The Search

Blackmail My Thief


“I can’t believe that she actually took it! Right out of my room! How did she even get in?” I snarled. Pacing around the living room in front of my members, I was in the process of burning a hole into the carpet.

“It’s just a bracelet hyung.” Taemin yawned; he just had come back from a reality show recording with Onew and Key. Minho was off modeling something or another. “Just get another one."

Just get another one? Are you crazy? You know how much that bracelet cost?” I almost yelled.

“Kim Jonghyun!” Key snapped. “Don’t let your anger out on Taemin. From what I hear, it’s your fault for leaving something that expensive on your bed. Yes, the girl thief is in fault too but you should have known better.”

“Key!” I said in shock, “What? My fault?

Key just glared at him and I mentally and almost physically stepped back.

“When do you need that bracelet by? You’re giving it to Yoona-noona aren’t you?” Taemin asked.

“Three days from now…”

“Then you have time, you can just get another one tomorrow.” Onew reasoned.

I growled, “Hyung, you know how must money that bracelet cost?”


“If was a good bracelet, it should cost a lot money. Plus you and Yoona are going out right now right? She deserves that bracelet.” Key rolled his eyes. “Stop being so tight fisted.”

I frowned; I can just see my bank account shrinking…

Minho yawned, “So you’re going to get another one right? You’re not going to go after her or anything. Wait, now that I think about it, you don’t really know her…what?” he stopped when he noticed the glares from Key and Onew.

Go after her? My frown stretched into a smile. That’s right! I can go after her! Who does she think she is to steal from the Great Kim Jonghyun? I stopped pacing and smiled evilly, thinking of all I can do when I catch that no good thief…

“Jonghyun? Yah, Jonghyun?”

“Hyung? Hyung~”

“Great now you’ve done it Choi Minho!” Key snapped, slapping Minho in the arm.

“WHAT??” Minho looked at him with a hurt but annoyed expression, “It’s not like he’s going to find the girl or anything. He didn’t see her face!”

Minho’s right…I didn’t see her face. All I can distinguish her by is her voice…Wait! That girl! She had bandages, on her arm! How many girls could have bandages on her arm anyway? It was her…right arm! That was right, her right arm is injured! How many girls in Seoul could have injured her right arm?

“Jonghyun-hyung, why do you have such an evil smile on your face…” Taemin said shrinking behind the tall and stoic Minho. “Hyung?”

“We have music bank tomorrow don’t we?” I grinned.

“Yes…” Onew replied with a cautious tone.

“Watch out you thief, Kim Jonghyun is coming.” I cackled manically as I rubbed my hands together and glided into my room.

“Hyung’s gone crazy.” Taemin said looking after me with horror behind the tall Minho.

Onew and Key nodded. “You got that right.”


I stared that the beautiful bracelet on my wrist. “So pretty.” I sighed, mesmerized by the multicolored lights bouncing of the diamonds. I was on my spiny chair-my favorite in the apartment-turning from side to side just staring at the bracelet. I had called in my absence from school hours ago, ate and now was comfortably on my chair relaxing.

After I came back from that IASC guy’s house (IASC standing for Impolite And Self-Centered), I sneaked back home with the soft weight bouncing against my thigh. Adrenaline still pumping through my veins, I got home in record time.

 However, I frowned as I thought about it. One because I was lucky to get out of there without getting caught and captured, it was a fool’s move to move in and steal so quickly after I targeted. Two because I had to give the bracelet back, not to IASC but back to where it belongs, Tiffany’s. Since I’m not really a thief…

I smirked at the thought. Changs are not thieves; we’re more like modern day Robin Hood. Steal from the rich, give to the poor…yea all that good stuff. Since I was Yae Young Alicia Chang, I don’t keep my targets, in fact, I already feel the guilt creeping in since I kept this bracelet in my possession for so long.

You might be surprised but we are actually very soft hearted people. I bawled my eyes out at every movie that has a touching/sad/happy ending. As you can imagine, I don’t see many movies because it turns me into a big sobbing pile of goo. Proof is that even my oldest brother Anthony, who is the most hard-hearted of my family, even sniffled during Marley & Me. I know, with the history of our soft hearts, you don’t really think that we would go watch Marley & Me but my dad dragged us there spouting some nonsense about ‘keeping our hearts soft’. Yea…I don’t really get it…

Staring longingly at the bracelet, I pouted. Darn our soft hearts…and the picture of cute, smiling golden retrievers whenever I want to keep a target for myself. You scarred me dad…forever…


Again, I was captivated by the sparkly bracelet.

