Chapter 7 - Amusement Park (Part 1)

Life with SHINee

Chloe's POV


"Bye!" we all called in unison as the last of our guests left.


The dorm was a mess with plates, cups, and napkins scattered everywhere. The music was still blaring, playing SHINee's Lucifer.


"Well, we should clean up now," SHINee's manager said, picking up the garbage and tossing it into a plastic bag. "And after that, all of you are going to bed."


We all groaned except Key 오빠, who looked at all of us sternly. "You have to go to sleep to be able to wake up on time tomorrow!"


With a sigh, we all began cleaning, not wanting to face Key 오빠's fury by disagreeing with him.


10 Minutes Later


"Good night, 오빠들," I yawned, following my 동생들 into our room.


"Good night, Chloe!" they chorused back and Key 오빠added, "I'll wake you up at 9, okay? We're going to the amusement park tomorrow morning! ^^"


"Yay! Okay! Night night!"


The Next Morning

At the Amusement Park (Everland/Caribbean Bay)


"Guess what!!!" I said excitedly. "Singers from America are having a 공연!! I wonder who's coming."


"I hope it's Justin Bieber," Sam said excitedly. "He's so much better than all you girly looking k-pop stars!!!"


I saw Minho 오빠 pout softly at Sam's words. Did he... like her like her??? O____o What about their age difference??? What was happening to this world???


I couldn't think about it too long because soon Key 오빠 tugged on my sleeve, "세아야! Let's go in there," he said, pointing towards the Haunted Fun House (AN: there really is one at Everland ^^).


"Yeah! Let's go there," April said, suddenly taking Taemin 오빠's hand, and tugging him along with her.


"I guess we're going there," Sam shrugged, following the lovebirds in.


Minho 오빠, Jonghyun 오빠, and Onew 오빠 went soon after, leaving me and Key 오빠 alone. "I guess we should go in too," I said, blushing slightly, suddenly nervous next to Key 오빠.


"Yeah, hold my hand. I don't want you to get lost." he grabbed my hand and smiled at me, making me blush again (although i don't think i really blush since my skin is really dark).


We walked over to the rest of SHINee and my 동생들 (I guess we're RAWR now). Sam was standing next to a giant poster and hyperventilating. "언니!!!" She shrieked when I drew near. "Look! Look! Look! It's Justin Bieber!! He's here! In Korea! In Everland!! Can we go see him?!"


"Okay, sure. We'll go after we go in the Haunted Fun House, okay?"


"Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" She was bouncing happily as she walked but one person seemed mighty upset. His name was Choi Minho.


In the Fun House


April's POV


After Sam's crazy fangirl hyperventilation, we calmly filed into the fun house. The 오빠들 were all wearing oversized sunglasses/glasses and hats but I think the lady working there recognized them.


I was still holding Taemin 오빠's hand, practically dragging him into the building. As soon as we stepped in, a scary creepy cartoon ghost jumped out at us. I screamed, holding on the Taemin 오빠 for dear life.


"It's okay, April. It's just a cartoon ghost," he said soothingly, patting my head softly.


"Um... right..." I said, slightly embarrassed.


Taemin 오빠 smiled softly and grabbed my hand again, "There, I'll protect you from the cartoon ghosts."


I smiled back at him and turned back to see Chloe 언니 and Key 오빠 following us. They were the complete opposite of us. Chloe 언니 slapping Key 오빠's arm when he screamed.


"You baby," she laughed, "it's just a paper cut out." Key 오빠 pouted softly, tugging Chloe away from the cartoon ghost.


"I don't like it," he declared, when she began laughing again.


Jonghyun 오빠 and Onew 오빠 were being their crazy selves at the back of our little mob and Sam and Minho 오빠 were behind Chloe and Key 오빠, looking kinda awkward. Minho 오빠 kept watching Sam (cuz he likes her likes her) but Sam didn't notice, still excited over the whole Justin Bieber thing.


Sam's POV


Yay!!! We were finally out of the stupid Fun House where not only April 언니and Taemin 오빠 were being the cute lovebirds but Key 오빠 and Chloe 언니too!! I just wanted to see Justin Bieber!


I began running backwards, yelling, "Let's to see Jus-" I tripped and fell backwards, falling into someone's arms.

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koreansleeper #1
koreansleeper #2
i was beat up
koreansleeper #3
i was with donghae
koreansleeper #4
i remember this story
koreansleeper #5
koreansleeper #6
@ShineeEllaBaby hahahaha i agree w/u lol
haha i lyke itt !!!yay ur gonnz write the other one !!!