
Blackmail My Thief

Hey guys, sorry for being so late with a new chapter. Here is the chapter with L's arrival! Like always, thank you to my subscribers and viewers and please, please, PLEASE comment!!! THANK YOU!!! :D



“Jonghyun? Jonghyun!

His limp body leaned against mine, pinning me down. Using all of my energy, I pulled myself up and carefully positioned him with his head on my lap. Terror spread through me while I tried to calm myself and remember the first aid I had learned. Come on Yaeyoung, hurry up and remember! Come on! For once there is someone who needs it!

Then I froze. My mind was blank. I don’t know what to do. All my life I was taught about art and precious things, I was never taught how to help someone. The only thing I knew about first aid was the stuff on TV. Alarm and a feeling of uselessness settled and I could feel a sharp stinging behind my eyes. Tears? But, I never cried.

“Are you done girlie? Looks like that boy is down, give up before all of you guys end up like him.” The pseudo driver howled with laughter.

I could hear Key giving him a sharp remark back but I couldn’t hear the words. My entire being was focused on Jonghyun’s still body.

“Jonghyun? Jonghyun?” I lightly patted his cheek. “Come on Jonghyun, don’t kid around like this. Get up, tease me again. Jonghyun?”

“This looks bad.” Key frowned. “Jonghyun’s out and Yaeyoung doesn’t seem to be able to fight right now, what are we going to do?”

“You know,” Taemin started, “If this was a drama, there would be a rescue team coming. Right…about…now…”

Strangely, right after Taemin said ‘now’, a shadow fell upon the entire alley. The remaining members looked up and saw armed men surrounding all exits. The sheer number of the men out-numbered the bad guys 3 to 1.

“Taemin, if you did this, I’ll buy you enough snacks to last you an entire year.” Onew said in awe.

“Hyung, if I did this, I would have asked for a lifetime of snacks.” Taemin said in equal awe.

I looked up to see a figure come in from the crowd of armed guards.

“Long time no see Alicia.”

I know that voice… No way. “Luke?” I said with disbelief. “Is that you?”

He smirked like he always did and I smiled back. “Luke!”

He looked around, “Looks like you’re in a pinch, like always.”

“And you’re here to save my , like always.” We smiled at each other when I felt something move on my lap, Jonghyun, I can’t believe I forgot him! “Let’s catch up later, but for now, can you get him to a hospital ASAP?”

Luke opened his mouth to answer when Onew interrupted. “No, not a hospital. Reporters would find out.”

“We have doctors on staff here.” Luke called for one of the men and told him to bring one of the doctors. “Alicia, keep his head still, we can’t risk head injury.”

I nodded. It’ll be okay now Jonghyun, just wait.


“So…” Taemin started, “Who are you?”

The members, Luke and Yaeyoung were sitting in a richly decorated room with drinks in front of them. Waiting for Jonghyun to finish his check up and be ready for visitors.

“Taemin!” Key hissed.

“What? We all want to know!” Taemin replied defensively. No one disputed.

One side of Luke’s lip turned up in a smile that looked like a smirk, which was his version of a smile. I never saw him with a normal smile.

“Wait,” Minho looked as if he was thinking hard and snapped his fingers, “I know who you are! You’re L from Infinite!”

L smiled that same smile again. “Yea, I am.”

“How do you know Yaeyoung?”

“Where did you come from?”

“How did you know where we were?”

“Whoa, guys!” I said with my hands out, stopping the outburst of questions. “Stop with the interrogation! And L? Who’s that?”

“You didn’t know Alicia?” L smiled, “When I came to Korea, I joined Infinite.”

I rolled my eyes, “I’m assuming you think I know what infinite is.”

“Dense as usual.”

“YAH!” I yelled holding my hand up in a fist. He just stayed sitting with a smirk on his face.

“It’s like SHINee.” he replied, calm.

“Oh. So who’s L?” I asked momentarily relaxed.

“It’s me.” he shrugged. “Shortened from Luke.”

I blinked and a huge smile broke across my face. “You named yourself after Luke? The name I gave you? I feel so honored!”

“Okay I can’t take the suspense anymore!” Key yelled. “Who are you? How do you know Yaeyoung? And why do you call her Alicia?”

“My name is L from Infinite.” L answered smoothly.

The members waited for him to continue, but he didn’t.

“Uhh…” I should probably explain before they hurt him… “This is Luke…well L I guess he goes by now…he’s my childhood friend. And Alicia is my name. Well,” she edited, “my English name.”

“English name?” Minho said with a raised eyebrow, expecting me to elaborate.

“Hey,” I replied with a smooth smile, “A woman has got to have some mystery right?”

“Sure.” He responded with some uncertainty.

“Sir, Patient Kim Jonghyun is ready for visitors.” A man said to L.

