
The Revenge

Chapter 19 (:


[Soon Kyu's POV]

'Wake up!' I heard someone scream in my ear.

*What a pleasant way to wake me up*

'Neh. Don't need to shout...' I groaned as I rubbed my eyes to get a clearer view of the person who screamed in my ear.

It was Soo-Yeon.

*She's just like my umma. Why can't anyone be like Joon oppa? He doesn't scream in my ear and still manages to wake me up...*

'Whatever. Just get dressed. Ji-Hoo sshi is already waiting in the living room. Hurry!' she said, annoyed before walking off. I made a face, washed up and got dressed. By the time I entered the living room, all the other girls were already present.

'Didn't I tell you to hurry?' Soo-Yeon said and scoffed.

*What's with her attitude?*

'Mianhae.' I apologised.

'It's okay. Take a seat.' Ji Hoo-sshi said kindly.

'Neh. Kamsahamnida.' I said and sat down.

'So girls, for today, you all will be returning home to pack your bags and say your goodbyes. After that, I want all of you back here for your singing lesson with your respective teachers. Now's 9am. I want you all back by 2pm. ON.THE.DOT' he said.

'Neh.' we replied.

*This is just great. Singing lessons with Kim Jaejoong. Someone kill me now.*

'Good. Now off you go.' he said and waved us off.

'Taeyeon-ah, how're you getting home?' I asked as we walked. Taeyeon and I had hit off rather well since day one and among all the other girls, I was the closest to her.

'I'm taking the train. You?' she asked.

'Walking home. My house's not so far from here.' I replied. Soo-Yeon, who happened to walk by at that moment said,' My house's not far from here too but I drive. Not walk.' and smirked.

*What in the world is wrong with her?*

'Does she hate me or something?' I asked Taeyeon once Soo-Yoen was out of hearing distance.

'No idea.' she replied and shrugged her shoulders.

*Just day two and someone dislikes me already.*

Once we were out of the company building, Taeyeon and I bid goodbye and went our separate ways-- her to the train station while for me-- home sweet home.

(on the way home)

*Why am I so unlucky?? Whyyyy? Out of all the girls, why must I get him as a TEACHER? Like him being my sunbae is not bad enough. Oh god. Now I'm going to be stuck with him until after we debut? Ahhhh. How am I going to survive? Wait a minute.... OH MY GOD. SOON KYU YOU PABO! You can start your revenge, can't you? How can you possibly forget about it? Pabo! Ok, let's think of a plan now... how about making him fall in love with me then break his heart? Simple plan but the result kills. He deserves all these after what he did to me! Soo-Yeon's going to be a problem though... but who cares? I WANT MY REVENGE AND I AM GOING TO GET IT.*

(at home)

'Umma! I'm home!' I shouted.

'Hello dear. You're back to pack your bags right?' she asked.

'Neh. How did you know?' I asked, curious.

'I was so frightened last night when you didn't come back home. I was about to report it to the police when someone from SME called and informed us about the change.' umma explained.

'Oh...' was all I could say.

'Soon Kyu-ah, go upstairs and pack your bag. I will fix us some breakfast.' umma said before she turned away. I walked to my room and took out the only luggage bag that I possessed. I took out my favourite clothes- most of which consisted of jeans and tees and packed some of my shoes-- two sneakers, two pumps and one pair of heels. I decided to bring along the heels as an added precaution. I also packed in an evening gown, in case there were any formal events that I needed to attend, which I'm pretty sure that there is going to be some. I took my tote bag and stuffed some of my miscellaneous in it. After all these, I went downstairs for breakfast. We ate our breakfast and then had some mother-daughter bonding time as appa was at work.

(four and a half hours later)

'Umma, I've got to go now.' I told her.

'Neh. Remember to take good care of yourself a...araso?' she said, her voice shaking. She was obviously holding her tears back.

'Umma, why're you crying? It's not like I'm going to be gone forever right? Don't cry umma...' I said.

'I know but it's just that I'm going to be seeing you everyday and it's hard... I'm so used to seeing you every morning for the past seventeen years...' she said.

'I know. You'll get used to it ok? I promise you I'll try to visit you when I've got the time ok? I really have to go now.' I said and hugged her tightly.

'Neh. Take care.' she said and pulled away from the hug.

'Bye umma.' I said. I pulled my luggage bag and made my way for SME's company buidling.

(at the company building)

'Ok girls. Glad to see all of you back here on time. Now, I'm going to inform you all of some changes. We have decided to change some of your names. Some of you will ask why, the main reason is because it will help you gain popularity once you debut and I'm pretty sure you all want that right?' he paused. We nodded our heads. 'So, from today onwards, Mi-Young will be called Tiffany. Soo-Yeon will be Jessica and lastly, Soon Kyu will be Sunny. Any objections?' he asked.

*Now I'm called Sunny? It's not that bad...I suppose...*

'No.' we replied.

