I Remember!

Blackmail My Thief


“I know that girl…” I said out loud. The members and I were resting in the living room watching TV. Taking up the whole couch I was thinking hard. Chang Yae Young. I met you somewhere. I can’t believe I don’t remember!

That soft, long sinfully black hair and big brown doe eyes combined with perfect pale skin, long black eyelashes, cute nose, and soft pink lips, she was any guy’s dream girl. Plus her chest wasn’t bad and her waist was almost nonexistent.

“How can I not remember??” I slapped my forehead. Hot girl like that and I don’t remember?

Onew shrugged. He didn’t see the girl when she walked out. I couldn’t blame him, she was like a ghost! When Minho and I ran out of the store and looked around we couldn’t see her anywhere! Regret…

“Was she that hot?” he asked doubtfully.

Minho chuckled, “Oh yea, she was pretty hot. One of the cutest girls I’ve seen in a long time, maybe forever. She even knew how to protect herself. She seemed to be intelligent and athletic. One in a million, definitely.”

Onew just shrugged again and watched the TV screen.

“If you like her why don’t you find her?” Taemin yawned. “After all, you know her name. Chang Yae Young, it’s not a unique name but not too many girls will have it.”

Key groaned, “Don’t get Jonghyun started again Taemin. Did you see that crowd of girls today?”

“Trust me, I’m not doing that again.” I shuddered thinking about all the screaming girls. Don’t get me wrong, I know that they are the reason I’m where I am today. It’s just that…do they have to scream that loudly?

“Are you sure you’ve seen her somewhere?” Minho asked doubtfully, “I don’t really think you would forget her hyung.”

“I know I did. Somewhere…” the black hair…something about black hair, its ringing bells plus her voice… where have I heard that before?

“Forget it. You’re not going to remember, you don’t have the best brain here, if you know what I’m saying.” Onew grinned.

“WHAT?? LEE JINKI, WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY? HUH??” I yelled chasing him around the living room.

“If you can’t remember a beautiful girl and you get a bracelet stolen from another girl I think it means that you don’t really have a very good brain Jonghyun!” Onew sang as he ran around. He was a really fast runner and I tried to catch him, failing every time until something he said clicked.


Long black hair flowing in the small breeze, a slim body balancing on the windowsill. A smooth, soft voice floating through the air.

“Who are you?”

“I don’t think that’s necessary to know.”

“Enlighten me.”



“Because you can’t do anything about it.”

Then her disappearing with the wind, like she wasn’t ever there at all. The only trace of her ever being there was my memories and the missing bracelet.

“The thief!” I whispered, shocked, everything was fitting together! No wonder she looked so familiar to me! And no wonder I couldn’t place her immediately! I never actually saw her face!

The more I thought about it, the more I knew I was right. The voice, the hair, the slim body…everything fit!

“Yah, Jonghyun, are you okay?” Onew asked stopping his solo race.

“Hyung?” Minho frowned. “What’s wrong?”

“I know where I saw her before!” I grinned, “I got you now you thief.”

“Thief? Don’t tell me…” Key trailed off in shock. “That girl you met today…”

“She was the thief?!” all four members yelled in unison.

“You’re found out now Chang Yae Young. You’re dead.” I grinned, rubbing my hands together evilly as a smirk stretched across my face.


“Just wait.” I smirked.


“Till I get you.”


“You’re going to wish that you never stole from the Great Jonghyun!”


“WHAT TAEMIN?!” I yelled. He was interrupting my evil plans!

Taemin shrunk back behind Key and responded in a pitiful voice. “How are you going to find her?”


“You only know her name. And you already tried to find her by announcing over Music Bank. Plus, she’s a thief; don’t you think that she has some kind of backup plan for this stuff? Meeting her in the store was just a lucky coincidence. I don’t really think that’s going to happen again. I mean, Seoul is a really big city, how are you going to find just one girl?”

I blinked.

“Do you have a plan?”

“Of course!” I scoffed. “I’ll just…”

They all looked at me with curiosity.

“I’ll go…”

They blinked.

“It’ll be easy I’ll get…”

They raised their eyebrows.

“Pshh... It’ll be easy, if you call…”

They narrowed their eyes.

“If I just…”

“You have no idea do you?” Key shook his head and rolled his eyes.

“Zero IQ.” Onew coughed.

Minho and Taemin just sighed.

“Well do you geniuses have a plan?” I barked. “NO I didn’t think so!” I turned my back on them, annoyed.

“Rice brain.” Onew coughed.

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rrnadrow #1
Chapter 33: I love this story so much! It can't just stop here! You're killing me.
LollyTrolly #2
Update soon please!!!!!!!<3
Ashyunchick20 #3
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~
I was wondering if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about... SHINEE!!~ :D :D
Thanks!!~ ^_^
emmchu #4
lol NOOO UR NOT ANNOYING ME!!! thank you sooo much for saying that! :) i actually got myself off of my lazy to think and write this chapter! thanks :D
LollyTrolly #5
Sorry to annoy you, but pleaaaassee update soon! It's so good.<3
emmchu #6
hahaha THANK YOU I LOVE U TOO!! :) <3
LollyTrolly #7
emmchu #8
hahaha hobo, lol i guess it sounds that way, hehehe :)
emmchu #9
lol thank you guys sooo much!! hehehe i'm going to update now~
ohhh i get it, hahaha maybe i'll use it sometime in the story! :)
LollyTrolly #10
and atm means: at the moment.