
Blackmail My Thief

okay guys new chapter~ hahaha i actually added to this chapter when i saw a part in a drama i was watching at the same time, i wanted there to be humor but i already wrote the next chapter the way i did so i couldn't... but now that i think about it, i feel like this chapter is missing something...hmm...oh and jonghyun IS saying alot of mean stuff and i'm prob going overboard but i promise it'll be VERY VERY cute when he FINALLY says sorry. i thought that since i wrote him as having a huge ego and lots and lots of pride, it'll take a while for him to come down from his pedastal and apologize ;) welll....if your still reading this, i would like to say thank you to everyone for reading and my subscribers! but please please please comment!! it makes me sad when i don't see anything and i feel like my story isn't fun enough to have comments... TT~TT well here's the chapter! have fun and i hope you like it!


“I’m going to beat you up if you don’t let go of me!” Yaeyoung screamed. “Don’t think I won’t!”

“SHUT UP ELEPHANT!” the guy dragging me yelled.

Yaeyoung blinked. “Dino head? Is that you?”


“Okay okay!” Yaeyoung tried to calm the angered idol down. “Shh! Shh! People are staring!” she looked around, worried and lowered her voice, “You’re an idol! What if people recognize you?!”

Jonghyun looked around and noticed that he didn’t have anything to hide his identity. With a frustrated sigh, he tried to cover his face with his cupped hand. “But seriously Dino head? I’m your precious boyfriend and you name me after an extinct animal whose head is bigger than its arms?”

She frowned in return, “It’s not like there’s anything wrong with it.”


“Okay, okay! But seriously! Why did you take us out of the restaurant? We just ditched everyone with that crazy MC! And we ditched the program whose stars are us!

Panic erupted on his famous face. “No, no, it’s okay, if we go back…” Jonghyun dragged of as both of them looked around and saw that the restaurant and hotel was nowhere near them. In fact…

“Where are we?” Yaeyoung looked around for some landmarks but couldn’t find any.

Jonghyun looked around too, but had the same results. “It’s okay, if we walk around a bit, we’ll figure something out.”

She rolled her eyes and his supposedly ‘in charge’ and ‘masculine’ behavior. “Yea, yea.” Suddenly, a strong wind blew past her and chilled her, raising goose bumps.

“Are you cold?”

“Well, you only picked out a thin sleeveless shirt and shorts so, yea.” she narrowed her eyes.

“You’re the one that wore them!”

“These are the only clothes I had!”

“I’m sure there were warmer clothes!”

“I would have been fine if someone didn’t drag me outside into the cold!” she snapped back.

“I was going to give you my jacket but forget it!” he snapped back.

“I wouldn’t want it!”

The two glared at each other when they heard some high school girls passing by.

“OMG is that Kim Jonghyun from SHINee?”

“No way, why would he be out here?”

“But that guy really looks like him!”

Giving him a last glare, Yaeyoung glanced around and saw what she was looking for. She dragged the boy next to her who was trying to hide his face as best as he could.

“What?” he hissed angrily.

“Why are you so freaking famous?” Yaeyoung grumbled. “We’re outside for one second and you’re already in danger of being noticed.” She gazed around the store and picked up a few ones that seemed to fit him. “Wear this.” The grumpy girl threw him a black beanie, sunglasses, and black and white plaid scarf.

Jonghyun stared at the items in his hand when Yaeyoung yelled at him, “Well, do you want to be stormed by girls all day?”

“No!” he rapidly wore the pieces of clothing. When he was done, he was barely recognizable but…I look good! He looked towards Yaeyoung in the corner of his eyes. She was looking at more clothing. How does she know men’s style?

“Dude, look at that chick. She’s hot!”

With a glare, Jonghyun stared at the boys who swiftly ran out of store. Then he heard a giggle.

“What is it?” he groused as he frowned at Yaeyoung. Why does she have to freaking attract every single guy in a ten mile radius?

“Look!” Yaeyoung turned around with a huge smile holding up five pairs of socks. “It’s you guys!”

“What?” Jonghyun looked closer at the socks that neatly had cartoon versions of Taemin, Onew, Key, Minho and him. “Oh yea, it is.” he shrugged, “Well we’re pretty famous.”

“Huh.” She smiled and walked to the cashier. “I’m going to buy these, just wait a little bit!”

He grunted a response when he heard more.

“ Those curves! Dude I bet she has an S-line, easy!”

“GAHHH!” he groaned, attracting attention everywhere. Ignoring everyone, he picked out a hat and a scarf and ran towards the girl who was buying her SHINee socks. “This too, buy it.”

