Chapter 25 - First Date?! (Part 2)

Life with SHINee

Like the Beginning – T-ara (


April's POV


I was in the living room practicing the choreography for our dance song (처음만난시간 [First Meeting]) when 언니 barged into the living room, nearly tearing the door off the hinges. What was up with her? We hadn't seen her all day and now she chose to tear through the house?!


"Eep!!" I heard her squeal from the bedroom. Weird.... 언니 never squealed. Maybe it was Sam....? Nope she's asleep.


"언니? Is something wrong?" I asked, going into the room.


언니 was standing in front of the package Key 오빠 had delivered, holding a beautiful dress and a pair of super tall ankle boots.


“Why did Key 오빠 get her a dress?” I wondered out loud, walking out of the room. 언니 shut the door closed behind me only to open the door a moment later, wearing the outfit, her hair piled up and the slightest hint of makeup on her face. O___________o 언니 was wearing makeup?! The 오빠들 wore more than she did!




“I’ll be back late,” she yelled over her shoulder as she ran through the dorm. “Key 오빠’s taking me out for dinner. There’s food in the fridge.” She stopped in front of the door straightening out the little dress and patting her hair into place. “Eep!”


“Have fun, 언니,” I laughed. “It’s just Key 오빠, calm down.”


“I know but it’s like… our first official date!! ^O^”


*Ring Ding Dong*


“ZOMG. He’s here,” 언니 spazzed, whispering frantically. “How do I----“


“You look fine, don’t worry. Just open the door.”


언니 took a deep breath and opened the door, stunning Key 오빠 with her 눈웃음 (Translation: Eye smile….?) “Hi, 오빠. Ready?”


“Uh-huh. Y-you look beautiful. 동생너무예뻐 (Translation: Dongsaeng so pretty)” he sang…. 으~ 넘유치해….. (Translation: Ugh~ So cheesy…..) “Oh! April, Taemin and Minho are coming over. They’re bringing pizza. Don’t do anything while your SeAh 엄마’s not home,” he smirked.


I stuck my tongue out at him, “Don’t do anything to our SeAh 엄마!”


언니’s face turned red under her makeup and she shot a glare at me, tugging Key 오빠 away. “Go to sleep by 10:30, okay? You have early morning classes tomorrow.”


“Okay, 언니. Have fun!” 언니 was so lucky, finally getting to go on a real date! ^O^


Key’s POV


I could hear my heart pound as I stood in front of RAWR’s dorm. Chloe and April were so loud and I could hear their “whispers” from miles away. After a long debate, I pressed the doorbell, my heart beating faster and faster. Their whispers stopped momentarily, starting frantically again a second later.


The door finally opened and I was stunned the dress was beautiful on her, revealing her tan shoulders and her legs. Maybe I should’ve picked a less revealing dress…..


“Hi, 오빠. Ready?” she asked, smiling that smile with the 눈웃음 at me and I couldn’t help but smile back.


“Uh-huh. You look beautiful. ~동생너무예뻐~” I stuttered. 어떡해…..? (Translation[ish]: What do I do……?) I stuttered……. T_____________________T “Oh! April, Taemin and Minho are coming over. They’re bringing pizza. Don’t do anything while your SeAh 엄마’s not home,” I said cockily, secretly worried for my Baby Taemin.


“Don’t do anything to our SeAh 엄마!” she snapped back, sticking her tongue out at me and turning Chloe a bright red. I watched in amusement as Chloe acted her part as “엄마”, telling her “daughter” to go to sleep before 10:30.


When we were outside the apartment building, we came upon a horrible fate.


“Oh. It’s raining,” Chloe said in disappointment, sighing. “Should we go back inside?”


“No. Come here.” I took off my blazer, covering her head. “When I say go, run towards that red car, okay?” Her head under the blazer nodded, a hand reaching out to grab my arm. Wait… she can’t run in those shoes…. “Never mind. I’ll carry you.” I picked her up easily, startling her. “You’d better hold on, or I’ll drop you.” I threatened and gently tossed her.


“어머나! (Translation[ish]: OMG!” she yelled, wrapping her arms around my neck and pressing her face into my shoulder. “오빠,” she giggled, “You’re carrying me princess style.”


I chuckled, she was so childish now. What happened to serious and tomboyish Chloe? She was replaced by a girly look-a-like…. O___________o


“When’d you get a car?” She leaned into the plush leather seats of my new car, sighing in awe.


“I got it today after school. I passed my driver’s test!!” I said excitedly, making her giggle at my obvious cuteness!! MWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!! “야!!! Where’s my congratulations kiss?”


“You’re driving, 오빠!!! I’ll give you one later, when it’s safer.” She reached over to pinch my 촏다softly, realizing afterwards that it was as dangerous as giving me a kiss as I was driving. “미안.  Where are we going?”