'Good. Now for you singing lessons! Bye bye.' he said and chased us away.

*Oh man... Soon Kyu. You can do this! Act nice and friendly. DON'T LET YOUR HATRED TAKE CONTROL. This is the first step, Soon Kyu. You can do this! Fighting!* I thought as I mentally prepared myself for what was going to come.

We made our way to the room where our lesson was going to take place and surprisingly, Jaejoong was already there. I had expected him to be late just like some other arrogant superstar but I guess not...

'Annyeonghaseyo.' he greeted once he saw us.

'Annyeonghaseyo sunbae.' we greeted back.

'No need to call me sunbae. Just Jaejoong will be fine.' he said and flashed a supposedly killer smile of his that sent the four other girls swooning, especially Jessica.

'Neh! Jae oppa!' she said enthusiastically.

*Oppa? Pfft.*

'Oops. Mianhae. It just slipped off my tongue.' Jessica apologised once she realised her mistake.

'It's okay...' Kim Jaejoong said.

*Just slipped of your tongue? Yeah right. Pssh. She can seriously lie better.* I thought and mentally rolled my eyes.

'Can you all introduce yourself? I don't really know you all well...' he said and scratched the back of his head while looking down, embarrassed.

'Sure Jaejoong!' Jessica replied.

*Oh my god. What an attention seeker*

After Jessica's fifteen minutes introduction of herself (Jaejoong had to cut her short), it was finally our turn.

'Annyeonghaseyo. Lee Soon Kyu imnida. Nice to meet you again.' I introduced and smiled when it was my turn.

[Jaejoong's POV]

'Annyeonghaseyo. Lee Soon Kyu imnida. Nice to meet you again.' she introduced herself and smiled.

*Has she forgiven me already? She was smiling just now... could it be? Aishh... Jaejoong-ah, you better ask her for forgiveness later, just to be sure...*

After the brief introductions, singing lesson started. I told them to each sing a song of their choice first so I could get to know how high and how low they can go. I was truely impressed by Soon Kyu's singing. I'm not being bias anything but she was being natural unlike Jessica, who was trying way too hard. If she wants to impress me, she can do way better. Speaking of which, Jessica's really irritating. She's just like that Goo Hara. Oh my god.

The singing lesson soon ended and I was grateful. I can't tolerate Jessica anymore. She's so annoying!

'Soon Kyu, stay back for a while, I need to talk to you about something.' I said.

[Soon Kyu's POV]

'Soon Kyu, stay back for a while, I need to talk to you about something.' Jaejoong said.

*What now?*

To be 100% honest with you, this singing lesson was not as bad as I thought. It was seriously fun to see Jessica all over Jaejoong and him being annoyed out of his wits. She's just like Goo Hara...

'Neh.' I replied.

After everyone left, including Jessica who was very unwilling, Jaejoong came over to where I was sitting.

'What do you want to talk about, Jaejoong sunbae?' I asked and did some of my aegyo.

'Uh, I'm not sure if you remember, but I was the one who humiliated you few years back...' he trailed off and looked down.

*Yeah of course I remember! JERK!*

'I do remember.' I replied simply.

'Well, I'm really sorry about it and I really regretted doing it... so will you forgive me?' he asked.


'Yeah sure. I've completely moved on from that incident.' I lied.

'Thank you.' he said and smiled brightly.

[Jaejoong's POV]

'Yeah sure. I've completely moved on from that incident.' she said as she smiled.

*Yes! She forgave me! I'm so relieved right now!*

'Thank you.' I replied and smiled at her.

[Soon Kyu's POV]

*Kim're such a fool. You're so easily fooled...but that just makes my revenge alot simpler*


This chapter is really not up to standard. Mianhae. I have alot of things going on right now but I don't like keeping the readers waiting, so I updated. :D

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@all: Thank you for all your support, guys!! I hope yall will enjoy the sequel!! (I think it's better than this tbh hahaah) <3
SungHaJoon #2
Chapter 43: I love it so much~ <3 *^*
i'm going to read the sequel *0*
Chapter 43: Definitely loved this story! :D Though revenge is so sweet, falling in love is way much sweeter! ^^ Hihihihi

off to read the sequel :3
Chapter 3: Daebak! I LOVE IT SOO MUCH!!!! :D
BrendaloveSuju #5
Unnie did you make up that little speech in the end that's in gray ? : o
KimHyunAe #6
yeah i like ur story...but i prefer sunny and joon...
jaejoong and sica...
humphh nice story author nim
I like , oh no no i don't like but i LOVE your story.

So nice and touchy.

Please continue you ff inseparable , I'm so curious about the next and i hope sunny with jaejoong still together. I love sunjae ♥ and i love your story too :))
@sackjt: thanks for reading :D glad you love it! n__n
i luv ur story!!!<br />
i luv ur story!!!<br />