“Huh? What the heck-,”


“Alright, alright. Why are you so sensitive these days?” rolling her eyes, Yaeyoung started to hand her shiny credit card to the cashier.


“What now?” Yaeyoung glared.

“A man has to buy this stuff.” Jonghyun handed cash to the employee and left in a grump.

“Weirdo.” Yaeyoung muttered. But at the sound of the giggling cashier, she looked up with questions on her face.

“I’m sorry, it’s just funny. You have a very good boyfriend.” She laughed.

“Boyfriend?” Yaeyoung looked to the glowering guy outside covered in a beanie, scarf, and sunglasses and smiled softly. “Yea, I guess.”

“What is this?” Yaeyoung came out with the bags and held up the hit knit hat and a soft pink scarf. “I’m not famous. I don’t need this stuff.”

Noticing her next to him, Jonghyun quickly grabbed them and roughly put it on her. “Wear it. You’re SHINee Kim Jonghyun’s girlfriend. Of course you’re famous too.”

She stood there before a small smile appeared on her face. They started to walk before Jonghyun stopped, as if forgetting something.

“Oh and this too.” He quickly slipped off his jacket and rested on her shoulders, fixing it so it covered her and protected her from the cold. “I can’t get bad publicity for letting my girlfriend get a cold.” Jonghyun explained hastily.

“Ahh…” Yaeyoung nodded in understanding but couldn’t stop her smile. The jacket much bigger on her and engulfed her in Jonghyun’s scent. It smells like clean soap and something masculine. And faintly of some kind of cologne…it fits him.

“Are you coming?”

Yaeyoung looked up and saw that he was far away and looking back for her. “Yea!” she ran to catch up to him.


Yaeyoung groaned, “Okay. It’s been three hours. Let’s stop, my feet hurt.” She plopped down on the nearest bench and sighed.

Jonghyun stood next to her and glanced at his watch. “It’s almost midnight. We need to get back soon…Yaeyoung? Elephant? Hello?” He tried to get her attention but Yaeyoung was concentrating too much.

Tiffany’s! The thief’s mouth watered. OMG this must be a sign. I haven’t done my job in sooo long! Unknowingly, the pretty girl had teleported from the bench to the window display. And look! The bracelet is there! This must be fate. It’s literally begging for me to take it.

“Hey, isn’t that the bracelet I bought for Yoona noona…” he dragged off, seeing her expression. “Hey!” a hand waved in front of Yaeyoung’s face, disrupting her thoughts. “You better not be thinking of how to steal it.”

“Pssshhh,” Yaeyoung made a noise, “what kind of person do you think I am?” dang it, how did he know? I was on security when he interrupted me… “I’m going to go ahead. It’s almost midnight; we should look for the hotel.” With one last longing look, Yaeyoung walked away.

Jonghyun was about to follow when the sparkle of the bracelet caught his eye. It matches her more than Yoona noona. Hm…


“Shoot, where am I now? Jonghyun?” Yaeyoung looked around but couldn’t see the idol. “That dinosaur! He ditched me? ME? Chang Yaeyou… oh my gosh.” She shook her head, “I’m turning into that idiot. I need to stop hanging out with him. Anyways, back to the matter at hand. WHERE AM I?” with a sigh, the lost girl kept walking around, trying to retrace her steps.

After thirty minutes, Yaeyoung’s eyes were drooping and she was withholding yawns.Where am I? I want to go to sleep.

Suddenly, Yaeyoung ran into someone; slightly tumbling back, she bowed. “Oh I’m sorry; I wasn’t watching where I was going. I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine.” A deep rumble was heard from above.

A dark, heavy feeling grasped Yaeyoung’s chest with icy fingers and she looked up and really saw the stranger. His face was hidden under a black baseball cap and he was wearing a long black trench coat that went all the way down to his knees. But that wasn’t the frightening part. The part that triggered Yaeyoung’s alarm was the fact that below the coat was uncovered, hairy legs with long bright red socks and sneakers. Discreetly, she glanced around and finally noticed that no one else was around. This doesn’t look good.

“Um…I’ll be leaving now…” Yaeyoung tried to leave when the man blocked her path. “Excus-! Wait, what are you doing?” she yelled when the man took her jacket. “Give it back! What are you doing?”

“I’ll give it back.” then the man smiled. “If you look.”



“WHAT? ARE YOU CRAZY? NO WAY!” Yaeyoung reared back in disgust.

