The Trap

Blackmail My Thief

Hey guys!! Here's the fight scene! It might because I never wrote one before but I hope you guys will like it! It's super long because I was writing and suddenly it was five pages on word...I was going to split it up but I can't find an appropriate place so I'll just keep it this long. And like always, thank you to my suscribers, viewers and c.o.m.m.e.n.t.e.r.s. PLEASE PLEASE COMMENT!!! It encourages me to upload longer chapters.



“Taemin! You’re going to get fat, stop eating the junk food!” Key snapped and tried to take away the pocky sticks when Taemin glared at Key. The surprisingly terrifying glare stopped Key in his tracks and even sent shivers down my back. Note to self, don’t take away Taemin’s food…ever.

Onew and Minho talked about some guy stuff that I didn’t care to listen into or know so I just discreetly kept an eye on our suspicious drivers. They never moved…besides turning the wheel and just generally driving.

Narrowing my eyes, I stared at the one on the passenger’s seat. His arms were crossed and large black sunglasses rested on his nose. He was wearing a black suit with a matching black tie.

In this weather? I guess it’s plausible but everyone in Korea is wearing shorts and t-shirts, maybe to urge summer weather to come more quickly but suits aren’t common at all.

“What are you staring at?”

I turned around to see Jonghyun giving me an odd look. “Nothing.” I said in a slightly quiet voice.

Even more puzzled, “Hey, what’s wrong?” he urged with the same volume.

“Keep your voice down!” I snapped, darting my eyes to the drivers who had gotten suspicious because we…well Jonghyun…could be heard all the way to the front of the van since the other members ceased talking to hear us. The two drivers looked at each other before the black tint of shades bore down at me. This is not good.

“Why should I-,”

I put my hand on his knee to shut him up…but that only made it worse.


Swearing under my breath I unbuckled my seatbelt and moved to face him closely in one swift movement. Making sure the back of my head blocked the men’s view I whispered quickly, “Kim Jonghyun, shut your mouth right this moment.”

He eyes flashed, still not getting it. Geez, do I need to spell it out for him? James and Anthony would have gotten it when I first talked to them.


Grimacing, I quickly shut him up in the fastest way possible. Making it look like I was kissing him, I put my hand up like I was going to put it around his neck but instead using it to cover his mouth instead. I really hope this looks like the real deal, I’ve never done this before.

Jonghyun’s eyes were big as saucers and all of his protests were drowned out by my hand covering his mouth. I looked in his dark chocolate eyes with earnest. Confusion and surprise were obvious in them.

“Trust me.” I whispered then leaned back into my seat, buckling my seatbelt again. The other members looked at me with unhidden shock. I kept a straight face until the drivers turned back around. Shaking my head slightly, I let them know it wasn’t real. I think with relief in most of their eyes they turned back around and started a new conversation, if not a little stilted and frozen.

I pretended to look outside and tried to hide my bright red cheeks and ears. Gosh, I’m never going to do that again. I blushed harder when the scene involuntarily replayed in my head. SHUT UP! I yelled to myself. Then I concentrated on the problem. I looked at the two drivers in the corner of my eye. A sharp shooting pain in my eye gave me a huge headache but I kept looking. This isn’t a good situation but it’s a dang good distraction.


With annoyance I turned towards Jonghyun, “What?” why the heck are you calling me? What do you think I’m trying to do here? I’m trying to distract myself from yo-…I mean…I’m observing suspicious people.

“This…” he looked outside with a frown, “this isn’t the right way.”

“Huh?” I actually focused outside. He was right. This isn’t the way to the beach, in fact, it’s almost opposite. Confirmed attempted foul play, and I’m going to make sure it stays attempted.

“SOS. Five boys endangered, requesting help.” I quickly texted into my phone, the address would automatically send when it detected the SOS. There was no need to send the address, good thing too, I have no idea where we are.

There was a bump seconds after I locked my phone, concealing the vibration in my pocket. I would curse my bad luck later.

“Pay attention.” I whispered back to him. Together we watched the surroundings. Left, right, right, then it was forward for a while. The next time the car turned, it was a left turn. It took us straight into dangerous looking territories. The bright sun that caused us to wince seconds ago disappeared.

