Chapter 21 - Slumber Party (Part 1)

Life with SHINee

Chloe's POV


April, Julia, and I were once again in the kitchen of the SHINee 오빠들's dorm, making popcorn and slushies! ^______^ Except for twice as many people were there this time. ㅋㅋㅋ ZOMG. Minho 오빠  and Mary were on the balcony talking. I wonder....April glanced that way also and we exchanged a mischevious glance, sneaking closer to the windows.


"Minho 오빠, I think we should break up. I know you like Sam," Mary said softly and a little tearfully. "I'm really sorry, 오빠, really I am."


"Actually, thank you," he said, breaking out in a small grin. Minho 오빠 pulled Mary into a hug. "I think we're better off staying friends. Let's start over." He held out a hand for her to shake, "Hi, I'm Choi Minho, let's be friends. ^_________^"


Mary reached out to take his hand, softly smiling at him, "It's nice to meet you. My name's Kim Mary."


"Thank you, Mary. Now I can Sam to really consider my feelings." Minho 오빠 said, pulling her into one last hug then heading back inside.  Poor Mary was still standing there, tears now falling freely from her eyes.  April and I were about to step foot onto the balcony when someone beat us to it.... the chicken-lover, Onew 오빠.


One 오빠 found Mary standing there crying and stopped in his tracks.  Slowly, step by step, he walked up to her and gently pulled her into his embrace, her hair and seemingly whispering into her ear.  April and I gaped at them, our jaws dropped to the floor.  How much more drama could we have in one day?!?!?!?!?!??


"세아야!!! What are you doing?!" Key 오빠 yelled as he walked into the kitchen and revealing our hiding place.....


Onew 오빠 and Mary whipped their heads around our way just as April and I ducked.  "We know you're there, you nosy bunch of kids," Mary said, glaring in our direction through her tears (well... more like Key 오빠's directioni since he was just standing ther....)


"What?!" I didn't do anything!" He pouted, pointing down at us, "It was all them!! They're the evil spies!! I just came to ask them when they'd be done with the popcorn!" 


Thanks a lot..... we're not evil... just misunderstood..... Then it dawned on me.... we left the stove on...................  "ZOMG. The food!" April and I yelled dashing back to the stove.


"Lucky for you, I turned the stove off," Key 오빠 smirked at me T_______________T, "바보. I'm never letting cook again. At least not in my kitchen."  And that is why Key 오빠 and Julia were finishing up in the kitchen for us after he kicked us out...... I guess it was our punishment for eavesdropping.....


Pajama Party - Super Junior H


We let SHINee's manager pick the movies for us while we were getting the dorm set up and he picked: Titanic, Twilight, and  미녀는 괴로워 (200 Pound Beauty), three very romance-centered movies.  Of coures I have watched all three movies at least once (except for Titanic which I watched at least 20 times). I was totally in love with Leonardo Dicaprio!!! ㅋㅋㅋ ^____________^




Oh my, GOD!!! Leonardo DiCaprio is so awesome!!! "ZOMG. Leonardo DiCaprio is so hot!" I sighed, leaning forward to stare at his awesomeness.


"I know," Ariel sighed, leaning her chin on the palm ''of her hand, her elbows on her knees. "Too bad he's not so hot now... T_________T he would've been the perfect hubby."


"Yes, he would've been," I sighed again, not taking my admiring gaze off the image of him on the screen.  Only Taemin 오빠 and April weren't watching Titanic.  They were in the corner of the room, snuggled together with April sitting on 오빠's lap and playing on her DS. They were so cute... and a little bit too innocent..... but cute anyways!!!  Jonghyun 오빠 was totally engrossed in the movie, his eyes bugging out at the sight of Kate Winslet.  Poor, deprived Jjong 오빠.


"세아야.  세아야.  세아야." Key 오빠 whined, tugging on my arm. "Do you really like this Leonardo guy??"


" 오빠, 너무 웃겨!! (translation: so funny).  I might like a lot of actors and singers, 오빠, but you are my favorite," I giggled, patting him on the head and messing up his "perfect" hair... Luckily he didn't notice.....


Key 오빠 smiled cutely, hugging me from behind and pulling me on to his lap. "I know, I'm pretty awesome!" he said childishly.


" 오빠... 조금 이상해.... 그래도 귀여워!! (translation: Oppa... You're a little weird... But you're still cute)" I grinned back at him, pinching his cheeks (A.N. he has ntohing to pinch on his cheeks!! He has really sharp cheekbones.....) "You're too skinny, 오빠."


"ㅋㅋㅋ. Just watch the movie." He said, poking his tongue out at me.  I did the same back, scowling at him in a joking manner.  

"Okay!! Leonardo DiCaprio!!" I said happily, turning completely away from Key 오빠.


Minho's POV


I saw Key and Chloe smiling sort of adorabley and happily at each other, pinching each others' cheeks.  It was cute especially since they got so close so fast.  Taemin and April too.  I mean, they kissed the day they met.......


Maybe I should tell Sam now..... I glanced in Mary's direction and she met my gaze, motioning in Sam's direction. "Go," she mouthed, giving me a thumbs up.  She was sitting happily next to Onew 형, all traces of tears gone.  I guess she's happy with him.


I gulped audibly, walking in Sam's direction. I cleared my throat, "S-sam.............."


(Mwahahahahaha!!! To be continued........................................)

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koreansleeper #1
koreansleeper #2
i was beat up
koreansleeper #3
i was with donghae
koreansleeper #4
i remember this story
koreansleeper #5
koreansleeper #6
@ShineeEllaBaby hahahaha i agree w/u lol
haha i lyke itt !!!yay ur gonnz write the other one !!!