He frowned but smiled and the same time in confidence, “Well then, you’re not going to get this back. I guess I got a new jacket, and it’s pretty good quality too…”

But that’s Jonghyun’s! Yaeyoung bit her lip. I don’t want to but…I need the jacket…

Desiring to take back the words more than anything, she spit out the word, “Fine.”



The man grinned slimily, “I knew you would see with my way. Alright get ready.” He started to his long jacket and Yaeyoung’s stomach filled with more and more dread.

It’s okay; I’ll just close my eyes…

“Don’t even think about closing your eyes!”

Without noticing, a deathly glare slipped out of her control and the man stepped back.

“H-hey, if you stare like that, I’ll make you look more than normal!”

What is he talking about? ‘Normal’? THIS ISN’T NORMAL IN THE FIRST PLACE!!

“Alright, I’m ready. Are you?”

When is someone READY? “Just go you creep.” Yaeyoung growled.

“Geez, way to wreck the mood.” Shooting Yaeyoung a glare, he grasped the coat and started to pull.

MOOD? MOOD? THIS IDIOT! “You’re freaking lucky that you have something I want or I would beat up you into shreds.”

“You know if you lost that biting attitude of yours you might get a boyfriend instead of walking around here at night!” he snapped back.

“Why you-,”

“Do you want the jacket or not?!”

Biting my lip, Yaeyoung reared back her anger. Stupid Dino head, if you didn’t leave me by myself, I would have never had to have done this! I don’t even get why I’m sacrificing my innocence for your freaking jacket!

“Okay, open your eyes, ready, set…”

She gripped her hands into tight fist and forced her shut eyes to slowly and painstakingly open.

“GO!” then he opened his jacket widely. Yaeyoung’s eyes were wide open and saw the hairy chest when something covered her eyes and a hand roughly turned her around.

“Stay still.” A whisper caressed the stunned girl. She looked up to see a man in a grey, v-neck sweater that fit nicely on him and showed off his toned muscles and stylishly worn out jeans.

“Kim Jonghyun.” Yaeyoung whispered in shock as she recognized the disheveled idol. His hair was a mess and seemed to have been blown around because of the wind. Even his sweater was disorderly and was twisted in strange directions.

“W-who are you?”


“S-she wanted to see it! She begged me to show her! You must not be treating her righ-,”

The man never finished his sentence because before he did, a loud ‘snap’ was heard.

“Jonghyun…” Yaeyoung’s hand covered in shock.

“Scram, before I do anything worse.” Jonghyun glowered at the man while he ran away in the speed of light.

It was silent until Jonghyun broke the silence.

“Yaeyoung…” he walked closer and held onto her shoulders. “Are you okay? Have you been hurt? Why the heck did you agree to that? Are you an idiot? Yaeyoung? Are you listening to me?”

“KIM JONGHYUN! WHY THE HECK DID YOU INTERRUPT?” Yaeyoung screamed in frustration.

“Wha…but…you…him…WHA??” he seemed to be super confused. “Wait, you didn’t want me to interrupt? You wanted to see his…THING?? Why are you being like this? I freaking saved you! Are you telling me that you didn’t want me to? What is freaking wrong with you? Like i thought, you're just a dirty thief that-,"

SLAP! “Don’t you dare when you don’t even know anything!” Yaeyoung glared at him, “I was doing it for you, you dinosaur!”

Jonghyun’s hand went up to the cheek that she just slapped.

“It was for you. Just think about it.” Yaeyoung turned around.That stupid dino head. She walked on with a straight back and raised head, slowly rubbing her eyes.

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rrnadrow #1
Chapter 33: I love this story so much! It can't just stop here! You're killing me.
LollyTrolly #2
Update soon please!!!!!!!<3
Ashyunchick20 #3
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~
I was wondering if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about... SHINEE!!~ :D :D
Thanks!!~ ^_^
emmchu #4
lol NOOO UR NOT ANNOYING ME!!! thank you sooo much for saying that! :) i actually got myself off of my lazy to think and write this chapter! thanks :D
LollyTrolly #5
Sorry to annoy you, but pleaaaassee update soon! It's so good.<3
emmchu #6
hahaha THANK YOU I LOVE U TOO!! :) <3
LollyTrolly #7
emmchu #8
hahaha hobo, lol i guess it sounds that way, hehehe :)
emmchu #9
lol thank you guys sooo much!! hehehe i'm going to update now~
ohhh i get it, hahaha maybe i'll use it sometime in the story! :)
LollyTrolly #10
and atm means: at the moment.