
Blackmail My Thief

Hey guys, i felt bad for the previous, boring chapter so i decided to quickly write up another one. I wrote this in an hour of two so i'm sorry if its not that good...but i think its cute and shows a little more of Yaeyoung's personaltiy goes! oh and lastly, like always, an grateful thank you to all of my viewers, subscribers and COMMENTERS!! :D



“You are so freaking loud.” Key groaned, his hands permanently covering his ears. “We should’ve just locked you in that hospital room and came to pick you up when we were done having fun at the beach.”

“If you did, I would have killed you when you guys came back.” He snarled, grasping his shoulder. Key and Jonghyun were in their hotel room getting ready like the others.

Key threw Jonghyun’s swimming trucks at him. “Hurry up and change.”

Jonghyun picked up his outfit. It was plain dark blue. Okay Yaeyoung didn’t give me anything embarrassing like hot pink or something but she could have gave me something more exciting… He looked up and Key was already coming out of the bathroom. Key was wearing a Nike shirt that said just do it and red and black swimming shorts.

Standing, Jonghyun walked into the bathroom to change.

“Hey, what did you buy for Yaeyoung?” Key called out. “One piece or bikini?”

Why is he asking? Jonghyun narrowed his eyes but answered. “Bikini.” He listened for Key’s reply but he only heard silence. “Ke-,” the door abruptly opened and an angry Key stood in the doorway.

“WHAT THE HECK KEY! GET OUT!” Jonghyun screamed.

Key just ignored him and yelled right back at him. “A bikini?? Are you crazy?”

“What?” Jonghyun said calmer now that he was fully dressed. “What’s wrong with a bikini?”

“Have you seen the girl? She’s H.O.T, hot, and that’s her fully dressed! What do you think is going to happen when she’s out of the freaking beach wearing afreaking bikini!?

Jonghyun blinked and the answer came to him. Every damn guy on the beach is going to hit on her!

“Every damn guy on the beach is going to hit on her Jonghyun!” Key screamed exactly what was in his head.

“Oh shoot!” Jonghyun ran out the door completely forgetting about the throbbing pain in his shoulder from moving it so much.


Yaeyoung giggled and splashed Taemin back. When he was trying to protect himself from the water, Minho and Onew threw themselves onto him and all three of the fell into the water with a giant splash. They all laughed and tried to climb over each other to stand.

Stretching, Yaeyoung spread her arms to the sky and smiled. It was an amazing day, blue skies and even bluer waters. White sand and the colorful beach umbrellas dotted the area. Looking down she remembered her swim suit and smiled in spite of herself. He has good taste. I really like this suit. Although I’m never going to tell him. Yaeyoung tied her hair up into a messy ponytail so she didn’t get it too wet. Chuckling, she turned around to join in on the fun when suddenly she felt the cold water spray all over her.

“Onew!” Yaeyoung shrieked starting to run away when Minho caught up to her with his long legs and effortlessly picked her up. “Don’t you dare.” But it was too late; with a devilish smile he dropped you into the water. “Minho!” he had dropped you in a shallow region though so anything from bellybutton up was still dry. “I’m going to get you!”

“No way, I have longer legs than you do.” Minho taunted, running backwards. But even him doing that, Yaeyoung couldn’t catch up.

An idea popped up into Yaeyoung’s head and a sneaky smiled crept onto her face. The handsome boy felt a flicker of wariness when her expression completely changed and a total look of shock was prominent.

“Oh my gosh, Minho, behind you!” She cried.

“What?” He turned around quickly but his momentum caused him to trip over his own feet and land first into the water.

Yaeyoung snickered a couple of yards away from him, “Teaches you to trick me. I wrote an entire book of tricks.”


Onew and Taemin caught her unguarded moment and grabbed her legs and hooks their arms around her armpits. With a grin, they started to swing.


“Onew! Taemin!”


“Don’t you dare.


Yaeyoung was easily tossed into the ocean with a splash. The three boys laughed and waited for her to come back up. After several seconds and she didn’t, they got worried.

“Yaeyoung?” Frowning, they walked to where she had landed.

“Boo!” a huge wave of sea water rose up with the cute, sneaky girl and drenched every single one of her attackers.