“Secret,” I said into her ear, stealing a kiss as we stopped at a red light.


I eased the car to as stop in the parking lot of a fancy restaurant, “Are we here?” Chloe reached up to remove the blindfold I had placed around her eyes earlier but I grabbed her hand to stop her. “What? Can’t I take it off?” Doesn’t she know how romantic I wanted this first date to be? I mentally pouted.


“Not yet. Wait here.” I dashed out of the car and paused at her door, opening it for her. I took her hand and helped her out of the car. My arm was s around her waist, keeping her steady as she stumbled. “Maybe I shouldn’t have gotten you such high heels. It would’ve been safer that way.”


“No!!! I like them,” she pouted, grabbing my arm. 아이고. 넘귀여워. (Translation:  Aigo. So Cute.


“Careful, there are steps.” I lifted her gently, placing her on the top step. “Don’t peek. We’re almost there. Don’t trip over the carpet.”


“Key!” A very familiar voice yelled.


“Yah!! Jung Jinwoon?! What are you doing here?!”


Chloe’s POV


Jung Jinwoon? “Jinwoon 오빠?! Yumi?! You guys came here too?!” I yelped, reaching up to uncover my eyes only to have my hands grabbed by Key 오빠. “Aish. Why is this blindfold so important?!”


“Because there’s a surprise!!” He whined childishly.


“Kim Kibum-ssi,” the host said. “Right this way, sir.”


“See you guys later,” Key 오빠 said, gently leading me away. It was significantly darker in the room that we stopped in.  오빠sat me down in a chair, finally un-blindfolding me.


I was momentarily blinded by the candlelight but then I couldn’t help but be amazed.  A large cake sat in front of me in the shape of a heart with the words, “축하”(Translation: “Congrats”) written in 오빠’s girly handwriting.


“오빠!! Did you make this? Wahhh! It’s so pretty!!” I clapped my hands in awe.


“Congrats on making it here with only a couple weeks left until debut. I’m proud of you,” he smiled at me, lighting the candles. “Blow them out and then try it!! I made it all by myself!” He said proudly and stood by my side as I tried the cake. There was a slight taste of lemon and pieces of strawberries. Each bite was moist and melted in my mouth. “How is it?” Key 오빠 asked nervously.


“Delicious,” I smiled, kissing him on his cheek. 오빠 let out a sigh, finally sinking into his seat.


“Thank goodness. I’m glad. Let’s order dinner now.” 오빠’s face was flushed in a…. blush… as he covered his face from my view with a menu. “Do you like 고기 (Translation: meat)? There’s a lot of 고기 here.”


“Yes, I like 고기… a lot… but I think I’m supposed to be losing weight… for debut.” I glanced nervously at the menu.


“Psh… you don’t need to lose weight. You’re pretty just the way you are.  I’ll order a steak for you, medium rare?” 오빠 said, stealing the menu from my hands.


“Yes… I like medium rare.” I sighed. Kibum 오빠 always got whatever he wanted. ALWAYS!!!


“Good.  I like it too and you’re underage… so no shampagne for you… or me… since I’m driving.... So, sprite? Lemonade?”


“Strawberry lemonade, please!!” *pout* “If I gain weight… it’s all your fault.”


“It’s fine! You look pretty and that’s all that matters.” Key 오빠 reached over, caressing my cheek before giving them a pinch. T_______T Owie…

Key 오빠 rang the bell net to his cup and a waiter came in looking really, really fancy!!! :O


“We’ll have two rib eye steaks.  Both of them medium rare with one cream soup and a salad.  For drinks, we’ll have one strawberry lemonade and a sprite.”


“No champagne or wine today, sir?” 오빠 waved his off and the waiter bowed before walking away. What a polite fellow.


“SeAh-yah. I have something for you.” A tiny silver package was placed in my hands, a pink blush spreading across 오빠’s face. “Open it.”


I tore through the silver wrapping paper to find a black box which I carefully opened. A puzzle???


I looked up at Key 오빠in confusion but he just grinned at me, nodding at the puzzle. Did he mean that I had to piece it together now?


I dumped the pieces on the table to find only about 20 pieces, not too hard. I shrugged and began the puzzle, starting in the upper-left hand corner and when I got to the end, I couldn’t believe what it said.


SeAh-yah, will you be my girlfriend?

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koreansleeper #1
koreansleeper #2
i was beat up
koreansleeper #3
i was with donghae
koreansleeper #4
i remember this story
koreansleeper #5
koreansleeper #6
@ShineeEllaBaby hahahaha i agree w/u lol
haha i lyke itt !!!yay ur gonnz write the other one !!!