The Audition part 1

The Revenge

Chapt 7~

[Joon's POV]

We had been practising for ages and were dead tired. We had been dancing and singing for the past five hours. Our legs were sore and our throats were dry from all the dance and singing practices.

*What a workout*

'Ahhh... I am exhausted!' Soon Kyu said as she lay on her bed.

'Me too! Damn it. My head suddenly hurts like mad.' I said as I rubbed my temples.

*Oh man. I hate having headaches. It's probably the after effects of a long workout...*

Soon Kyu immediately shot up from her bed and asked, 'Oppa, are you okay? Do you need any medicine?'

*Wow. She's actually worried about me.*

I smiled and said, 'Aspirin would help.'

Soon Kyu nodded and hurried out of her room to find some aspirin.

*Hopefully aspirin will help my headache. I can't afford to fall sick...not when the audition's just tomorrow...*

Soon Kyu returned within minutes and passed me the aspirin.

'Joon-ah. You better go back home and rest. You won't want to fall sick.' Soon Kyu said as I popped the aspirin into my mouth.

I nodded my head in agreement, gave her a hug, then walked out.

[Soon Kyu's POV]

*Hopefullly, Joon oppa will be alright. He has been practising so hard for this audition. If he falls sick, it will ruin everything....and his dreams are very important to him.*

[Joon's POV]

(the next day)

'R-r-r-ring!' the alarm clock rang.

I woke up and was about to sit up straight when pain engulfed my head.

'Arghhh.' I groaned in pain as I clutched my head. My head still hurt like hell and I was feeling hot and cold at the same time. I stumbled to the bathroom and splashed cold water onto my face but it didn't help. I took a cold shower, dressed and went to my bedroom.

*Damn it. My head still hurts and I don't feel too good.*

The thought 'fever' registered in my head but I wasn't too sure. I searched for a thermometer to check my temperature just to be sure.

'37.9 degree celsius.' I read out aloud from the thermometer.

*Just a mild fever. I can hang on for abit.*

I glanced at the clock to see that I only had 10 minutes left before the audition starts.

*Damn it! I am gonna be late! Soon Kyu's waiting for me too! !*

I grabbed my jacket and ran all the way to the audition venue--- which was not a very smart thing to do when you have a mild fever.

I reached the audition venue with just a few minutes to spare and I immediately went to the booth to get my ticket number. After which, I started searching for Soon Kyu. I had accidentally left my phone at home thus I couldn't call her.

'Joon oppa! I'm here!'  I heard Soon Kyu shout. I could recognise her voice from anywhere. I liked her that much, or should I say, love.

I walked towards Soon Kyu with a smile on my face.

'Oppa, why're you so late? I waited for you for a very long time you know?' Soon Kyu said as she pouted.

*Aigoo. So cute.*

'Sorry. I kind of forgot about the audition, so yeah...' I answered sheepishly.

'It's okay. Oppa, are you okay? You look kinda pale...' Soon Kyu said as she look at me, worry evident in her eyes.

'Huh? I'm okay. Don't worry.' I lied as I gave her a smile. My head was hurting twice as bad from the morning run to the audition venue.

'If you say so...what's your ticket number, oppa?' Soon Kyu asked, looking like she didn't believe what I said.

'Mine's 59. What's yours?' I asked.

'35.' she replied.

'You better get prepared then. Number 30 just went in.' I said as the voice on the speaker announced, ' Number 30, please enter the audition room now.'

'Omo! Ok oppa. I'm going to prepare myself now. Bye.' Soon Kyu said as she hurried off into one of the practice rooms.

I searched for a chair and sat down.

*I don't feel good right now...i'm not even sure if I can sing in this condition. Aish. I really hope I won't screw up in front of the judges.*

After a while, Soon Kyu entered the audition room. I gave her a smile of encouragement before she entered and mouthed 'Fighting!' to her.

It was a while before Soon Kyu came out of the audition room with a huge grin on her face.

'How was it?' I asked.

'It was awesome! The judges were impressed with my song choice and dance moves! I feel so relieved now.' she replied happily.

'That's great to hear.' I said with a smile.

*Soon Kyu did well! Yes!! I am so happy for her! Now's my turn. I hope I don't mess up.*

I was thinking of more and more negative thoughts with each passing minute. I was really afraid although I didn't show it. I sat back down with Soon Kyu and we talked about things. I watched as people walked in and out of the audition room, some with a sad look while some with a wide smile on their faces.

[1 hour later]

'Oppa...Number 55 just went in. Do you want to go practise?' Soon Kyu asked me as she squeezed my hand.

'Neh. I'll see you in a while.' I said as I walked to one of the practice rooms.

'OPPA! FIGHTING!' I heard Soon Kyu shout.

I turned back and gave her a smile before making my way to the practice rooms again.

I started with some warm ups and gradually ease into some of the more difficult dance moves but what was supposed to be easy to me suddenly became hard. My headache and mild fever was getting in my way and that wasn't good.


'Number 59, please enter the audition room now.' I heard the voice from the speaker say.

I took in a few deep breaths and calmed myself down before I made my way to the audition room.

*This is it.*


This chapter was rather long so I had to break it into two parts. Anyway, I never know what an audition for an entertainment company's like so I just made one up. So for this, you have to collect a ticket number and proceed inside the audition venue. There are practice rooms provided and just an audition room, so yeah. And Joon lied to Soon Kyu because he didn't want her to worry which may result in her losing concentration during her audition, so yeah. Joon's selfless. Hehe :D

Any other questions just shoot. (: And please comment! :D

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@all: Thank you for all your support, guys!! I hope yall will enjoy the sequel!! (I think it's better than this tbh hahaah) <3
SungHaJoon #2
Chapter 43: I love it so much~ <3 *^*
i'm going to read the sequel *0*
Chapter 43: Definitely loved this story! :D Though revenge is so sweet, falling in love is way much sweeter! ^^ Hihihihi

off to read the sequel :3
Chapter 3: Daebak! I LOVE IT SOO MUCH!!!! :D
BrendaloveSuju #5
Unnie did you make up that little speech in the end that's in gray ? : o
KimHyunAe #6
yeah i like ur story...but i prefer sunny and joon...
jaejoong and sica...
humphh nice story author nim
I like , oh no no i don't like but i LOVE your story.

So nice and touchy.

Please continue you ff inseparable , I'm so curious about the next and i hope sunny with jaejoong still together. I love sunjae ♥ and i love your story too :))
@sackjt: thanks for reading :D glad you love it! n__n
i luv ur story!!!<br />
i luv ur story!!!<br />