Chapter 24 - First Date?! (Part 1)

Life with SHINee

Sam’s POV


I woke up the next morning (I think) not at the desk but in my bed. April 언니 was already awake, sitting at the kitchen table and eating a breakfast of bacon and eggs. Chloe 언니 was nowhere to be found.


“Oh! You’re awake!” April 언니said through a mouthful of food. “Get ready for school. Chloe 언니 has breakfast ready for you in the fridge.”


“Where is Chloe 언니?´I asked drowsily, yawning widely and loudly.


“She had errand to run. She was out by 5:30am. I think she had paperwork to turn in at the school. Oh and the 오빠들 are coming at 6:30. We need to leave by 7:30 so hurry up. 언니 and Key 오빠, Taemin 오빠, and Onew 오빠 are gonna meet us at the school.”


“Why? Where are they?”


“They have to prepare for a special stage at 가요대전 (Gayodaejun).” April 언니 was not staring intently into a packet of paper, occasionally reaching out to eat her breakfast. “You should go get ready.”


“Chloe 언니 set out my uniform, right?” I yelled, running into the bathroom to wash up.


“Nope. She said, ‘Leaders don’t need people to do things for them.’ End quote. What does that even mean? And hurry up! You’re gonna be late and the 오빠들 will be here any minute!”


Chloe’s POV


Key 오빠, Taemin오빠, Onew오빠and I sat against the mirror, panting and catching our breath. We’d been practicing for an hour straight with not a break in between. I was so tired. I’d been up since 4am, getting everyone up and ready… minus Sam. If she thinks she could be a better leader than me, she can get herself up. Yes, I was angry. No, more than angry; furious.


“Chloe, what’s wrong?” an arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me against sweaty, sticky flesh.


“Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Key 오빠!!!!!!!! You’re all sweaty!” I playfully pushed him away, scrunching my face up in disgust.


“You’re sweaty too!!” He defended himself, pouting at me. “Come on, tell me what’s wrong.” Of course, nothing could get past Key 엄마’s radar. It could catch people’s unhappiness and frustration from miles away.


“Sam says she’d be a better leader than me. She says she should be leader. What’d I do wrong that she’d say that?” I sighed and buried my face in my arms.


The 오빠들 were quiet, not knowing what to say. None of the would’ve ever have went through this. “So, what’d you say?” Taemin 오빠 finally asked, totally intrigued.


“I said, ‘Fine,’ then I listed all the things she’d have to do by 7:30 this morning,” puffing out my cheeks, I let out a sigh. “She failed, obviously, since I was the one who came to get you this morning.”


“It’s okay, Chloe. She just thinks that it’s an easy job since she’s never seen you work,” Onew오빠 said encouragingly, ruffling my hair. “She’ll get over it soon. You didn’t do anything wrong.” Wise words from the leader. It was times like these that stopped me from doubting his abilities as leader.


“Thanks, 오빠들. Let’s eat breakfast. I made sandwiches today since I didn’t have much time. I had to finish a lot this morning. 미안해 (I’m sorry). It’s not much.” I unpacked my boxed lunch set, revealing neatly made finger sandwiches. “These are egg salad and those are potato salad.”


“Thank you!” The all dove for the food, eating as fast as they could. Pigs.


“Slow down, 오빠!!” I yelled, “You’re going to be sick! You guys still have to go to school!!!”


“Why aren’t you eating, Chloe?” Taemin 오빠 held the box up to my face, “You’re gonna be hungry later if you don’t eat now. You’ve been up since 4am too, aren’t you hungry?”


I smiled at Taemin 오빠’s kindness but shook my head. “I’m meeting Yumi later and we’re going to have breakfast at a nearby hotel. I’m gonna help her get ready for her date!” Yes, Yumi and Jinwoon 오빠 were finally going on their first official date! Just the two of them in a romantic restaurant! Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! So cute. No, I was not skipping school. I just don’t have any classes today.