Shoot. I narrowed my eyes at the one in the passenger seat and caught a hint of a smile. Then the car slowed to a stop. A sense of danger rang bells in my head.

“Hey why are we stopping?” Onew said cautiously. “This isn’t where we’re supposed to be.”

A smirk was shown, “It is.”

“Wha-?” Onew started when the van doors were violently opened and identical men in suits smiled evilly down on us.

“Hey!” Key protested when some men aggressively grabbed him and Taemin. Two big, burly men each took hold and threw them outside. Before anyone could do anything, the same treatment was given to Onew and Minho.

“Don’t even think about it.” Jonghyun snarled menacingly at the men starting to come towards us. He protectively covered me with his body in front of the opened door.

“Or what?” they laughed dauntingly in response.

In a flash, the door behind me opened and I felt big rough hands pulling me outside. “What the hec-,”

I was thrown onto the ground and immediately was surrounded. Before I could fight back, I heard a familiar voice.

“Calm down Yaeyoung, it’s us.” Minho said calmly. The five thrown out SHINee members were in a circle around me with a defensive pose. Hearing a yell, I turned to see Jonghyun being thrown out.

“It’s fine.” Key interrupted my oncoming yell, “He’s had worse than this in practice.”

“Practice?” I said puzzled by their calmness.

“Yaeyoung,” I turned to see Jonghyun next to me with worried eyes, “Are you okay?”

I blinked. I could see a small cut on his cheek but it wasn’t too bad. The cut itself was shallow and wasn’t bleeding too badly either. “I’m fine.”

“Good.” He stood up and joined s in the outer circle. With annoyance, I noticed that they were all surrounding my kneeling body. Protect the girl huh? I thought with ire, how…chivalric. But unnecessary, I stood and brushed off the dirt, I can take care of myself.

“Stay there.” Jonghyun ordered. “We’ll protect you.”

“What the heck are you talking about? You guys are just idols!” I protested, “You can’t fight these guys, are you crazy?

“We can.” Taemin replied, sounding a little hurt, “SM Entertainment trained us in tae kwon do during our trainee years for this kind of situation. How do you think idols are so good at everything? We’re taught.

“I’m getting a headache.” I muttered. Then I spoke up with irritation showing in my voice. “Then why are you protecting me?”

“Because you’re a girl.” Minho stated simply.

Okay I could have taken that.

“And girls can’t protect themselves from these guys.” Jonghyun added matter-of-factly.

Now that I can’t ignore.

“Done with your tea party kids?” Our previous driver grinned.  The relatively ‘nice’ statement was lost in the guy’s deep threatening voice and hulk-like figure. “Cause we can use force to get you to do what we want anytime. And trust us, it would be our pleasure.”

I raised my eyebrow when a thought rolled across my brain like a blurry message. While I was trying to unravel it, I ignored the man’s words. It was tugging at my brain. But before I could figure it out, I saw huge flying black figures out of the corner of my eye. But before I could act, the black things were flying back in the other direction.

“Minho?” I said with surprise while he was nonchalantly brushing off his hands and getting back into position for the next one.

“Yes?” he relied coolly.

“Heads Key-hyung!” Taemin yelled. I whipped my head around just in time to see Key kneeing the guy in the stomach.

All around me I saw proof of the boy’s actual strength. So they aren’t just good for dancing and singing; although I will grudgingly admit that they are really, really good at that too.

I didn’t have a place to come in and I had nothing to do. At this rate I’ll be playing games on my phone when one of them alerts me that they’re done.

Something caught my eye. It was the big driver. He was smiling, smiling, when all of his men were getting beat down. Confused, I surveyed the scene again. Then I got it. All the SHINee members were getting tired, fighting took a lot more stamina than dancing and frankly, I’m impressed that they lasted this long.

Then something else popped into my head. James and Anthony. Why haven’t they sent some kind of help by now? They’re really good at stuff like this, although my family members rarely put out the SOS, when we do, the other members of our family would do anything to help.

