Chapter 12 - Meeting the Manager

Life with SHINee

April's POV


Today was the day my plan would come into work. Operation get Chloe 언니 and Key 오빠 together!


We were in the car, driving to meet our (RAWR's) manager. We were sitting in the same seats as before except Jonghyun 오빠 sat in the back with me and Taemin 오빠 and Sam sat next to Minho 오빠 and Key 오빠. Chloe 언니 and Key 오빠 were sleeping on each other's shoulders (they were soooooo cute) and Sam and Minho 오빠 sat awkwardly next to each other. Jonghyun 오빠 and Onew 오빠 kept exchanging mischievous glances, snickering. And I could tell, this was all THEIR plan. -______- No wonder Jonghyun 오빠 wanted to sit in the BACK!


Ah... I'm tired.... *yawn* My eyes began to droop and my head drop. A soft touch gently tilted my head onto their shoulder. "Sweet dreams, April," Taemin 오빠 said, placing a small kiss on my forehead. *blushes deeply*


AT 521앞구정 2동 강남구, 서울, 한국 a.k.a. The SM Building


Taemin 오빠 was silently dragging me out of the van and into the building, shielding my eyes from the flashes of cameras.


Key 오빠 had 언니 tucked safely in between his arms, smiling sweetly at the reporters as they walked in, looking like a cute couple. ^_____^


The reporters froze at the sight, probably all thinking, 'What an adorable couple...' ㅋㅋㅋ.... Too bad they were all too mesmerized to take pictures.... T_____T


Anyways, the manager was standing just inside the doors, a familiar looking girl standing next to her.


"Yumi?! What are you doing here?!" 언니 and I leapt on top of her, tackling her to the ground.


"I'm here to audition.... ^__^* I auditioned for JYP too but I'm here.... Just in case...." Yumi was our friend from the States and we hadn't seem her in years (AN: just pretend we've known Yumi since we were little and we've been trainees for 5 years or so...)




"No, I should be congratulating YOU!" Yumi said, smiling, "You're going to debut soon, right? I saw it on allkpop and everyone send their best wishes. Especially Ariel and Mary. ^____^ They wish they could see you!"


"Awwwww.... We wish we could see them too," 언니 cooed. "Anyways, good luck, Yumi 동생! You can do it! 화이팅!"


We turned to look for Sam and found her already conversing wig our new manager. "We'll be back. We need to go meet our manager 언니. ^___^"


"Hi! My name's Charlene Kim. I'll be your new manager. ^^"


"It's very nice to meet you, Charlene 언니. I hope we can be friends," I said, shaking her hand. Chloe 언니 shook her hands next, repeating the "It's nice to meet you" greeting and introducing herself.


"It's nice to meet you girls too. I know we'll be able to get along well. Anyways, we have to go prepare for your debut album. It'll be a single album and the song is nearly done. Then we have to go for fittings and dance rehearsal....."


I guess our days of fun with the SHINee 오빠들 were over. We were idol singers now. This was good, right?

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koreansleeper #1
koreansleeper #2
i was beat up
koreansleeper #3
i was with donghae
koreansleeper #4
i remember this story
koreansleeper #5
koreansleeper #6
@ShineeEllaBaby hahahaha i agree w/u lol
haha i lyke itt !!!yay ur gonnz write the other one !!!