
Blackmail My Thief

Okay i uploaded on new years!! yes!! :D i got one story down, got to get the other...this is going to be hard...Well thank you to my suscribers, viewers and commenters!! PLEASE COMMENT!! it helps me write more :) thank youu~!



As I packed Jonghyun’s luggage-we had to pack each other’s-I thought about what happened the last few days.


“What?? I want to go to the beach too! Free trip!” Key exclaimed, frowning.

“Yea, hyung, why are you two going by yourselves?” Taemin pouted.

Jonghyun sighed, “It wasn’t my idea! Onew hyung! Help me out!”

Onew glared at him from the corner where he crouched after he heard the news. “I’m not going to help; I want to go too…”

“Minho?” Jonghyun asked hopefully.

“Don’t look at me hyung.”

“Come on you guys! It wasn’t my idea!” he said exasperated.

I laughed, “Why don’t you ask your manager? I’m sure you guys deserve a break by now. If he says no, you could just not go to your schedules…” Oh shoot. I’m already regretting this…

Key’s eyes brightened and a slow smile stretched across his lips into an evil smile. “Oh yea.” whipping out his phone and gathering the three agreeing members, they went to the corner of the room and whispered into the phone.

Jonghyun sighed and my attention diverted to him.



Looking at him weirdly the four members came back from their corner with happy faces.

“Guess what!” Key sang. “We’re going too!”


Who knew their manager would actually let them come. Well four SHINee members refusing to work is pretty serious…

I folded everything neatly into Jonghyun’s suitcase that he gave to me. With an evil smile plastered on my face from thinking of my revenge, I walked out into the hall dragging the suitcase out with me. Today was the only day I could dress for myself and only for the first part of the trip. So I picked a cute outfit that hopefully would overshadow what horrible outfits Jonghyun must have picked for me.

Wearing light jean shorts that went down to a little above my knees and yellow spaghetti strap tank top that had buttons down the front I stumbled down the stairs. Muttering to myself at every step I had to take to go down. Why are there no elevators??

“I,” Step “Hate,” step “This,” step “So much.” Step.

“ARGGGH!!!” I yelled to myself as I stopped. Lugging this down is hard! “SHINee, you’re going to die. How dare you not help me? Wait a moment…” I looked at the foreign luggage case besides me and I smiled evilly. “This isn’t my case so why should I be lugging it down? He should come and get his own stuff!” I steadied the case and washed my hands of it, both literally and figuratively. I took one step down when I saw a boy peeked around the staircase.

“Yaeyoung?” Onew called out when he saw me, “Yaeyoung! What are you doing? Didn’t Jonghyun tell you to wait? I was going to carry your luggage for you!”

“What?” I said puzzled. Jonghyun never mentioned that…

“Yea, I told Jonghyun to tell you to wait because I was coming up to get the luggage.” Confusion was prominent on Onew’s face.

“Kim Jonghyun.” I growled.

Onew blinked and laughed, “He didn’t tell you huh?”

I just scowled in reply.

He chuckled as he reached for the bag, “Here let me get that.” Onew easily lifted the heavy load and held it gently down the stairs. Hmm, Onew’s stronger than he looks…and nicer than that JERK!

Stomping down the rest of the stairs I glared at the smirking boy.

“Kim Jonghyun.” I snarled, “Don’t you have something to tell me?”

His smirk just grew more pronounced and before it could turn into a fight, Taemin fearlessly interrupted.

“Let’s go! We’re on a schedule right? We have to get to the villa by twelve.”

“Villa?” I said, momentarily distracted, “Whoa, WGM must be getting a lot of viewers.”

Key laughed, “Don’t let the name fool you; it’s pretty small. There’s only one actual room. The guys are going to have to sleep on the floor downstairs.”

“Ohh,” I shot a smirk towards Jonghyun who suddenly looked pissed.

