Chapter 20 - Back to School

Life with SHINee

Marshmallow by IU -


Sam's POV


I felt weird wearing the SM Academy uniform after so long. And I felt so lonely!!! T________T Justin Bieber went back to America last night after our date! I’m so alone!! Alone, I tell you, alone!!! TT______________TT


Oh look!!! An ice cream truck!!!!  “Chloe 언니!!! Buy me ice cream!” I demanded, tugging on her sleeve and giving her my puppy dog eyes.


“Fine,” she groaned, pulling her bag out and digging inside for her wallet. “Drats. I didn’t bring my wallet. Besides, who eats ice cream at 6:30AM, Sam??? Go eat your poptart!”


“But 언니!!! I want ice cream!!!” I whined.


“야! Go get your ice cream,” Key 오빠 said handing me ₩1,000!! YAY!!! O_____________o He had his I’m-annoyed-get-out-of-my-face look on…. Oh well… Ice Cream!!!!!!


April’s POV


Lalala!  When Taemin 오빠 and I arrived at school, 언니, Key 오빠, and Sam were already there. No way, 언니 bought Sam ice cream!! What about me?!?!


“언니!!! I want ice cream!!!” I yelled, running towards them and tackling her. “Please. Please. Please!!!! 언니!!! I want ice cream too!!!!”


“Get off of me!!” She yelled back, shoving me off of her. “I don’t have my wallet on me. Go ask Taemin 오빠 for some.”


“B-but! You bought Sam ice cream.” I said poutily while pointing at Sam who stood in front of the ice cream truck with Minho 오빠, selecting her ice cream.


“Key 오빠 gave her the money cuz she was annoying him. Go ask Taemin 오빠!”


“Fine,”I grumbled, sticking my tongue out at her. 메롱!!! By the time I ran back to Taemin 오빠, he had his wallet out, pulling out a nice and crisp ₩1,000 for me. “고마워, 오빠!!” I kissed his cheek and ran towards the ice cream truck. “YAY!!! Ice cream!!! Lalala! I’d like a mint chocolate chip ice cream, please!!!” The man sighed in relief as I pushed Sam away.


“₩1,000, please,” he said politely, handing me my ice cream! Yay! Ice cream!


“No fair!!! I was first!! Chloe 언니!! April 언니 skipped me!!!!!” Sam yelled.


“Stop acting like a five year old and just get your ice cream!!!” I yelled back, my mint chocolate chip ice cream. “He’s waiting and class will start soon. 언니’s gonna get angry if you don’t hurry.”


Sam quickly glanced at her watch and hurriedly ordered a strawberry ice cream cone, paying the ice cream man quickly and running back with me to where the 오빠들 and Chloe 언니 was standing.


During Class [“Homeroom with RAWR, SHINee, f(x)]


“Okay, class, we have a new student joining us today. She’s an exchange student from Germany and she’s a drama student. I expect you to help her out, especially those who know English.” Our teacher said, opening the classroom door. “You can come in,” she said in accented English.


A girl about Chloe 언니’s height or so entered, her head bowed. She had strawberry blonde hair (not ginger… ㅋㅋㅋ) and she was pretty with freckles dotting her face (only slightly).  “안녕하세요.” She said shyly, “My name is Julia Freuck. It’s very nice to be here.”


“Hi!!” We all yelled in unison and we all started to introduce ourselves at once!!! Of course we’re awesome and we organized ourselves pretty quickly. We started with the oldest, Victoria 언니, and one by one introduced ourselves in age order, ending with Sam. Julia then told us more about herself. She was the same age as Chloe 언니 and she actual was born in USA but came from Germany to Korea… (confusing… I know….) And then…. She said…. SHE WAS GONNA LIVE WITH US!!!!! (RAWR, that is…. ㅋㅋㅋ)


“ZOMG. REALLY?! YAY!!! That’s awesome!!!!” I yelled, possibly hurting Chloe 언니 and Taemin 오빠’s ears….. since I was sitting next to them and all…. ㅋㅋㅋ…..


“Yeah… just as long as I’m in Korea. They didn’t want me to stay all alone since I don’t know my way around Korea or anything and you guys are close to my age.”


“Yay!!! We live next to the SHINee 오빠들… Key 오빠 is our 엄마 and Jonghyun 오빠 is our 아빠… ㅋㅋㅋ….” Sam said, slightly embarrassing Key 오빠 and Jonghyun 오빠…. No one wants some they first meet to think that they’re gay….. when they’re actually not…………..


After School (Helping Julia move into RAWR’s dorm)


“You know, we should have a slumber party tonight, we can call Mary, Yumi, and Jinwoon 오빠 and have it in SHINee’s dorm….. eh??” Chloe 언니 said, while neatly putting Julia’s stuff into drawers. “I’ll go call Key 오빠 if you guys want to…. We can play truth or dare like last time… except I won’t kiss Jonghyun 오빠 this time…….”


“Okay!!!” We all yelled in unison, beginning to chatter about what to do at the slumber party and what to take while 언니 rushed away to call Key 오빠!!! Let the fun begin!!!

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koreansleeper #1
koreansleeper #2
i was beat up
koreansleeper #3
i was with donghae
koreansleeper #4
i remember this story
koreansleeper #5
koreansleeper #6
@ShineeEllaBaby hahahaha i agree w/u lol
haha i lyke itt !!!yay ur gonnz write the other one !!!