Travel to Fall, Oops, I Mean Trip to Trip

Blackmail My Thief

Hey guys! I'm sooo sorry it took me so long to update! I had writer's block... well here i am with a chapter! I hope you like it! I tried to put in some humor hoping you guys would laugh and comment. Hehehe, well enjoy!



Yaeyoung and Minho were laughing when the other members walked into the lobby. Well, for Onew, it was more like stumbling.

“Wait, watch out!” Yaeyoung warned when Onew, half asleep with messy hair ran into a table.

“OWWW!” Onew shrieked and jumped around on one leg, the other leg wrapped around by his hands.

Key just rolled his eyes and walked past him. “Pay up.”

With a groan, Taemin forked over some crumpled dollars, “I knew I should have bet against him but it was just across the lobby!” he grumbled and went to sit across from Minho with folded arms and a full on pout.

Jonghyun just smirked and sat next to him. “You might have won if…” he seemed to be thinking, “Wait…scratch that. Taemin, I can’t believe you bet for Onew and Key, you shouldn’t have taken advantage of Taemin like that.”

Key shrugged while Onew limped over, scowling. “I am not that clumsy.”

“Uhuh.” They said doubtfully and then rolled their eyes when Onew hopped onto a pen, falling backwards.

“AAHHHH MY !” he screeched. Yaeyoung and the camera crew laughed at his natural clumsiness but the SHINee members just shook their heads, having already seen it so many times that it was just sad.

“Where’s Mong?” Jonghyun asked when the laughter died and Onew was safely in a seat.

“He should be here by now.” Minho was about to check his watch when Mong came running across the lobby.

“HEY!” He yelled, “Let’s go!” then he started the introduction to what was going to happen today.

“Should we tell him that we already did that?” Minho asked with an amused expression. “He looks stupid redoing it right now.”

Yaeyoung frowned, “He was late by half an hour and delayed the shooting. Then he runs across the hotel and just starts wherever and whenever he wants to, assuming that we couldn’t start without him. Plus when he ran down, he never even apologized!” she glared at the thoughtless MC. “He can make a fool out of himself all he wants for all I care. I lose respect for people who doesn’t care about the ones around them.” With a huff, Yaeyoung left.

“Is that a really...’politically correct’ way of saying that she hates him?” Onew thought out loud curiously.

Taemin and Minho shrugged. “Maybe ‘hate’ is too strong of a word. More like ‘dislike’?”

Key ignored their conversation and gestured to Jonghyun. “Ready? Do you have an idea of what to do?”

He just smirked, “I’m Bling Bling Jonghyun, and lady’s man. Of course I know how to make a girl happy.”

The metal stick looked at the conceited singer, “You’re stupid.”

“Wha? Yah, Kim Kibum, you want to say that again?”

“You’re stupid if you think that Yaeyoung is going to bend like every other girl.” Key replied bluntly, unimpressed by Jonghyun’s threat.

“How would you know?”

“Because unlike the Dino head over here, I actually pay attention to her.” With that cryptic comment, he walked over to where Yaeyoung was.

Getting over his shock, Jonghyun frowned and turned to the others. “Did you see what he said to me?” he whined.

All of them wore looks of disbelief. “Nope. We didn’t hear a thing, nor do we agree completely with Key.” Then they left Jonghyun by himself.

“So…does that mean that they did hear us or not?” Jonghyun asked himself out loud.


“So what are we going to do today?” Taemin asked in front of the camera. Everyone was in full ‘TV’ mode and smiling.

“I’m glad you asked Taemin-sshi!” Mong said excitedly. “Today, we’re going to go on a Trip to Trip!” a huge grin appeared on his face.

“Trip to Trip? What is that?” SHINee and Yaeyoung chorused. Gosh, the name is so lame.

“Well,” Mong started to answer, “All these reality shows have a specific destination that we have to go to right? Well, I decided that we should do something different! So I came up with this idea! Instead of going to a location, we’re going to be traveling all day!”

“Traveling all day?”

“Exactly! That’s why it’s called a Trip to Trip! It’s not a trip to ‘somewhere’ but a trip to go on a trip!” Mong was ecstatic about the name and the idea.

Lame. All of them thought.

“Did you really approve this writer-noona?” Key whispered besides the camera.

She just rolled her eyes and shrugged.

The six kids just stood there, not knowing what to say.

What the heck is he talking about? We better not be stuck in a car with this guy for any length of time, especially since he freaking takes up halfthe car spreading his stuff around! No room for my legs!

Aigoo, the poor guy, he actually thinks that this is a good idea. There better be a chicken store on the way or he’ll have to deal with me.

I can’t believe the producers actually agreedto this! What is this going to do to my REP! I can’t be seen hanging around with a guy with that stupid hat on!