“Yah!” They complained wiping the water off their face and hair.

“No my prob-, AHHH!” Yaeyoung yelled as the world closed off on her. Wait. She reached up and felt…a jacket? Puzzled, she put it down and saw Jonghyun breathing heavily in front of her. “What’s wrong with you?” bluntly phrasing the question.

“What’s,” pant, “wrong with,” pant, “me?” pant. Jonghyun glared at the indifferent girl. “You’re my girlfriend.”

The indifferent girl slowly because confused and a little annoyed. “Yes, Kim Jonghyun, I, Chang Yaeyoung, am your girlfriend. We established that,” she tapped her chin in mock thought, “how long ago?”

“Well then stop attracting every damn guy on this freaking beach!” he snapped in ire.

“Excuse me?” she said in a huff, raising her eyebrow, “What did you say?”

“You heard me, stop flirting persuading every guy on this beach over here to ask your skinny out!” Jonghyun barked. “You’re my stinking girlfriend!”

Yaeyoung narrowed her eyes in real irritation.

“Umm…hyung…I think you should apologize…like right now.” Minho warned.

“Oh, you think this is flirting?” Fire burned in her eyes, “I’ll show you flirting.”

“Great. What did you start now?” Onew shook his head.

“You better get back here!”

She snapped around and smirked, “Bite me.” You think that is flirting? Oh, I’ll show you flirting Kim Jonghyun.

Sashaying her with long but elegant, paced strides, Yaeyoung immediately caught the attention of every guy she passed. Let’s see, who should my target be? As she strode purposefully, sharp eyes roamed the beach and landed. Oooh, hot, and with a six-pack, yum. With a smile she sauntered towards the guy. He made eye contact with her and a cute smile slowly spread across his face as he checked her out.

Yaeyoung flipped her hair and gave him a small wave. He grinned and nodded. Hook, line and sinker. Oh yea, mama’s still got it. She shot him a wink and started to get closer when, for the second time that day, faint darkness enveloped her. Reaching up, she found with was the same thin, red jacket but it was made for the beach so it had no sleeves.

“Okay, okay. You weren’t flirting, so will you stop?” Jonghyun frowned and turned to glower at the hot dude she was targeting a second ago. “That guy might be a serial killer.”

A grin grew on her face. Might as well for a little longer. “I don’t know…” She shot a look of longing over to the man, “he’s super hot, and look at his abs! Chocolate abs.” she emphasized with starry eyes. Dude, I so need to go into the entertainment industry; I would make an amazing actor.

Jonghyun put hand on the small of her back, “Yea,” he leered, “those abs are so girls flock towards him. Then he could pick his victims with less effort.”

Rolling her eyes, Yaeyoung let him led her back to the boys. “Suuure.”

“Just put the jacket on, do you like guys ogling you?” he snapped again in annoyance.

“I don’t know…it depends on how they look…” she dragged off and peek a look at Jonghyun furious face that looked like he was going to burn every eligible guy off the beach. Giggling, she put him out of his misery. “Oh alright.” Slipping on the slim jacket Yaeyoung walked towards the grinning SHINee members. But she didn’t zip it up. Hey I got to keep him on his toes.

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rrnadrow #1
Chapter 33: I love this story so much! It can't just stop here! You're killing me.
LollyTrolly #2
Update soon please!!!!!!!<3
Ashyunchick20 #3
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~
I was wondering if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about... SHINEE!!~ :D :D
Thanks!!~ ^_^
emmchu #4
lol NOOO UR NOT ANNOYING ME!!! thank you sooo much for saying that! :) i actually got myself off of my lazy to think and write this chapter! thanks :D
LollyTrolly #5
Sorry to annoy you, but pleaaaassee update soon! It's so good.<3
emmchu #6
hahaha THANK YOU I LOVE U TOO!! :) <3
LollyTrolly #7
emmchu #8
hahaha hobo, lol i guess it sounds that way, hehehe :)
emmchu #9
lol thank you guys sooo much!! hehehe i'm going to update now~
ohhh i get it, hahaha maybe i'll use it sometime in the story! :)
LollyTrolly #10
and atm means: at the moment.