
Blackmail My Thief

Thank you to my first suscribers and viewers! i appreciate it alot!! Please keep supporting me and comment please! Thank youuu!



“Lee Mi Ran!”

I shyly raised my hand up and pushed up my giant glasses that took up half of my face. “Here” I whispered.

The teacher glared at me, “Speak up Miss Lee. Park Hyo Lin!”

I bowed my head as my classmates giggled at me.

Later, the teacher called on me to solve a problem on the whiteboard. Standing I started to walk to the board when a foot shot out. You have got to be kidding me! At least make it as little inconspicuous, I completely saw that one coming. Resisting the urge to groan, roll my eyes, and kick that leg into next week, I sighed inwardly and walked directly into his foot, then braced for the fall.

“AHH!” I yelled as I fell. I landed on my hands then quickly switched to my arms, effectively cushioning the fall and making sure no one saw my  ‘fall’.

“Be careful, nerd!” the guy that tripped me snorted. The class erupted in laughter.

“Mr. Jang! Miss Lee! Stop and come solve this problem!” the teacher snapped, not amused. I started to rise when I found that my glasses were broken. Idiot cheap glasses! I knew I should have gotten the other one! What am I going to do? If they see my real face, I won’t be ‘nerd’ anymore!

“Miss Lee!” she snapped again. “Please come to the whiteboard!”

What am I going to do? Think Yae Young! I felt a heavy weight in my left pocket. My phone! Making sure no one could see I quickly got my phone out. I didn’t have a lot of time to figure out what it could do this past month but there was the phone charm I got a few days ago. I had sharpened one corner of it into a slightly dull blade. Good thing I did it! Bracing for the pain, I quickly cut my arm with the corner and warm, dark red blood spilled out.

“Miss Le- Miss Lee, is that blood?” the teacher gasped and fainted. I forgot she had a phobia of blood…oh well. As the other kids crowed to their teacher I quietly slipped out of the room. What am I going to do? Well first of all, I can’t stay here; I need to go to an infirmary and get this treated. I glanced at the wound and grimaced. I wasn’t scared of blood and I didn’t get queasy when I saw it either, but…I wasn’t too crazy about the dark red liquid flowing out of the cut. I examined the injury, doesn’t seem too bad. I made sure that it wasn’t deep enough to raise scars. All I need is some medicine and a wrap that should do it.

I ran out of the school careful not to run into anyone. This wasn’t exactly an excused leave. Oh well, I’m bleeding, that should count for something.

Now, what am I going to do about my glasses? Getting a replacement would take a few days… I shrugged. The kids there saw me bleed I’m sure if I call in, I’ll be able to skip a few days of school.

Applying constant pressure to the wound I went into the closest drug store and bought a wrap, a large band aid and some antibiotic medicine. Sitting down on one of the benches, I applied quick first aid. The clean white wrap didn’t contrast with my pale skin. I should get tanner…but being pale is not too bad. I like it. Plus being tan makes me feel dirty.

As soon as I was done, I started to walk back to my apartment. I don’t really like the place. It’s far too lonely and quiet. I sighed. I miss my brothers…

I called the glasses shop I went to last time and told them to make another one, this time sturdier. By the time I finished the call unnecessarily repeating my information to at least five people on staff. I can’t believe it took twenty minutes to order one pair of glasses.

Unlocking the door, I slipped in and surveyed the apartment. By habit I looked around to see if anything had been disturbed. Nothing, everything was just the way I left it. Relaxing, I tossed my jacket and bag onto the light butter cream colored couch and yawned.

There’s nothing to do… I want a job. The thrill of stealing something is incomparable. Don’t get me wrong, stealing is bad. But one thing you may not know about the Chang family is that even though we steal, very well I add, but we give them back…to some point. We sell whatever we got after it cools down on the black market and we give the money to charity. In fact, the Chang family is the biggest charity donors in the west. The children’s hospital in Seattle even has a wing named after my grandfather who donated almost a hundred thousand dollars he got from stealing that one pottery piece in LA… Now what was the name of that? I shrugged. I’ll come to me later.