“Yah, Key, who said we’re going to be slee-,”

“Shall we leave?” Minho smiled. “WGM producers gave us a van and a driver. In fact I think he’s already in the car…” he peeked in and sighed, “…sleeping…I’ll wake him up…”

Onew’s head popped out of the trunk, “Yah! Minho! Don’t try to get out of helping me load the luggage!” when a stray backpack rolled down and wacked him on the head and landed on the ground with a strange crunch.

“My sna-bag!” Taemin yowled as he ran and scooped the bag protectively.

“My head.” Onew cried rubbing his head. “Lee Taemin! What the heck do you have in that bag?”

He just frowned cutely in reply and went inside of the van grasping the backpack closely to his chest.

Minho came out just as Taemin went in, “Driver’s awake now…Hyung…I left you for three seconds and you’re already on the floor?” he said with disbelief.

“Be quiet and help me load the rest of it.” Onew frowned and picked up another suitcase. Minho smiled and rolled his eyes but went to help him.

I looked at the scene with a huge smile on my face. The members were close; that was apparent.

“When are you guys going to be done?” Key frowned, “You’re taking forever.”

“Key hyung,” Minho grunted, “just get in the van.”

“Isn’t the driver supposed to be doing this? When I got a taxi, the put my luggage into the trunk.” I thought out loud.

“Maybe it’s because he didn’t think you could lift it high enough to put it into the trunk.” Jonghyun yawned.

“YAH!” I yelled lifting my fist to punch him when Onew stopped my fist. Curiously I looked at him.

“Although at times I want to do that myself, he’s an idol and I’m the leader, I’m afraid I can’t let you hurt his livelihood.” He shrugged.

I looked at his kind eyes for a moment before I relaxed my hand and he let it fall.

Jonghyun looked at me with a smirk. “Thanks hyung.

Then Onew turned around and hit the backside of his younger’s head. “Be quiet you’re going to chase away the perfect girl for this position.”

“HYUNG!” he yelled in protest.

Now this time, I stuck my tongue out at him behind Onew’s back. Snickering, I skipped to the van and hopped in. “Taemin! What are you doing?” I said with surprise.

Taemin’s hand stopped seconds before it entered his mouth. The chip dangled menacingly in front of his mouth.

We stared at each other for a few moments with a blank expression. Then I cracked. Giggling and laughing like crazy I shook the entire van.


I was immediately sobered up by the big man in the driver’s seat.

“I’m sorry.” Taemin started apologizing while my eyes just flickered to the other driver.

There’s another driver? Who needs two drivers? Only one van…two drivers…both big in size… this doesn’t look good. I was about to, secretly of course, drag Taemin out and warn the other members when they all decided to pick that time to climb into the van. In all the frenzy of the members trying to get a seat and get inside, I was stuck between Minho and Jonghyun in the very back. The worst position to be in right now.

I bit my lip in worry and anger. What can I do? There’s a case that nothing will happen but I highly doubt that. I could take a chance and tell the boys and either run or fight but seeing that there are only two men and six people, they probably have backup. Either in the form of a weapon, or there’s another car following us. I can’t take that chance…I guess I’ll just have to go along with it for now.

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rrnadrow #1
Chapter 33: I love this story so much! It can't just stop here! You're killing me.
LollyTrolly #2
Update soon please!!!!!!!<3
Ashyunchick20 #3
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~
I was wondering if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about... SHINEE!!~ :D :D
Thanks!!~ ^_^
emmchu #4
lol NOOO UR NOT ANNOYING ME!!! thank you sooo much for saying that! :) i actually got myself off of my lazy to think and write this chapter! thanks :D
LollyTrolly #5
Sorry to annoy you, but pleaaaassee update soon! It's so good.<3
emmchu #6
hahaha THANK YOU I LOVE U TOO!! :) <3
LollyTrolly #7
emmchu #8
hahaha hobo, lol i guess it sounds that way, hehehe :)
emmchu #9
lol thank you guys sooo much!! hehehe i'm going to update now~
ohhh i get it, hahaha maybe i'll use it sometime in the story! :)
LollyTrolly #10
and atm means: at the moment.