt good.

When the time hit 6 p.m., I collapsed onto the floor, panting, whereas Heng-Yi clucked her tongue in disapproval.

"We need to work on your stamina. Sigh." She shook her head sadly and I chuckled. We packed our stuff and left the school, both walking to the bus stop. As I boarded the same bus as Heng-Yi, she gave me a strange look. Before she could open to question, I answered her.

"I'm on this bus because I want to buy back some food first. I get off one stop before you, if I remember correctly."


I smiled in memory. "Because U-KISS brought me to this street when we went out to tour the city, and they said they really liked the food here." I explained as the bus pulled up at the stop which wasn't that far away. I hopped off the bus and headed over to the stall I remembered like the back of my hand, grinning happily.



The group crashed back home after early schedules for the day.

These days were unbelievably rare, let me tell you. 

Eli and Dongho called for Kaenin, like they usually do everytime they come home, but I just shook my head and reminded them.

"Kaenin's coming back late today. Remember? Practice for an audition?"

Murmurs of remembrance filled the room and I shook my head teasingly. As we all bathed and changed out of our dirty clothes, I had just thrown my towel into the laundry basket when the doorbell chimed. Everyone looked at each other curiously. We weren't expecting anyone, and Kaenin had keys. Hoon, the nearest to the door, went up to open it, and a bright smile graced his face when he opened the door wider.

"Chul-Moo-ah! You're here!" He greeted happily.

Everyone rushed to the door and brought her in, settling around the living room as I hung by warily at the door.

"What're you doing here? Kaenin's not even home yet!" Kevin asked her with a pleased smile.

She blushed and bowed her head. "Mianhae, I hope I'm not imposing, it's just that I brought some food," she began as she pulled out some containers from the bag she was carrying, "as thanks for letting me and Heng-Yi come to the house yesterday."

"Aigoo! So thoughtful!"

"You called pizza for us already, don't worry about it."

"You're too sweet! Gomawo, we'll eat well!"

All the guys chorused words of praise and thanks as they dug in hungrily. Chul-Moo offered me some with a cute pout, and I gave her my best smile but shook my head. "Not hungry, thanks though." I told her. She just smiled and retrained her attention on the other six. I eyed the clock worriedly as read slightly past 7. *Even if she's training, it's not possible for it to take this long* I thought. Just then, the jingling of keys snapped me out of my thoughts as Kaenin stepped in.

"Guys, I'm bac-," she froze as she took in the people sitting in the living room, "Chul-Moo?"

"Kae Kae!" Chul-Moo waved happily from where she was sitting, squashed between Kevin and Soohyun hyung.

"Kae-ah! Chul-Moo's cooking is so good! You should cook for us too! And try some of this!" Dongho whined like a little kid with food in his mouth. Chul-Moo leaned over and pinched his cheeks as I stared at Kaenin and saw her tense.

"But I-"

"No buts, sis. It's rude to reject what a guest has brought over. Now hurry take a shower and come down. Pali." Kevin instructed sharply. I eyed Kaenin from where I was leaning against the wall and narrowed my eyes as I saw her fingers curl around a bag...

Of food?

The next thing I knew, she had whirled around and dropped the bag on one of the dining room chairs before shoving it under the table, brushing past me quickly. I attempted to reach out and grab her hand, but she disappeared up the stairs in a rush. I looked at the other members and Chul-Moo gathered in the living room and eating dinner happily, before walking into the dining room and pulling out the bag that Kaenin had just stashed. My eyes widened as I pulled out the boxes of food that Kaenin had bought for us, and remembered that unforgettable night out touring the city.


Kaenin stared at everyone blankly when they raced forward to a stall along the street, each yelling out orders of food excitedly. I noticed her confused expression and grabbed her hand, tugging her over to the stall.

"This is one of U-KISS's all time favourite small food stalls around here. We usually eat the famous kimchi and tteokbokki, and order rice and other side dishes too." I informed her. "The food's really good, steal some from the guys when they get their's later."

She smiled and nodded. "Araso, I'll remember this place and buy it for all of you someday. Don't forget to eat it all when I do buy it, or I'd be wasting my precious money."

I laughed. "Promise, promise."


*Kaenin-ah... you remembered.* I smiled sadly at the stairs where she had disappeared off to, leaving behind her forgotten food. An idea clicked in my head, and I pulled out two pairs of chopsticks while putting the food back neatly in the bag, before quickly rushing up to her room, going by completely unnoticed by the cheery group in the living room.

*Don't worry, Kaenin-ah, I didn't forget.*



Third chapter muahahaha. My classmate came up with this idea just now, and I think it turned out pretty good. Hope you're reading this now, you pabo (x Thanks for all the views and comments. Do subscribe as well! (:

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Taemin22 #1
I've read this at least three times already and I seriously think it needs more credit because it is a really amazing story
Chapter 47: Nice story~^^
Thank you, author! ;D
Some time looking through OLD ukiss tags here was worth it lol cos I've read almost everything that's dated "2013" already!
Plans for the sequel, no? ;)
Are you going to write a sequel?
i love this story!

ItsTaylor543 #5
so i guess im a little late on commenting buttttt AHHHHHHHHHHHHH i love it so so so much ^^ this is by far the best fan fic i have read. :D saranghaeyo <3
Taemin22 #6
I love the story!!!<br />
The ending was good!!!<br />
Make a sequel!<br />
If you can :D
Thanks for all the support whee U-KISS <3 hahaha we're all fans, but let's not go overboard. Happy you all liked it (:
THe ending was really good! one of the best stories i have read so far. Most points about the fangirls are sooo true!! KiSeop and Kaenin are really cute together. hehe ^^
Great story~!<br />
Aish, I will never get INSANE fangirls.
iamanonymous #10
Awesome ending! I don't get those fangirls that don't want idols to date. Seems to me that if you really love them, you would want them to be happy. Plus, idols are always singing about love, but if they never date how can they actually KNOW what they're singing about. If they have never gone through the ups and downs of love they won't be able to really put emotion into their songs. So really by letting them date they become a better and more understanding singer.