Mom told me to lie low…but it’s been a month…I’m bored. I want to steal…

Frowning I pouted. I’m sure she won’t mind if I steal just one thing. Mom and dad prefer to steal paintings, James technology, and Anthony has more of a ‘priceless history’ thing. And I like to steal jewelry. What can I say? Diamonds are a girl’s best friend. I’m sure mom won’t mind if I just steal one piece of jewelry… it won’t even be that big! Maybe just a ring or something… I thought it over for a few minutes and smirked. My thieving blood can’t take anymore of this boring life, I’m going to steal. Mom would understand. I’m sure my brothers already did something by now.

With a huge grin, I took off my school uniform and my boringly styled hair for Lee Mi Ran. Gosh, I really hate this cover. I’m going to have to kick all those kids’ butts before I go back. I’m putting it on my to-do list…if I had a to-do list.

I love wearing cute clothes and styling my black hair that fell a few inches below my shoulders. But Mi Ran is the complete opposite! I’m going to suffocate if I’m like that any longer. The next few days, I’m going to be me.

I ran to the closet and pulled out a clean, loose white dress shirt and black shorts what went to the middle of my thigh. I wore soft flats that didn’t make any sound and curled my hair. Now it fell in waves around me. Lightly putting on makeup, just mascara and eye liner. I don’t really like having makeup on my face. It makes my face feel heavy.

“Ready!” I said to no one in particular. Now for the plan, I saw a expensive looking jewelry store around here…I’ll go there.


Tiffany’s, I sighed in happiness. I love Tiffany’s. The jewelry here is so cute! I sat quietly on the bench making sure not to do anything to attract attention. I let myself blend in with the wood.

Not him, too old.

Not him, gosh he looks like he would have zero taste. I don’t want ugly jewelry!

No way! Look at the woman’s outfit! She probably bought that ugly, colossal, bright green lizard brooch on the display there. I don’t want that!

Gosh no!

Ugly hair.

The bag’s too small. He’s probably just bought an engagement ring. I don’t break up a relationship, that’s cliché and old. Yes, I do have a conscious.


Too big.


I can’t believe he bought that.

That’s cute but it looks cute with her.


I suppressed a yawn. What? Does no one have a sense of style these days? I frowned and was just about to leave when I saw a guy walking out of the store. He was tall but no overly so. He had big chocolate brown eyes that looked annoyed as he held out the Tiffany bag like it was a rattle snake. Muscular but not a body builder he looked like he had good taste. The guy looked to be about in his early twenties. I focused on him. No, I can narrow that one down further. Twenty-two? Twenty-one? His dark blue jeans fit him perfectly, outlining his strong legs. He wore a plain, green v-neck t-shirt and his strong arms were revealed under his short sleeves.

Weirdly his hair was in different colors. Light blond, then darker blond to brown to black. How odd, he reminds me of a dinosaur. I thought with a giggle. But he’s still cute. And I thought that there were no cute Korean guys here. I proudly admit I was wrong.

I smirked. Sorry cutie but I’m going to steal that. Slipping into the crowd I smiled. This is going to be fun!


I hate this so much. I hate it. Why did I have to buy it? Why couldn’t the manager buy the stupid thing? I’m busy enough without having to go buy a dang bracelet for her! And with my own money! I’m going to go broke!

I walked down the street glaring at the bag like it carried a bomb instead of an expensive bracelet and sighed. Manager-hyung cleared my whole day to get the stupid thing. It only took me ten minutes to buy. Well more like five. One minute for finding the bracelet section then another minute to point to a random bracelet, two minutes for the lady to ring me up and another minute of me painfully parting with my credit card to pay for it.

I sighed. The house was quiet when I walked in and I tossed the bag with the bracelet onto my bed. “Taemin? Minho? Key? Onew-hyung?” I called out. No one was here but I was. What a rare sight. Might as well take a nap on the couch…


Okay subject is in the house. Target location unknown. I looked around. By this time it had grown dark and no one was around. Smiling sneakily, I jumped onto the wall and climbed it using the cracks in the wall to aid my upward descent. Jumping onto the balcony, I peeked into the window. There was no one there. It looked like a man’s room, however, it was strangely neat and clean. Huh, weird. My brother’s room doesn’t look like this, and he’s pretty neat.

I silently tried the doorknob. You don’t know how many people forget to lock their balcony door. Especially if it’s on the second floor. The metal knob quietly turn in my hand, with a satisfied smile, I crept into the room and right into a huge poster of a guy. Whoa! This guy is pretty hot too!

