Chapter 8 - Amusement Park (Part 2)

Life with SHINee


Sam's POV


I began running backwards, yelling, "Let's go to see Jus-" I tripped and fell backwards, falling into someonoe's arms.


~End Flashback~


April's POV

Everyone froze as Sam fell backwards, being caught by a boy I thought was strangley familiar.


"Are you okay? he asked in English, setting Sam gently back on her feet.


"Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you." Sam said, gazing up into his eyes. "ZOMG. You're Justin Bieber. I'm a huge fan!"


"Really? I was afraid I wouldn't have any fans in Korea. Cuz, you know, I'm not as good compared to all those k-pop groups like SHINee, Super Junior, and 2PM."


"No, you're amazing!" Sam said in awe and I could serioiusly see the hearts in her eyes.... gross.

I heard a soft chuckle and I turned to find the source of the sound. Chloe 언니 was stifling her laughter as she watched Justin Beaver and Sam.


" 뭐?" she asked in Korean when she noticed me staring. "It's funny cuz he's so right. He compared to SHINee, Suju, & 2PM. He even compared to Teen Top and they have a funny name. ^^" She was right. It was funny cuz what he said was totally true. He . A LOT!


"Um... Sam, maybe you can show me around Seoul later?" Justin Bieber was asking our 막내.


I could feel Chloe 언니's burning glare point at Justin Bieber. I could tell 언니 wanted Sam to end upwith Minho 오빠.

If this was an anime, you could see the lasers shoot out from 언니's eyes and Justin Beaver would be sweatdropping by now. 언니 is scary when she is glaring.


Anyways, Sam was completely oblivious. "Sure! Give me your number and the address of the hotel you're staying at. I'll pick you up at 10-ish?"


Minho 오빠 shoved his hands into his pockets, shoulders slumped, and stormed away.


Chloe 언니 and Key 오빠 exchanged a worried glance and followed after him, calling his name softly (otherwise people would hear and recognize them....)


"I'm worried," I whispered to Taemin 오빠, "about Minho 오빠."


"Why? Taemin 오빠 looked curiously at me, his eyebrows knitted in confusion. Awwwwww he looked so cute like that I forgot what I was gonna say for a second and wanted to take a picture!!!!


"Can't you tell? Minho 오빠 likes Sam. Boy, you are oblivious."


"뭐?! Minho likes-!" Onew 오빠 and Jonghyun오빠 were cut off as Chloe 언니 slapped her hands over their mouths.


" 바보들! Why would you say something like that out loud?!" She gave them both a sharp rap on them head, glaring at them before walking back to Key 오빠 and Minho 오빠.


Sam's POV


I felt slightly light headed after my conversation with JUSTIN BIEBER!!!! I think I even teetered a littl ewhile walking back to the unnie-들 and 오빠들.


April 언니 and Taemin 오빠 were still standing where I left them, hand in hand, with Onew 오빠 and Jonghyun 오빠 standing behind them, rubbing their heads in pain. (ㅋㅋㅋ)


"Let me guess. Chloe 언니 hit you, didn't she?"


"Yes!" Onew 오빠 wailed. "Why is she so tough? She's a girl!!!" (AN: I can just imagine him doing that and it looks so cute in my head!!! ㅋㅋㅋ)


"That's 언니 for you. ^^ I hit hard too," I snickered.


The two 오빠들 backed away from me. "Don't hit me!" Jonghyun 오빠 screamed.


We all rolled our eyes and walked away from the two babies to where Chloe 언니, Key 오빠, and Minho 오빠 were standing. Minho 오빠 looked upset about something and 언니 and Key 오빠 were comforting him. While he was usually the most calm and "emotionless" out of all of SHINee (I mean Jonghyun 오빠 and Onew 오빠 are kinda babies, Taemin 오빠 is always showing 애교, and Key 오빠 is a complete diva), he was pouting and even whining (I think) while Chloe 언니 was patting his back softly. (Key 오빠 looked a little jealous..... ^^)


"언니, is something wrong?" I asked and everyone (meaning Chloe 언니, Key 오빠, and Minho 오빠) jumped awkwardly.


"Um... no... everything's fine. Let's go. Didn't you want to go see the 공연?"


"YEAH!!!!!" I yelled, running full speed to the location of the 공연. I get to see Justin Bieber perform LIVE!!!!! THIS WAS GONNA BE THE BEST DAY EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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koreansleeper #1
koreansleeper #2
i was beat up
koreansleeper #3
i was with donghae
koreansleeper #4
i remember this story
koreansleeper #5
koreansleeper #6
@ShineeEllaBaby hahahaha i agree w/u lol
haha i lyke itt !!!yay ur gonnz write the other one !!!