
Blackmail My Thief

Again thank you to my existing suscribers and viewers! Please comment! :D



“What is this about hyung?” Jonghyun said aggravated, “Why wasn’t I told about this?”

The crew was packing up to move to a mall. That was where the rest of the episode would be filmed.

His manager sighed, “One, I didn’t know about it either until I heard Seohyun-sshi read it. And two, I knew you wouldn’t come. But I guess this is why they told me to free up your schedule…”

Jonghyun narrowed his eyes at him and exhaled. “Do we have a choice?”

“Not really, you just showed up for the first part of the episodes and the fans will be expecting you and Yaeyoung-sshi.”

“You can call me Yaeyoung.” I interrupted.

“Yaeyoung,” he smiled, “The fans will be expecting you two, so I guess this is a plan.”

“What about my other schedules?”

“I’ll have the others fill in.”

The two seemed to have organized everything, but they forgot one crucial detail…

“What about me?” I asked.

“Huh?” the two looked at me with blank expressions and I couldn’t help but be a little annoyed.

“You know, school? I go to school you know.”

Jonghyun smirked but the manager smiled. “Yes I know I made sure that the producer was aware of that when he scheduled the date. The trip will be from Saturday to Sunday.”

Thinking carefully I was pleased. The manager didn’t forget me after all. Might as well go since the manager was so nice about it.

“So it’s a plan?”

“Yep, we have to go to COEX now but remember the trip is this weekend! I have to go get the other members but you guys be good!” his manager started to run off when he remembered something, “Jonghyun, the car, he wants it back by tomorrow.”

“Got it.” he answered as the manager left.

“The car wasn’t yours?” I said with surprise.

Jonghyun rolled his eyes, “Of course not, I wouldn’t get that kind of car, that’s my friend’s.”

“Hmm…” I walked towards the Jonghyun’s friend’s car.

“What?” he asked suspiciously as he jogged to catch up with me.

“Nothing.” I replied noncommittally, “Let’s go to COEX.”

When we reached the mall, Jonghyun said one more thing before he let me go shop with Seohyun.

“Don’t get me anything weird okay?”

“Weird?” I paused before I figured out what he was saying. “You mean like teddy bear swim shorts? Or maybe Speedos?” I said as I laughed.

“Do that and I swear I won’t buy pants.” He glared.

My laughter abruptly stopped and I frowned. “Fine, we get each other reasonable things that will help our image.”

“Don’t make it hard for me.” Jonghyun smirked.

What?” I snarled.


I glowered at him, “You got that right.” Then I turned and left, oh this isn’t over Kim Jonghyun. I’ll make you pay for that remark.


“Hmm…what do we, well they need?” Seohyun thought out loud.

Walking around the mall and having people stare at you because there are cameras’ following you, is a strange and uncomfortable experience, and if you’re a thief, even worse, because you’re supposed to blend into the background, not be the center of attention! I glanced at the thoughtful Seohyun who seemed to have no problem with it…well at least used to it.

“I’m guessing…” I started when a writer unni silently came up to me and gave me a slip of paper.

“This is the stuff you guys will need to buy.” She smiled, “Good luck!”

Thanking her I looked at the list.

Pants, shirts, swimsuit, sunglasses, jacket, etc… I gave the list to Seohyun for her to read. She nodded as she went down the list and smiled.

“This is going to be fun! I get to control Yongie’s outfits!” she giggled, “I should make him wear girl clothes.”

We laughed at the image of CNBlue’s leader wearing a sun dress. “Evil Seohyun-sshi.” I chuckled.

“Seohyun, you can call me Seohyun but in exchange, can I call you Yaeyoung?” she winked.

“Deal.” I smiled, “So what should we start with first?”

“Well we should start with the necessities first…so the pants and shirt?”

“Where do we get that?” I looked around for some kind of map and jogged towards it. “The men’s department is on the third floor.”

“Alright, let’s go!”


I saw a t-shirt on display. Smiling evilly, I knew what to do. Revenge will be repaid in full Kim Jonghyun! MUAHAHAHAHAHA


“This is embarrassing…” CNBlue leader Yung Hwa said blushing.

I just gulped and looked at the wide collection…of sundresses and swimsuits. Trying to avoid this very scenario, we shopped for everything on the list besides this, hoping that we wouldn’t have to get to it.

“What should we do?”

Clamping my fist, I built up my determination, “The girls are going to be furious if we don’t get these; so we might as well man up and buy them!”

“Ohh,” Yung Hwa said in admiration, clapping along with most of the guys on the production team.

“Okay, let’s shop!”

Yaeyoung huh… Looking around I saw hundreds of sundresses and swims suits, mostly bikinis. Yaeyoung in a bikini…

“Huh? Jonghyun? Why are you blushing?” Yung Hwa was holding a pretty pink bikini that had a matching sundress like it was a cockroach. It was pretty with white and orange lines going up and down in a plaid formation. A perfect choice for a soft and cute Seohyun, Yung Hwa knew his wife’s tastes.

“N-nothing.” I stuttered. Before I turned to look around from Yung Hwa, something caught my eye. Focusing my attention on it, I noticed it was a bikini. But it was a little different. It was similar to what Yung Hwa picked out but the lines were thinner and evenly spaced but not plaid. However, the think that was really different was that instead of a normal bikini bottom, it had shorts, granted, really short shorts but still shorts. The bikini was red, blue, and white and the matching shorts were the same dark blue but with one big red and white cross on it. It didn’t have a matching sundress but it came with a thin white zip-up jacket with some red and blue colors on in.

“Hey, guys we don’t have that much film left so can you wrap it up and buy something?” the camera man said politely.

“Uhh yea…” I picked up the set and Yung Hwa picked up his and we both went over to the counter to buy it with our remaining money. And for some reason I felt bubbling excitement for the trip.

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rrnadrow #1
Chapter 33: I love this story so much! It can't just stop here! You're killing me.
LollyTrolly #2
Update soon please!!!!!!!<3
Ashyunchick20 #3
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~
I was wondering if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about... SHINEE!!~ :D :D
Thanks!!~ ^_^
emmchu #4
lol NOOO UR NOT ANNOYING ME!!! thank you sooo much for saying that! :) i actually got myself off of my lazy to think and write this chapter! thanks :D
LollyTrolly #5
Sorry to annoy you, but pleaaaassee update soon! It's so good.<3
emmchu #6
hahaha THANK YOU I LOVE U TOO!! :) <3
LollyTrolly #7
emmchu #8
hahaha hobo, lol i guess it sounds that way, hehehe :)
emmchu #9
lol thank you guys sooo much!! hehehe i'm going to update now~
ohhh i get it, hahaha maybe i'll use it sometime in the story! :)
LollyTrolly #10
and atm means: at the moment.