Mong War-Part 2 and Cheesy Pick Ups

Blackmail My Thief


Mong glared at the couple who was sitting across from him. She called me ajusshi?I’m YOUNG! Oh I’m going to get both of you, you brats.

“So how far have you gotten?” he showed an oily smile.

Jonghyun choked on his drink and Yaeyoung froze, her food inches from his lips. “Excuse me?”

“How far have you two gotten? You know?” he smirked and winked.

What the heck is this old man trying to do? Yaeyoung’s eyes narrowed infinitesimally as she bit into her dinner. Purposely insulting Jonghyun and this? What’s his goal?

“My! Mang ajusshi!” she giggled, “That’s between Jonghyun and me.”

MANG?? IT’S  MONG! “Why, haven’t gone too far yet?” I’m bringing you two down. Bless whoever told me that your relationship was supposedly a fake. Now I have something to destroy Jonghyun with.

“What are you saying?!” Jonghyun sputtered. “We-,” He stopped when Yaeyoung kicked his shin under the table. When he looked over to her furious for an explanation she shook her head slightly and turned towards Mong with a smile.

“That’s between Jonghyun and me.” she repeated and leaned into the table, towards him. “But if you want to know what a couple does so much, why don’t you get a girl? I’m sure there are plenty of women who want to date you.” Who are under age sixty of course.

Mong’s smile froze on his face. Why this brat! I’m not done yet! I’m going to reveal you both in the next twenty-four hours! “You’re right, you’re right. So,” he forked his spaghetti. “How did the two of you meet? I mean with Jonghyun’s busy hours and your…well I guess I don’t know!” he chuckled.

How did we meet? We should have gone over the details in this relationship! Yaeyoung froze. What are we going to do? We need to coordinate the stories and…

“So, who confessed first?” Mong grinned. Gotcha.

There was a pause before Jonghyun stepped in.

“Yaeyoung did. It was so touching how she did it too!” Jonghyun laughed lightheartedly. Mong may be after us, but I’m still going to get my revenge Chang Yaeyoung.

Yaeyoung’s eyes shot over to him. What is this shorty doing? We never talked about this! Although we should have, an overlook on my part…

“She was waiting for me after my schedule.” He explained. “With a sign and a presents, I passed by her because I didn’t know she was waiting for me then.”

What the heck are you doing? Yaeyoung caught Jonghyun’s eye. “Jonghyun! What are you saying!” she laughed to hide her anger and leaned over to cover his mouth.

Teaching you not to call me Dino head, “Don’t be embarrassed sweetie, it was cute!” Jonghyun said while dodging her hand. “So she saw me pass by her right? Well she couldn’t just let me go because she waited God knows how long for me to come out right? So my adorable girl stopped me and then opened up her sign that said, ‘Jonghyun I love you!’ on it and handed me the presents. I was shocked, like any other person would be. Then she started to talk in her cute stuttering voice. ‘Jonghyun oppa! I love you! Please go out with me!’ she said.” Jonghyun sighed with a smile and pretended to be thinking back. “Well of course I was touched but I just met the girl! I couldn’t say yes to every girl that said that to me, although I would love to.”

Mong glanced over to Yaeyoung who was holding in her fury and smirked. So it was true. “Of course, I mean you’re a celebrity!” and nodded attentively. Go on; reveal your fake relationship by yourselves.

“So I politely turned her down and left. I thought it would be the end of it, I mean, it usually is after that. But the next day I was at my schedule and there she was again! But this time, she was inside of the building I was working at! She ran towards me and hugged me! Grabbing me she was like ‘Jonghyun oppa! Please go out with me!’.”

What the heck is Jonghyun doing? Onew looked over to Yaeyoung who looked really, really pissed off. Oh he’s dead.

“Okay that was the second time and I was happy she liked me so much but I had to refuse.” Jonghyun seemed like he regretted it. “But then she sneaked into my Music Bank showing refused to let me go perform until I went out with her! She was like ‘Jonghyun oppa! Please go out with me! I can’t live without you!’ Of course I had to agree since I had to go perform for the fans.”

“Of course.” Mong nodded with a smile.

Trying to get back at me Kim Jonghyun? Yaeyoung smirked; oh you have so little imagination. That perfect chance was so badly used. Something that stupid isn’t going to embarrass me. Just wait Kim Jonghyun. I’ll show you what is really embarrassing.


Why isn’t she doing anything? Jonghyun thought as they were eating dinner. Key, Minho, Onew, and Taemin were filling in the silence by joking around and just making everyone laugh. Is she in shock from the embarrassment? He snuck a glance at the joking and laughing girl. She was fitting in perfectly and showing a natural and bubbly girl for the camera. But it didn’t seem fake, it seemed like she was really enjoying everything. Maybe the story wasn’t enough…

Then the girl who felt the watchful stares turned to her pseudo boyfriend. “Jongie? What are you staring at?” she asked with wide doe eyes.

“Um…nothing.” What the heck? What’s with her eyes? And ‘Jongie’? What’s with that? I need a better name than ‘Jongie’.

“There’s nothing wrong with staring at your girlfriend.” Mong remarked with a smirk. “I’m not your boyfriend and I could stare at you all day.” Plan B. Making Jonghyun jealous.