My phone was still intact in my back pocket and I looked through my messages. The most frequent one I sent was a draft. As in, it never sent. With a rising feeling of panic, I checked the service.

“No use girlie, there’s no service here. Why do you think we brought you guys here of all places? It’s a dead zone.” The driver guffawed with apparent amusement.

I swore under my breath when I saw it was true. What the heck am I going to do?


I turned to see that Taemin had been baited to leave the tight formation and now there was a gap, leaving me a sitting duck.

Pissed off that they thought that way, I smiled and prepared myself. When the first one came I roundhouse kicked him in the side of his stomach. Rapidly turning, I then gave him a powerful back kick to the chest. When he stumbled back and fell I shot him a satisfied smile. Tae kwon do is such an amazing stress reliever.

The next one came with the same cocky smile as the first but I could see a smudge of weariness in his eyes. Confirming his suspicions, I roundhouse kicked him again but instead of a back kick when he stumbled back, I spun and executed a perfect 360˚ roundhouse.

Using all the moves I learned from my Master, I defeated each and every one of men that came at me. But it didn’t last long.

As I was kicking and punching one guy, I saw another one coming at me. Now two people at the same time isn’t that bad and it only served to increased my concentration but when I saw something shiny and silver in his hands, a flicker of fear bubbled up. I could take a man with a metal pole but not when I’m fighting another one!

I tried to finish the one in front of me before the other one finally got to me but he seemed to know what I was trying to do and refused to back down.

Finally I was in the perfect position to perform my back kick and I did. The man was pushed back by the force and stumbled back. However, there must have been a plan because he staggered towards me picking himself up along the way. I could see that he was saving himself for one last strike.

I could see this scene with perfect clarity. Man #1 was preparing himself for one last hit before he went off into dreamland. By the looks of it, it was a going to be a heavy punch. Man #2 with the metal pole was running towards me with a terrifying grin on his face, the pole being lifted over his head to increase the power behind it. To stop the pole I would need to X-block with both of my hands and quickly twist his wrist until he dropped it. However, to stop Man #1 I would need to back kick his chest or stomach before he reached me with his fist.

Fear settled in my stomach when I knew I had to choose. I could either stop the pole and get punched hard or stop the heavy punch but get hit with the pole. But I couldn’t stop both. Somewhere in my brain I knew that both would inflict the same amount of pain as Man #1 was a really muscular guy and Man #2 was a very skinny weakling. Maybe he was a newbie.

At last minute, the punch guy got to me first so my choice was made. I swiftly twisted and back kicked him one more time and then braced myself for the pain.


I had just finished with my guy when I saw something that brought horror to the pit of my stomach. Yaeyoung was getting charged with a pole and a man with a punch. Before I knew it I was running, I never ran this fast before in my life and I imagine I will never again.

Her eyes closed as she prepared for the pain. My arm wrapped around her and I held her warm body tight. My back became an easy target. With a yell, the skinny man brought down the metal pole with surprising strength.

Pain shot through my right shoulder and I saw black dots in my vision. Last thing I saw was Yaeyoung’s panicked face. Don’t cry Yaeyoung. I protected you right? Then I out.

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rrnadrow #1
Chapter 33: I love this story so much! It can't just stop here! You're killing me.
LollyTrolly #2
Update soon please!!!!!!!<3
Ashyunchick20 #3
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~
I was wondering if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about... SHINEE!!~ :D :D
Thanks!!~ ^_^
emmchu #4
lol NOOO UR NOT ANNOYING ME!!! thank you sooo much for saying that! :) i actually got myself off of my lazy to think and write this chapter! thanks :D
LollyTrolly #5
Sorry to annoy you, but pleaaaassee update soon! It's so good.<3
emmchu #6
hahaha THANK YOU I LOVE U TOO!! :) <3
LollyTrolly #7
emmchu #8
hahaha hobo, lol i guess it sounds that way, hehehe :)
emmchu #9
lol thank you guys sooo much!! hehehe i'm going to update now~
ohhh i get it, hahaha maybe i'll use it sometime in the story! :)
LollyTrolly #10
and atm means: at the moment.