I shot up in my chair as soon as I heard his name, causing the chair I was sitting in the lose balance and fall with a loud clatter. “Jonghyun? How is he? Is he okay? Where is he? Is it serious?”

The man, who seemed to be a doctor judging from his white medical coat, seemed to be alarmed and looked to L for guidance.

“Don’t look at Luke, look at me! Respond!” I snapped.

He blinked and looked slightly frightened and looked to L again. He just stared at me with inscrutable eyes and barely nodded.

The doctor started. “Patient Kim Jonghyun has been hospitalized and called for because of shoulder trauma-,”

“I’m not a freaking doctor!” I barked, “Give it to me in layman terms!”

“Umm…uhh…” he looked upset and stuttered slightly. “The P-patient has a shoulder injury. The bruise goes all the way to the bone and I imagine that he will be in a lot of pain for a few days. Ibuprofen…uhh,” the doctor started to edit when he saw my expression. “I-I mean aspirin is recommended. I believe he should take it easy but other than that, he’s fine.”

“Where is he?”

“R-room 489.”

Before anyone could comment or move I was sprinting to the elevator and hit the fourth floor button, the other members completely forgotten.

“Jonghyun, Jonghyun, Jonghyun.” I chanted quietly to myself with worry. “You’re overreacting Yaeyoung, he’s fine, didn’t the doctor say so?” but before the elevator doors open all the way, I was already running down the hall.

“489,489, 489, 489, 489,489…here it is!” I opened the door in a flash and saw Jonghyun look at me with alarm.

“Jonghyun?!” I panted, an emotion rising in me.

He rolled his eyes with a smile, “Who else would it be idiot?”

With a smile I walked towards him with my arms spread out as if I was going to give him a hug. Jonghyun looked at me oddly but opened his arm in response. As soon as I got close to him, I leaned down…and smacked his head.

“OWWW!!” He yelled clutching his head. “WHAT THE HECK IS THAT FOR??”

“One,” I started, emphasizing my point with my fingers, “you called me an idiot. Two, you barged into my fight.” Maybe I couldn’t have handled it but it was still my fight. “And three…” my expression softened, “you worried me.”

He seemed surprised, “I…I worried you?”

“D-don’t get carried away. If you got seriously injured back there, I would have to act that I was sad for you and that is one thing I don’t want to do.” I explained quickly arrogantly. “So…don’t put yourself in danger…idiot…”

It was silent for a second but then Jonghyun smiled softly with warmth. “I won’t.”

I turned around, to hide the rising pink color that was reaching my cheeks. “I should have hit you for every reason I had.” I grumbled.

“Hey, is that any way to treat a patient?” he snorted.

Glaring, I turned around, “A bruised shoulder isn’t anything serious; don’t be a wussy.”

Jonghyun feigned being shot in the heart, “Oh that hurts right here.”

“Oh put a cork in it Jonghyun, she’s right.” Key rolled his eyes, “Looks like you’re completely fine. No special attention is needed.” He said with a sly smirk. “So get off your , let’s go.”

“Aww, come on Key, let me stay for a little longer. My shoulder hurts!” Jonghyun whined.

“Shush Jonghyun, you’re fine and because of us Yaeyoung’s beach trip is ruined, so get off your lazy and move. We’re going to the beach.” Onew smiled, “Let’s go Yaeyoung!”

“Yay!” I said punching the air with my fist, “No detours this time though!”

“Of course.” Minho smiled.

“Onew, hyung, buy me snacks!” Taemin said, the five people skipped happily out the door.

“No.” Onew sang. “Oh hey, L.” he started when they were out of the room. “As a thank you for saving us, do you want to come to the beach?”

L smiled, “I’ll have to ask my members, if we can, we’ll meet you there. Where is it?”

Onew gave all the information to him and they started to go back with the soundtrack of Jonghyun complaining and yelling for them to come back behind them.

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rrnadrow #1
Chapter 33: I love this story so much! It can't just stop here! You're killing me.
LollyTrolly #2
Update soon please!!!!!!!<3
Ashyunchick20 #3
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~
I was wondering if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about... SHINEE!!~ :D :D
Thanks!!~ ^_^
emmchu #4
lol NOOO UR NOT ANNOYING ME!!! thank you sooo much for saying that! :) i actually got myself off of my lazy to think and write this chapter! thanks :D
LollyTrolly #5
Sorry to annoy you, but pleaaaassee update soon! It's so good.<3
emmchu #6
hahaha THANK YOU I LOVE U TOO!! :) <3
LollyTrolly #7
emmchu #8
hahaha hobo, lol i guess it sounds that way, hehehe :)
emmchu #9
lol thank you guys sooo much!! hehehe i'm going to update now~
ohhh i get it, hahaha maybe i'll use it sometime in the story! :)
LollyTrolly #10
and atm means: at the moment.