Hello This is My Girlfriend

Blackmail My Thief

Sorry for the late update but here's a long chapter for you guys! And like always, thank you to all of our suscribers, commenters, and viewers!! Thank you~ oh and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! :D



“Alright, you want a public girlfriend? I’ll give you a girlfriend. Don’t worry, I’ll be the best one ever.”

“Fine, let’s see what you can do. Meet me after my performance on the stage. I’ll announce our relationship as soon as you get up there. Don’t disappoint, you’re going to be the girlfriend of the Great Kim Jonghyun.”

“Trust me…I won’t.”

Its ten minutes before our performance and the hair-stylist-unnies were styling my hair. Remembering our last conversation before she left I groaned.

“If it bothers you that much Jonghyun, just find her and tell her you don’t want to do it.” Key shrugged.

“What are you talking about?” I launched up in my seat.

“You’re obviously bothered by the whole thing.” Key answered matter-of-factly.

Onew sighed. “All this drama Jonghyun, why am I never here when this all happens?” Onew had arrived a few minutes after Yaeyoung left and was told by the other three what had happened. “First the jewelry shop and now here, I have the worst luck.”

“I am not bothered!”

“Right, Chang Yaeyoung is definitely not the reason why you’re groaning like a seventy-year old man.” Key rolled his eyes.

Taemin laughed, “Seventy-year old man.” Minho smiled, visually agreeing.

“Shut up.” I growled. “I.AM.NOT.BOTHERED.”

“Alright gramps.” Key said warily with a hint of a smile in his eyes. “We’re up in a few minutes. Let’s see what Yaeyoung has in store for us.”

A chill ran down my spine as I walked on the stage and we got into our positions. Staring at the bright lights and hearing the music course through my body, sending messages throughout to move in a particular way. For the first time ever though, I didn’t think of my lines or my moves, I thought of the girl that would soon become my girlfriend. And the surprise she would have for me after this dance.


I took a deep breath. I had put on makeup and stole an outfit from some racks in the hallway. The mirror across from me reflected my looks. Not bad. I winked. Smiling I weaved around backstage and got to a place where I could see SHINee perform.

Outside in the audience, I could see crowds of people holding up signs and waving lights while chanting SHINee. Hey, they might actually be popular. Leaning against the wall in the shadows, I quietly waited for SHINee to start. Soon the MC’s announced the boys’ appearance and the music started. I could see the huge cameras moving around, trying to get the best shot. The screams of the fans deafened me as the five idols walked on stage and got into their positions. Alright Mr. Kim Jonghyun, let’s see what you’ve got.

Then they started to dance. Taemin was in the front and the others were behind him and a shape of an arrow. Amazed by the boy’s ability I stared at him, mesmerized. Whoa, he’s good! I sat up a little straighter as a guy I didn’t recognize started to sing. That must be the member I missed, Onew. I smiled, his voice was amazing. It was soothing and nice to hear. I happily leaned against the wall and watched the members dance. They definitely deserved the publicity and the title they have. Then Jonghyun went up to sing.

I blinked, almost not being able to process the sound he was making.

“That’s…” I gasped. “No way…” I stared at the idol gaping. His voice…that sound… For the first time, I looked at the guy with respect…maybe even admiration. His voice was…just incredible! I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. The way he danced, the way he moved… Before I knew it, the song was over. Snapping out of it, I shook my head and took another deep breath. Alright, you’re good at singing and dancing. I’ll give you that, even if I might never tell you. But I’m also good at what I do. Smiling, I climbed the stage as he was introducing me. Just watch Kim Jonghyun, you’ll never see me coming.


The song finally ended but we stayed on the stage.

“Um…you guys can leave now.” the MC said puzzled by our movements.

I spoke up first, “I have an announcement to make.”

“An announcement?” The MC responded, confused.

“Jonghyun from SHINee has an announcement to make you guys!” the second MC looked at me expectantly. “Last time was so he could search for someone, have you found that girl yet?”

Grinning as if I had a joke, I replied, “Oh yea, I found her.” Before they could ask me to elaborate, I continued. “But I have a different announcement to make today.”

“Really? Do tell.”

“I would like everyone to meet a very special person to me.” I gestured to the backstage door. “You can come out now.” I waited for her to enter, eager to see her surprise. It was more shocking than I thought. It took all I had not to show any strange emotions.

She was wearing dark skinny jeans that outlined her long and skinny legs. A pretty white blouse with writing on it was partly covered by her soft pink scarf and her hair was curled artfully in ringlets around her. All in all, the outfit itself was very casual and plain but on Yaeyoung, it looked amazing. As she walked closer to me with a smile I could see that she was wearing makeup, but very lightly. Just mascara, eyeliner, and some lip-gloss. Thankfully she wasn’t wearing anything too over the top or wearing too much make up. After all, she was going to go on TV as my girlfriend. Although I’m not going to admit it to her, Yaeyoung looked perfect.

When she finally got next to me, I automaticly wrapped my arm around her waist protectively. The MC looked at me with raised eyebrows.

“Who is this Jonghyun? Secret girlfriend?” He said winking for the cameras and chuckling.

I laughed, you have no idea, “Yep, this is my girlfriend Chang Yaeyoung, she’s very important to me so I hope you guys with treat her with the same respect as you would treat me.”

The MCs froze mid-laughter. “Huh?”

They must not be used to getting a direct answer. I held my laughter in but before I could respond, Yaeyoung replied.

“I know, I can hardly believe it!” she said with enthusiasm that even I almost believed, “I almost didn’t believe it when he confessed to me!”

“Wait, Jonghyun confessed to you?” What? We never talked about this!

She laughed and fake glared, “Are you saying I’m not good enough for Jonghyun?”

The MC laughed and backed off in a pace that didn’t seem to be all an act. “Of course not!”

“Sweetie,” I said fully knowing that she disliked pet names, “don’t be like that, you know it was a mutual confession.”

“Really Jongie? I acutely remember you confessing first.” Yaeyoung turned to the MCs as if she had a private joke. “Forgive him, he’s a little shy.” I sizzled in inner annoyance as the three laughed together.

I opened my mouth the argue, tactfully of course, when Yaeyoung interrupted again, as if she knew I was about to speak a rebuttal.

“I’m sorry, we’re taking up your time.” Yaeyoung said apologetically, “Thank you for your time and please treat my boyfriend well. He may be clumsy but he means the best. Thank you!” Excuse me? Clumsy? I don't think so!

The MCs grinned at herpoliteness and thanked us too. Then they went back to introducing the next group and Yaeyoung, SHINee and I climbed off the stage. Just wait till we're alone Yaeyoung.

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rrnadrow #1
Chapter 33: I love this story so much! It can't just stop here! You're killing me.
LollyTrolly #2
Update soon please!!!!!!!<3
Ashyunchick20 #3
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~
I was wondering if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about... SHINEE!!~ :D :D
Thanks!!~ ^_^
emmchu #4
lol NOOO UR NOT ANNOYING ME!!! thank you sooo much for saying that! :) i actually got myself off of my lazy to think and write this chapter! thanks :D
LollyTrolly #5
Sorry to annoy you, but pleaaaassee update soon! It's so good.<3
emmchu #6
hahaha THANK YOU I LOVE U TOO!! :) <3
LollyTrolly #7
emmchu #8
hahaha hobo, lol i guess it sounds that way, hehehe :)
emmchu #9
lol thank you guys sooo much!! hehehe i'm going to update now~
ohhh i get it, hahaha maybe i'll use it sometime in the story! :)
LollyTrolly #10
and atm means: at the moment.