“You’re skipping classes?!” The 오빠들 stared at me incredulously, their jaws agape.


“No!!!” I waved my hands in front of my face. “I don’t have classes today so the headmaster said I didn’t have to go to school today and Yumi’s on break for now so we’re meeting up today!!”




An Hour Later (7:25am)


“Bye, 오빠들!! I’ll see you later!! Can you make sure Sam and April got to school okay?” I asked, straightening Key 오빠’s tie and smoothing out Taemin 오빠’s still wet hair. “Have fun!”


We went our separate ways, the 오빠들grumbling and scowling on their way to school and me skipping and humming on my way to see YUMI!! Yumi was waiting for me at this cute little café (


“Yumi!!! Wahhh! It’s been too long!” I hugged my 동생 before sitting down at the little table.


“Hi, 언니!!” She said happily, of course she was happy!! She’s going on a date with Jinwoon 오빠 today. “Let’s order first?”


The waiter came soon, just as I picked what I wanted. I ordered a caramel macchiato and Yumi got a Iced White Chocolate Mocha. (AN These were randomly picked from the Starbucks menu. I don’t even drink coffee……)


“언니, I’m so nervous. This is my first date. ^O^” Yumi said excitedly, a grin wide on her face. “What am I gonna wear?!”


“Don’t worry, we have lots of time to go shopping!!”


Shopping with Yumi and Chloe


By 10am we were at the Lotte Mall, ready to buy something amazingly beautiful for Yumi to knock Jinwoon 오빠 off his feet. MWAHAHAHA. However… we never knew that looking for the absolutely perfect dress could be so hard….. T______________T


We went through so many corners but nothing was right. Whatever we found was either pretty but too expensive for us to afford or in our price range and U-G-L-Y. That is until we found this….. The perfect dress. It was a little over budget (by like $300 but who cares….) but it was absolutely stunning. ( And of course we had to find the perfect shoes to go with the perfect dress. (


I made Yumi go try everything on, since it was almost time for her to go to her date anyways, and she looked absolutely amazing. “Yumi, it’s beautiful! Jinwoon 오빠’s gonna fall head over heels for you,” I cooed, making her blush. “Oh, it’s almost 6, you should start heading over. I bet he’s already there, waiting for you!!”


“Thank you, 언니!! I’ll come see you tomorrow? Do you have time? I’ll tell you everything then, okay?” Yumi smiled at me, waving as she walked into the elevator to head down to the main floor and off to her date. She was lucky to be able to go on a date with Jinwoon 오빠. When will we get our chance??


* Hello Hello 나름대로용길냈어요Hello Hello 잠시얘기할래요 (Hello hello nareumdero yonggil naesseoyo Hello hello jamsyegi halraeyo)*


My phone rang just as Yumi disappeared from my view, blasting Hello by SHINee in the middle of this super duper quiet mall…oops.


“Hello?” I answered as quietly as I could.


“Chloe? It’s Key 오빠. I was wondering, since it’s almost dinner time and all… Do you want go out to dinner with me?? I made reservations and all….”


Kyaaaaaaaaaaaa!! I mentally hyperventilated. Was Key 오빠 a mind reader??? “Okay, 오빠. Where should I meet you?”


“Um… go to the dorm. I left a package with April. I’d like you to wear that tonight. I’ll come get you at 7. Bye.” Key 오빠 was not as cocky as usual. Was he nervous too??


I rushed over to the dorm, even making the taxi driver rush a little more than they usually do. I barged into the dorm and into the room, finding a large box on my bed. OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!! (Dress:



Author's Note

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koreansleeper #1
koreansleeper #2
i was beat up
koreansleeper #3
i was with donghae
koreansleeper #4
i remember this story
koreansleeper #5
koreansleeper #6
@ShineeEllaBaby hahahaha i agree w/u lol
haha i lyke itt !!!yay ur gonnz write the other one !!!