The SHINee Members

Blackmail My Thief

Here's a longer chapter! Thank you to all my suscribers, commenters, and viewers!! I really appreciate it! THANKYOUVERYMUCH!!!



“If this was the way you act towards a guy you like, I would have picked a different girlfriend.” Jonghyun whispered through a smile. We were walking close to each other towards some room. I remember him telling me but I ignored him. It felt really good to hear his annoyed responds but now I wish I paid attention…

“If fans knew you were stupid enough to date the girl that stole your bracelet, they wouldn’t like you.” I whispered back.

He didn’t reply but when I looked up I saw a glimmer of a smile on his lips and eyes. Unconsciously I smiled too. Until I saw the place we were going.

“Oh no, we’re not going in there. I draw the line.” I said, skidding to a stop in front of an intimidating door.

“A line?” he smirked, “Cross it dumbo.” Jonghyun opened the door.

“Hyung? You’re back!”

My eyes flickered to the owner of the voice and blinked. ‘Cute!’ was the first thought in my head. The guy was tall with blond hair and excited brown eyes. An easy but sincere smile was spread on his face. His face was small, figure slightly girl-ish; but the agility and the smooth way he moved was proof of his occupation.

“About time.” Another guy grumbled. He had smooth, brown hair with colorful streaks in the front. Brown eyes and an exasperated expression were apparent on his face. Narrowing his eyes at Jonghyun he continued, “Where have you been?”

“Yae Young?”

I had finally stepped into the room and saw him. A surprised grin spread through my face. “Choi Minho! We meet again!”

Minho smiled in response to mine but still looked slightly confused. His black hair was slightly in his face and his tall strong body was dress in fashionable clothes like last time. But that brown and multicolored hair guy got him beat in the fashion department. If I was a guy, I would so wear his outfit.

“What are you doing here?” Minho said walking up to me. We awkwardly stood apart not knowing what to do. Should I hug him? Shake his hand? High-five??

I settled for a bow but he reached over and patted my head. Whaa??

Rolling my eyes I looked up to him. “You know girls hate it when guys do that.”

He looked shocked. “Really? But it’s not that bad! Just a pat…” Minho looked worried.

I laughed. “Never mind then.” He laughed too.

“Introduce us Minho.” Brown and multicolored hair guy commanded. The cute blonde nodded furiously, both staring at me.

“Hey, I brought her here, shouldn’t I introduce her?” Jonghyun sounded annoyed.

Brown and multicolored hair shrugged him off, “Minho seems to be closer to her.” he looked expectantly at him, “So?”

Minho blinked. “OH! Yea, this is Chang Yae Young, Yae Young, this is Key and Taemin.”

“Hi.” I bowed, not knowing what else to do. If this was in the states, I would have waved. You wave for everything, so simple!

The one called Taemin smiled, “You’re cute.”

The room was quiet, shocked by his outward comment. Jonghyun recovered first.

“Why, YOU!” He started to grab for him when I stomped on his foot and smiled brightly.

“You’re cute too Taemin.”

The three seemed fearful as they stared at Jonghyun before Taemin responded. Probably after he made sure that Jonghyun wouldn’t kill him…or me.

“Thanks! Wow,” Taemin looked at the pain filled and kneeling Jonghyun. “I’ve never seen someone do anything like that to Jonghyun-hyung before.”

“No wonder he has such a big ego.” I rolled my eyes and nudged Jonghyun with the toe of my foot. “Hey, get up already, you’re a man. Get over it.”

“CHANG YAE YOUNG!” he yelled as he jumped up and toward over me in a fury. “WHAT THE HECK DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!”

I suppressed a yawn, “So you wouldn’t hurt Taemin, I like that guy.”

“WHA…YOU JUST…YAE…” He sputtered.

Time for the finale, I’m actually enjoying this!

I reached out my hand for a shake, “Nice to meet you guys, I’m Jonghyun’s new girlfriend.”

“WHAT??” the three yelled.

Oh fun day. smiley


Jonghyun explained everything to his fellow members. Well I guess I should say Minho explained everything, because he did most of the explaining. Key and Taemin understood everything until Minho stopped and Jonghyun started. Let’s just say that if I ever wanted directions, Minho would give me step by step instructions while Jonghyun would just tell me where it is.