Yaeyoung giggled and started to sip her drink as she looked over the glass to watch Jonghyun. Why isn’t he participating? Is he just going to let that comment go? Frustrated she discreetly stomped on Jonghyun’s foot again.

“OW!” He yelled jumping in his seat. “WHAT WAS THAT?”

Seeing Jonghyun’s surprised anger, Onew quickly covered for him. “Uhh, sorry Jonghyun I thought it was a bug.”


“Uh…America?” he smiled weakly.


“Jonghyun! Calm down! You’re causing a scene!” Yaeyoung snapped and stood. Then she bowed ninety degrees in every direction. “I’m very sorry for my boyfriend’s behavior. I’m really sorry.”

Murmured acceptances were heard and smiles were pointed in the nice girl’s direction but only glares were thrown in Jonghyun’s.

That brat! Make me look bad! Jonghyun put on a half hearted smile. “Sorry.”

Perfect. Mong stood and sat in between Jonghyun and Yaeyoung while pushing Jonghyun out in the process. “So, I went fishing yesterday.” He smiled at the puzzled girl.

“Um…okay…” what’s he trying to do? Fishing?

“It took me forever but I catch one.”

“…That’s great?” she looked at the MC as if he was crazy.

“It was tthhhhiiiissss big.” At ‘this’ he stretched his arms out wide and put an arm around the shocked girl, before she could do anything, he continued. “But, sadly, when I went to catch another one, it was only this big.” This time at ‘this’ he put his hands closer together, showing the size of the smaller fish. The move caused Yaeyoung to squeeze up to Mong.

Colong…too strong…about…to…die… Yaeyoung held her breath as much as possible.

SHINee members looked at the scene with wide eyes and all their eyes flickered towards Jonghyun in unison. Oh shoot…Mong is dead… Jonghyun looked furious enough to break diamonds, his eyes blazing with fire.

“Uhh…” Taemin ran in between the two and discreetly but quickly threw Mong’s arm off of Yaeyoung. “Are we playing cheesy pick up line game hyung?” he said in panic.

“I’m going to win this game!” Key hurried to raise his hand and leaned in towards Onew and tapped his lap. “I know it’s not Christmas but Santa’s lap is always here.” He grinned goofily.

Onew grinned back and quickly sat on Key’s lap. “Okay Santa, this year I would like…”

“Ooff.” Key grunted. “Onew, you’re so fat! Get off of me! Stop eating so much chicken!”


“Hyung, is that all you can do?” Minho smirked and gestured to Taemin. “Babe, if I rearranged the alphabet, I would put ‘u’ and ‘I’ together.” He said with one of his blinding smiles.

“Cheeeeesssyyyy.” Onew and Key chorused. But every other girl in the room squealed and started to run towards the boy. Even Taemin looked entranced.

Still smiling blindingly, Minho continued, knowing he had everyone’s attention. He stood and glided towards the stunned maknae and out his finger on his chin and looked into his eyes. “I was blinded by your beauty so I’m going to need your name and number for insurance reasons.”


Everyone looked towards Yaeyoung, the only girl not hypnotized by Minho’s charisma. Minho’s eyes got bigger in shock. What the heck? Immune? To me?Impossible. Even Mong was hypnotized!

“That’s not that good!” she smirked and stood, confidently walking towards Jonghyun, changing along the way; she shook her hair and got a special glint in her eye. Yaeyoung stopped when she reached him and smiled up at him.

“What are you…” his sentence dragged off and he seemed stunned when he saw Yaeyoung’s shining smile.

“You can fall out of a building, you can fall out of a tree, but baby, the best way is to fall in love with me.”

Jonghyun looked shocked and it was quiet until the roar of men crowed the table.

“I’ll fall in love with you!”

“Go out with me!

“Falling off of a building will be easy if it’s because of you!”

“You’re so hot; I got burned just staring at you!”

 “You’ll fall in just an hour with me!”

“Um…” Yaeyoung looked overwhelmed at the attention and stepped back. But that just made it worse. More and more men swarmed around her as she just stepped back. “Um…please…” Then the guys started pulling on her, yanking her wrist, urging her to go with them. “Wait, stop!”

Suddenly, one hand that was stronger than all the others, dragged her out of the crowd and out of the restaurant.

“HEY!” she yelled as she was being dragged away.

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rrnadrow #1
Chapter 33: I love this story so much! It can't just stop here! You're killing me.
LollyTrolly #2
Update soon please!!!!!!!<3
Ashyunchick20 #3
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~
I was wondering if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about... SHINEE!!~ :D :D
Thanks!!~ ^_^
emmchu #4
lol NOOO UR NOT ANNOYING ME!!! thank you sooo much for saying that! :) i actually got myself off of my lazy to think and write this chapter! thanks :D
LollyTrolly #5
Sorry to annoy you, but pleaaaassee update soon! It's so good.<3
emmchu #6
hahaha THANK YOU I LOVE U TOO!! :) <3
LollyTrolly #7
emmchu #8
hahaha hobo, lol i guess it sounds that way, hehehe :)
emmchu #9
lol thank you guys sooo much!! hehehe i'm going to update now~
ohhh i get it, hahaha maybe i'll use it sometime in the story! :)
LollyTrolly #10
and atm means: at the moment.