Chapter 2 - Meeting SHINee

Life with SHINee

April's POV


"Oh, no! It was my fault. I should have been watching where I was going." the voice was strangely familiar and musical. Where have I heard that voice before.


Wait! That was SHINee's Taemin's voice. ZOMG. NO WAY!!


~End Flashback~


Chloe's POV


Sam and I stood frozen as a sweet voice quickly apologized back to April.


"I'm really sorry. I'm in a hurry," Taemin said before rushing away in the opposite direction from us.


"Was that....?" I began, unable to finish uttering his name.


"Lee Taemin? Yeah." April swooned as she watched his quickly retreating figure.


"Unnie-deul! We're gonna be late!! I don't care who that guy was! Let's go to class!!" Sam was whining as she began dragging us to our dance class.


Sam didn't like SHINee much. She was a fan of Justin Bieber, an American solo artist.


Anyways, we all piled into the dance studio, a total of thirty-some students in the class. April and I dragged Sam into our usual corner and began stretching and warming up. It was our (April and my) favorite class. Sam liked voice lessons where she could sing Justin Bieber as much as she wanted.


Mrs. Min, our teacher, had just pressed play when the door flung open, revealing Mr. Lee Soo Man, the president of SME, and five lean figures. SHINee.


"I'll be borrowing three of your students, Mrs. Min. I need Chloe Park, April Ottow, and Samantha Oh."


The three of us scrambled to our feet, trying to ignore the icy glares pricking on our skin, the hushed sneers. As carefully as we could, we maneuvered our way through the tangle of limbs.


Without a word, President Lee his heels and went out the way he came in, SHINee close on his heels.


"You three are going to debut soon," he said as soon as we were out. "Your group will be called RAWR and your image will the ones of tough, resourceful, smart young ladies. You'll be showing a powerful image while be cute as well. SHINee will be helping you train and you will be living in their dorm until you debut. Any questions?"


His words were met with a icy silence, the atmosphere thick enough to cut with a butter knife and spread on toast!


The only words running through my head were, 'WE. ARE. GOING. TO. LIVE. WITH. SHINee.'


I shook my head slowly at President Lee, indicating that we had no questions and, with a quick nod, he left the eight of us standing there.


April was in a state of shock similar to mine and SHINee stared at the three of us, a look of fear in their eyes.


We stood there just staring at each until April and I, with a small shriek, began skipping back and forth through the hallway.


SHINee, finally over there moment of fear, linked arms with us, joining our skipping.

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koreansleeper #1
koreansleeper #2
i was beat up
koreansleeper #3
i was with donghae
koreansleeper #4
i remember this story
koreansleeper #5
koreansleeper #6
@ShineeEllaBaby hahahaha i agree w/u lol
haha i lyke itt !!!yay ur gonnz write the other one !!!