Chapter 17 - Caribbean Bay

Life with SHINee

Chloe's POV


OMG!!! The water park!!! I <3 Water parks!!! Water parks are FUN! Fun, FUN, FUN!! Haha! I'm so hyper! Key 오빠 made me breakfast today with lots of sugar!!! I had pancakes with sugar and powdered sugar and strawberries and syrup and whipped cream! OH! And I had a milkshake!!!! Ooh.... too much sugar!! *Faints Dramatically*


Hehehe... anyways! We were at Caribbean Bay (WELLL.... SHINee, RAWR[Minus Sam], Mary, Yumi, and Jinwoon), trying not to get mobbed by SHINee and 2AM fans!!!! T______________T


Of course, they weren't wearing any disguises cuz how can you wear a disguise while you're wearing a swimsuit....? You can't go on water rides with a hat and sunglasses on.... O_________o


Anyways, Taemin 오빠 and April were already skipping hand in hand off tho the rides.... however, Key 오빠 called them back, making htem put sunblock on. ㅋㅋㅋ Taemin 오빠 was putting on for April!!! ^________^ It's so cute! ^o^ (A.N. Like it, April?? 좇아???)


"Your turn," Key 오빠 said, sitting me down. I couldn't help but blush as he placed his hands on my bare shoulders.


People (most of them girls) had already begun to notice the fact that SHINee was here at Caribbean Bay and I could feel them glare at me as Key 오빠 snuggled his face into my shoulder.


"오빠!!! People are watching." I whispered, nudging him.


"So.... Let them watch. It doesn't matter to me." He gently pressed his lips against my neck. "세아야. 사랑해~." he whispered softly into my ear, smiling sweetly and declaring afterward, "It's my turn!" He playfully pushed me out of the chair and sat in my spot, grinning.


I was blushing all over again, touching his smooth, pale skin. Key 오빠 reached back and pulled my arms around his waist, keeping a firm grasp on my wrists. My cheek was pressed against his back..... *blush*


"세아야.... do you like me too???" he asked slightly fearfully, his fingers over my arm.


"오빠...! 나도.... 오빠..... 사랑해.... ^^"


He turned around and hugged me tight, his lips smiling against my shoulder."Let's go play now!!!" He said happily and childishly, pulling me up and over to one of the tallest water slides I've ever seen..... O_________o Did I mention I was afraid of heights?????


April's POV


I couldn't help but giggle at Chloe 언니's blush when Key 오빠 whispered into her ear, kissing the base of her neck. I saw him mouth the words, "사랑해." Taemin 오빠 must have seen too because he pulled me up, kissing me softly, "사랑해, 애히야."


"I love you too, 오빠," I whispered back, wrapping my arms around his waist.


ㅋ ㅋㅋ Then we skipped away, heading towards a big water slide. Oh, look! 언니 and Key 오빠 are there! Hahahaha! Key 오빠 and 언니 are both afraid of heights!!! And this is the tallest water slide I've ever seen!!!! Mwahahaha!! They're probably dying of fear!!! But.... 언니 was laughing??? At Key 오빠????


"야!! 뭐가 그렇게 무서워?!" she laughed, making people turn back to stare at the couple. Some people even dared to take pictures of them and then us......


"I'm afraid of heights," Key 오빠 pouted, a blush spreading over his pale cheeks. He was so childish......


10 Minutes Later


We were finally at the top!!! Why is this line so freaking long?! Where are all these people coming from?!


Anyways..... Taemin 오빠 and I were finally in the raft!! 언니 and Key 오빠 were already on their way down, one of them screaming very girlishly and the other laughing.


"Key 형's the one that's screaming," Taemin 오빠 giggled. "He doesn't like anything that doesn't have to do with his feet being planted firmly on the ground." I giggled too, laughing the whole way down.


At the bottom, we met up with the rest of SHINee, Chloe 언니, Mary 언니, Yumi, and Jinwoon 오빠. And they were rambling about something, it's just we couldn't tell what.


"April! Taemin 오빠! There's a cute cafe over there! And couples get a free hot chocolate or coffee! We should go!!" Chloe 언니 said hyperly, pulling us out of the water. I don't think Key 오빠 should have given her all that sugar this morning and now giving her hot chocolate wasn't a good idea, especially since she eats a great amount of whipped cream with her hot chocolate.


I was about to object but we were already being dragged into the cafe.


When we entered the cute little cafe, we found two strangely familiar someones sitting there. "Charlene 언니?! What are you doing here?!"


Caribbean Bay Outfits <------------------------ Click Here for Image!!! Mwahaha

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koreansleeper #1
koreansleeper #2
i was beat up
koreansleeper #3
i was with donghae
koreansleeper #4
i remember this story
koreansleeper #5
koreansleeper #6
@ShineeEllaBaby hahahaha i agree w/u lol
haha i lyke itt !!!yay ur gonnz write the other one !!!