The guy on the poster had artfully messy black hair and dark eyes. He was looking off into nowhere, his full lips and eyes speaking slight interest at what was beyond the poster. He seemed to be very tall and radiated certain…charisma. He drew me in till I remembered what I was here for. The jewelry!

Slightly cracking open the next door, it was a door to the, living room? Right before I stepped outside the door, I heard soft breathing and froze. Turning to the origin of the noise. I saw that the cute guy I saw at Tiffany’s and smiled. He’s sleeping while there is a thief in the house. How funny.

I surveyed the house from here. There was an open kitchen and four more doors. Four more doors? Which one is his? I stared at each white door and decided to try all of them.

Trying the knob again, I found out that the first two were locked. Then I tried the third door and it opened easily in my hand.

Peeking in I saw another poster, this time the one of the sleeping guy on the couch. Narrowing my eyes, I inwardly sighed and stepped in, closing the door behind me. The first cute guy I see and he’s self-conceited. Just my luck, well there was that other guy in that other room…but then again, he had a poster too…

I looked around for the tell-all, bright pink bag with the Tiffany label. I didn’t have to search long; it was tossed onto his bed. Frowning I walked towards it. He bought something expensive that he’s probably going to give to some girl and he tosses it onto this bed? Impolite guy too, lovely.

Reaching in I unearth a really, really pretty bracelet. I gasped softly. It was beautiful! The silver string was so thin that it almost looked nonexistent. There was small diamond studded hearts and stars with soft colored pearls hanging off every other star and heart. Whoa I picked a really good target! The impolite, self-conceited guy has awesome taste!

Smiling gleefully, I carefully placed it back into the black, velvet case and slipped in into my pocket. Small pants but big pockets I grinned. Looking out the window, I saw that the room wasn’t that far off the ground. I can jump this distance. I opened the window and a rush of cold air traveled into the warm room. Slightly shuddering, I climbed on top of the window frame and swung one leg over the edge. Right when I was about the jump I heard a deep voice.

“Going anywhere?”

Turning around, I saw the impolite, self-centered person close up and next to the door.

Covering my shock, I gave him a small smile. I knew he couldn’t see my face because the light was coming from the back of my head. My face was in the shadows, I was safe. “Who knows?”

He narrowed his eyes, “Who are you?

“Do you need to know?”

“If I saw what I did, which I’m pretty sure I did, yes, I do.”

I smiled and soft tinkling laughter flowed out of my lips. “You’re interesting Mr. Impolite and self-centered.”

“Impolite and self-centered? What? You don’t even know me!” he said with surprise and annoyance.

“Really? Do I not?”

He frowned. “Give me it.”


“You know what! The bracelet I bought! How did you know I even bought it?” he said with real irritation weaved into this voice.

“Oh you mean this bracelet?” I took the box out of my hand and opened it. The moonlight flashing off of the diamonds, it was a stunning sight. “I don’t think you deserve it. A man who tosses such a gorgeous piece of art onto his bed like garbage, the girl that you were going to give it to isn’t going to be happy.”

“She’s not going to be happy that it’s in a dirty thief’s hands either.” he growled.

“Ah, contraire Monsieur!” I said in perfect French, the beautiful language elegantly dancing into the air. “I’m sure she’ll be happier with me having it, instead of receiving this lovely bracelet from an insincere man.”

Scowling he snarled. “Who are you?”

I smirked. “I don’t think that it’s necessary to know.”

“Enlighten me.”



“Because you can’t do anything about it.” Then I disappeared.

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rrnadrow #1
Chapter 33: I love this story so much! It can't just stop here! You're killing me.
LollyTrolly #2
Update soon please!!!!!!!<3
Ashyunchick20 #3
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~
I was wondering if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about... SHINEE!!~ :D :D
Thanks!!~ ^_^
emmchu #4
lol NOOO UR NOT ANNOYING ME!!! thank you sooo much for saying that! :) i actually got myself off of my lazy to think and write this chapter! thanks :D
LollyTrolly #5
Sorry to annoy you, but pleaaaassee update soon! It's so good.<3
emmchu #6
hahaha THANK YOU I LOVE U TOO!! :) <3
LollyTrolly #7
emmchu #8
hahaha hobo, lol i guess it sounds that way, hehehe :)
emmchu #9
lol thank you guys sooo much!! hehehe i'm going to update now~
ohhh i get it, hahaha maybe i'll use it sometime in the story! :)
LollyTrolly #10
and atm means: at the moment.