While all this happened, I leaned back on the sofa and watched the four members interact. It was obvious that they were close. But something was bugging me; it was tugging at the ends of my memory, something important.

With a frown I tried to think back. I hate it when this stuff happens. When you know you’re forgetting something but don’t know what…

I didn’t have breakfast this morning. Nope, not it…

Eunhee called me old. Nope, but she’s going to get it later…

I forgot to do my homework. Yes, but that’s not it…

I left the TV on? Nope, I didn’t watch TV this morning…

Oh I know! I left the toaster on! Wait…I didn’t have breakfast…

Sighing, I leaned back and tuned into the conversation again. They were talking about the jewelry store thing. Boring~

“Wait so she actually flipped that guy over?” Key said with surprise.

Minho smiled, “Oh, yea. She didn’t need my help.”

“Whoa! That’s amazing!” Taemin grinned and laughed, “Hey Minho-hyung, I guess you’re losing your touch, if you’re not needed anymore.” Minho rolled his eyes while Taemin laughed.

“Hey, Jonghyun, what were you doing in all of this?” Key narrowed his eyes.

Jonghyun was frowning deeply and grumbled, “I was talking to Onew-hyung.”

“Onew was there too? When was this?”

“That time when I went to return the bracelet. You didn’t come with me remember?”

Key thought back, “Hmm… I must have had a schedule.”

There was someone outside of the jewelry store too? I don’t remember… Wait…in front of me I have a total of four members. But when I went to their house and saw the huge poster, it had five guys on it. I’m missing a member! UGH!! Why couldn’t he have been here about ten minutes ago? I had the perfect shock going on. I frowned, knowing that one member didn’t experience my display. Oh well, he’ll get it next time.

“Where is Onew-hyung anyway?” Jonghyun asked.

“He’s doing his duet remember? But he should be back soon.”


An awkward moment dawned on us as we just stared at the flower arrangement on the table. No one knew what else to say. Five minutes later, Jonghyun broke the silence.

“Hey, when’s our performance? Aren’t we supposed to be on right now?” He jumped up, flustered, “What are you guys doing? Let’s go!”

“Relax hyung, our performance got pushed back. There were technically difficulties.” Key explained calmly, if not slightly bored.

He blinked and sighed. Slowly sitting back down, we fell back into the quiet silence.

Finally having enough of this boring and uneventful silence, I got up and gathered my minimal stuff. “Hey, nice to meet you all but I’m going to leave now.”

“What?” Jonghyun shot up. “You can’t leave yet!”

“Why?” I gestured to the others, “There’s nothing happening right now, and it’s pretty boring-no offence guys.”

“None taken.”

“But we still need to announce our relationship.”

“Huh?” I turned around, suddenly suspicious.

Jonghyun rolled his eyes and sighed, “Why would I date you otherwise? You’re my public arm candy. You need to be in the public to have a purpose.”

I froze. I could sense that the others did too.

Excuse me?” I growled. Close to snapping, I could literally feel fire raging in my eyes. Apparently Key could see it too. He desperately tried to extinguish it.

“Uhh, Yae Young, Jonghyun didn’t mean that. He’s just saying that you’re a fake girlfriend so you need to be in the public eye to work.” He tried to fix but it was too late. I was furious.

“Alright, you want a public girlfriend?” I smirked. “I give you a girlfriend. Don’t worry, I’ll be the best one ever.”

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rrnadrow #1
Chapter 33: I love this story so much! It can't just stop here! You're killing me.
LollyTrolly #2
Update soon please!!!!!!!<3
Ashyunchick20 #3
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~
I was wondering if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about... SHINEE!!~ :D :D
Thanks!!~ ^_^
emmchu #4
lol NOOO UR NOT ANNOYING ME!!! thank you sooo much for saying that! :) i actually got myself off of my lazy to think and write this chapter! thanks :D
LollyTrolly #5
Sorry to annoy you, but pleaaaassee update soon! It's so good.<3
emmchu #6
hahaha THANK YOU I LOVE U TOO!! :) <3
LollyTrolly #7
emmchu #8
hahaha hobo, lol i guess it sounds that way, hehehe :)
emmchu #9
lol thank you guys sooo much!! hehehe i'm going to update now~
ohhh i get it, hahaha maybe i'll use it sometime in the story! :)
LollyTrolly #10
and atm means: at the moment.