It’s so beautiful…

Smiling Golden Retriever.

“FUDGE!” I yelled snapping upright. “I have to give it back…GRAHH!” I roared in frustration as I gently put the bracelet back into its case and stomped to the couch, landing of the soft, buttery felt with a plop. “I hate you dad.” I muttered against the fabric.


I gasped at the large, no colossal number of people that showed up to my announcement on Music Bank. I didn’t doubt that some of them had injured themselves just to show up.

“How am I going to get through all these people?” I whispered in shock to myself as I stared at the hundreds of girls that had shown up.

Minho looked over my shoulder and shrugged. “Hyung, you know you brought this on yourself right?”

I glared at Minho, effectively shutting him up.

“Minho hyung! Come on, we’re going to be late!” Taemin yelled from inside.

“I’m coming!” Minho yelled back. Just before he started to leave, I grabbed his forearm. Dang, his arm is pretty hard and muscular…Minho…you anger me…

“Where are you going? I thought you were going to help me with this!” I panicked.

Minho shook his head apologetically, “Sorry hyung, I have schedules all day. I don’t have the time. Go ask the other members!” he waved as he ran into the waiting car.

“Choi Minho.” I growled as I watched his tall figure run to the car surrounded by fans and guards. Screaming fans again caught my attention.

“JONGHYUN-OPPA!! I LOVE YOU!” one screamed.




 “KYAA JONGHYUNG-OPPA!!” Key screamed in false falsetto.

“Shut up Key.” I glared, “It’s not funny.”

Key snickered as he came up. “What? I think it’s hilarious.” He surveyed the crowd. “You’re the one that asked manager-hyung to push back all your schedules so you could find this girl. I don’t understand why you just don’t buy another one.”

I pounded my chest, “It’s a matter of pride. And plus…that bracelet was a high four figures…”I grumbled at the end.

“Cheapskate.” Key coughed.

I hit him in the back of his head.

“WATCH THE HAIR!” he yelled running to the mirror to get it fixed. Key always did his own hair with minimal help from the unnies. In result he is overly sensitive about his hair.

“If you want help Jonghyun, you should be nice.” Onew bit into his fried chicken. “Key might help you unless you mess up his hair.” He just had entered the room and didn’t see what I had done a few seconds earlier.

“Shoot!” I looked over to the majorly pissed Key who was gently fixing each strand with his long, slim piano fingers.

“You already did, didn’t you?” Onew raised his eyebrows.

“You want to help hyung?” I pleaded.

Onew shook his head and stepped back. “Uhuh, no way! Have you seen that crowd? I’m not getting into that!”

“Hyung~” I begged.

“Do you think I’m crazy?”

“I’ll buy you jumbo sized chicken from Pelican Chicken.” I bribed.

Onew’s eyes lit up and glazed over. I laughed inside. I so got him.

“Half spicy and half crunchy ‘kay?” Onew called walking into the fan’s view.





“Hehehe.” I chuckled maniacally.

“Bribed him with chicken?” Key came back with narrowed eyes, his hair once again perfect as before.

I grinned in reply and before I went out I messed up his hair again…for fun. I entered the limelight with Key’s furious shriek and my smirk as the announcer. Jonghyun is here!

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rrnadrow #1
Chapter 33: I love this story so much! It can't just stop here! You're killing me.
LollyTrolly #2
Update soon please!!!!!!!<3
Ashyunchick20 #3
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~
I was wondering if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about... SHINEE!!~ :D :D
Thanks!!~ ^_^
emmchu #4
lol NOOO UR NOT ANNOYING ME!!! thank you sooo much for saying that! :) i actually got myself off of my lazy to think and write this chapter! thanks :D
LollyTrolly #5
Sorry to annoy you, but pleaaaassee update soon! It's so good.<3
emmchu #6
hahaha THANK YOU I LOVE U TOO!! :) <3
LollyTrolly #7
emmchu #8
hahaha hobo, lol i guess it sounds that way, hehehe :)
emmchu #9
lol thank you guys sooo much!! hehehe i'm going to update now~
ohhh i get it, hahaha maybe i'll use it sometime in the story! :)
LollyTrolly #10
and atm means: at the moment.