If he’s going to do something as lame as this to us, he better be buying me a bunch of snacks during the filming!

I don’t want to be seen doing this. Why is he so lame? Yaeyoung is right to call him Mang. ‘MANG hae suh’ this guy. Hahaha, I’m so funny. And Yaeyoung thinks I’m dumb, I’m hilarious. (Mang hae suh in korean means something along the lines of 'can't be turned back to normal' or 'destroyed' [sorry kind of hard to explain] so he's just playing with the name that Yaeyoung calls him.)

Gosh, I knew Mang was an idiot but this is just stupid. Trip to Trip? That sounds so lame. Something that Jonghyun would think of. My gosh, he’s snickering over there, he just thought of something lame in his head didn’t he? Gosh, I need to buy him a sense of humor.

“So, what do you think?” Mong said with a smile. “Come on, don’t be shy, it’s pretty awesome right?”

It’s lame; just say it straight out Minho. Wait, that smile looks pretty threatening; I’ll just wait for someone else to say it…

HE ASKED! What should I say? I’m the leader, I should step up and say it straight out! Hold on, exactly I’m the leader! So, I’ll just wait for my followers to tell him…

I can’t say that’s the idea and name is good! I’m Almighty Key! I don’t compliment something that stupid! Just wait for someone else to comment nicely so my rep doesn’t get killed. Then again, hanging out with a person that actually wears a hat that stupid is already making my rep go down the drain…

That writer noona is holding something’s a sign…SAY IT’S AWESOME AND I’LL BUY YOU BANANA MILK!Banana milk! I’m going to say it, just take a deep breath, you can do this, it’s not a big deal, just a few words, come on Taemin do it for the banana milk…I CAN’T DO THIS! I’M SORRY MY LOVE! I CAN’T DRINK YOU!

Yaeyoung just rolled her eyes at me. Does she know that I thought of a joke in my head? She freaking thinks that it’s lame! It is so not lame! It’s freaking smart! Better than Mong’s stupid idea! Wait, what do we think of it? Did he really ask that? Should I just tell him the truth? I guess I could…nah, just wait for someone else to say something. I’m not going to agree with something so dumb. See Yaeyoung! I have standards! I’m not as lame as Mong!

He’s arguing with his obvious lameness in his head isn’t he? Just face it Dino head, your jokes are just…well then again…better than Mang’s idea. Maybe… Everyone’s quiet, well I guess I see their point, no one wants to say good things about that Travel to…what was it again? Whatever…huh? Key’s staring at me, wait Taemin too! So is Minho and Onew! Do they want me to say it? NO WAY! I may be a thief but I’m not an idioticthief! Just stop starring at me! I’m not going to say it! I have a will of iro-, OWWW! KEY WHAT THE HECK?! PAIN UP MY FOOT! WHAT THE HECK IS IN HIS SHOES? IT HURTS! Shoot, he’s going to do it again, ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT! I’ll do it! Just wait Kim Kibum, you’re going to get it later…

Yaeyoung put on a fake bright smile, “It’s a great idea Mang!”


“Travel to Fall-,”

“Trip to Trip.”

“-is a great idea! I mean you would think that a fifty year old man-,”

“I’m only thirty.”

“-such as yourself wouldn’t be able to spare the time to think of an idea as lovely as this!” Yaeyoung beamed cheerfully at the pissed off and glaring man and SHINee tried not to laugh out loud at her obviously insulting comment.

“Whatever, let’s just get on with it.” Mong stomped away.

“Wait Mang! Let’s go together!” She skipped up to him.


“Alright! You don’t have to yell Mang!” Yaeyoung widened her eyes in mock innocence and surprise.

Mong looked as if he was going to strangle the joyful girl. I’m going to KILL HER!!

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rrnadrow #1
Chapter 33: I love this story so much! It can't just stop here! You're killing me.
LollyTrolly #2
Update soon please!!!!!!!<3
Ashyunchick20 #3
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~
I was wondering if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about... SHINEE!!~ :D :D
Thanks!!~ ^_^
emmchu #4
lol NOOO UR NOT ANNOYING ME!!! thank you sooo much for saying that! :) i actually got myself off of my lazy to think and write this chapter! thanks :D
LollyTrolly #5
Sorry to annoy you, but pleaaaassee update soon! It's so good.<3
emmchu #6
hahaha THANK YOU I LOVE U TOO!! :) <3
LollyTrolly #7
emmchu #8
hahaha hobo, lol i guess it sounds that way, hehehe :)
emmchu #9
lol thank you guys sooo much!! hehehe i'm going to update now~
ohhh i get it, hahaha maybe i'll use it sometime in the story! :)
LollyTrolly #10
and atm means: at the moment.