Chapter 23 - Recording

Life with SHINee

SHINee Hello -

Sam's POV

"Wake up, you lazy bums!!!" a voice yelled outside my dreamland. It was definitely not Mary 언니, April 언니, or Julia 언니.... Chloe 언니 for sure. T______T "We have to go record our song today and practice the choreography! Get up! Get up! Get up!! Key 오빠 made breakfast!! Sam, you're the only one that's not ready!! Minho 오빠 and Jonghyun 오빠 already left!"

"No~ I don't wanna get up! Five more minutes!" I whined.

"Five more minutes and you'll be late. We'll leave you here and you can do all the cleaning then." 언니 jabbed me with her foot once more then I could hear the pitter-patter of her feet against the wooden floor. *Sigh* living with Chloe 언니 and Key 오빠 made me feel like I was living with a mom and dad. T______T Wait!! Did she just say she'd leave me here to do all the cleaning? No way!!

"I'm up!" I yelled as I shot up from under the sleeping bag, my hair a mess.

"Go get ready then. You have 5 minutes. We have to meet Minho and Jonghyun 형 at the studio in 30 minutes. They took the car so we have to ride the subway." Key 오빠 called from the kitchen doorway, where he stood to keep Chloe 언니 from going in.


"오빠! Let me in! I just want a banana milk!!" Chloe 언니 whined and Key 언니 dashed in to grab the milk before she could set foot into the kitchen. "Thank you."


I shook my head at their childish antics and walked into the bathroom to get ready.


At the Recording Studio

I had forgotten that our debut was in a couple of months. :O Our debut song was done and ready. It was written by Chloe 언니 herself and it was called Someday. I never knew 언니 wrote songs....

Verse 1
Many times we stumble
And Once again we fall
We're always made to crumble
And pushed against the wall

Through the pain and heartache
We're reaching for the light
Though we hurt and tumble
The hope will never fade

So don't give up
It's too late to fall back
Give it your all
We're face to face with the goal
Keep pushing on and don't give up
Cuz it'll all work out

When we fall on our knees
We look up in the mirror
Thinking "I got that hope in me"
Stand for that ambition
and run, we’re chasing

Verse 2
We're running to the light
Fleeing from our failure
There's always more to reach for
So much to achieve

Though not made to succeed
We're always pushing on
Forever made to believe
In all that we can do

So don't give up
It's too late to fall back
Give it your all
We're face to face with the goal
Keep pushing on and don't give up
Cuz it'll all work out

Chorus 2
So don't give up
No matter what your doing
Give it your all
We're never gonna fail
We're pushing on and standing strong
Cuz it'll all work out for us
It'll all come through...

ZOMG. NO WAY!!! I wrote the rap!! Hehe I iz awesome!!! Awww I should have written a longer rap... I feel bad now... 언니 only gets 4 lines in the whole song... And she wrote the song too... Hmmmmmmm

"언니, you should sing more!" I jumped onto Chloe 언니's back, piggy backing.


"Haha... No, I'm the rapper. You vocalists can do the singing." she laughed, dropping me on my . T____T


"No... Sam's right," Jonghyun 오빠 said, carefully looking over the lyrics again. "Chloe you can sing the ending chorus.  Let's try again from the top." O____o I never knew how professional the SHINee 오빠들 were... So businesslike.


Jonghyun 오빠 pushed me into the soundproof recording booth and replayed the song.


ZOMG. NO!! I'm nervous now.


April 언니 sang first, starting the sing softly with her pretty voice, then she sang the chorus with Chloe 언니 adding in the harmony. Then the rap began, adding some powerful-ness to the soft beginning sounds. Hehe I wrote it!! Mwahaha!! Oh no! It's my turn now. You could hear my nervousness through my voice. Being the 막내 is hard... The always criticize you the most!! I want to be the leader. Maybe I should ask 언니 if she'd let me be the leader..... It's not such an important job.... ㅋㅋㅋ

After Schedules


"언니?" I clasped my hands onto her shoulders, startling her and tearing her gaze away from the pack of papers. Her glasses were perched on her nose and her hair pulled back: she was working. Paperwork???


"Hey, Sam. I'm kinda busy ri-"


"I'll be quick, 언니," I pleaded, making 언니 sigh and nod. "I want to be the leader."




"Just because you're older doesn't mean you'd make the best leader. I think- no, I know that I can do better than you." Ooh.... That came out a little mean... Who knows what 언니 would do now that I ticked her off... O____o


"Fine." What?! Did she just say "fine"??? "Have a this done by tomorrow then. It's due at the school office by 6AM. The 오빠들 need to be up by 5AM. You have to make sure breakfast is ready by 7AM and all of us need to be ready by 6:30AM. I suggest you pack a lunch for tomorrow. I'm going to bed." 언니 slid off her glasses and let down her hair, walking past me without a glance. "Oh," she turned back to me, "I suggest you be up by 4AM. And you, as leader, need to practice for a special performance with Key 오빠 , Taemin 오빠, and Onew 오빠." She walked away before I even had the time to respond. It wouldn't be that hard, right???


I glanced at the desk in front of me. All this was due by tomorrow?? I gulped, sitting down at 언니's desk. There were 4 neat piles of paper, due dates labeled with post-it's. ZOMG. There were some due the day after. O____o Well, I'd better get started.


Narrator's POV


Sam's head drooped forward as the word on the page became swirly and strange.


'Maybe I'll just close my eyes for a minute or two.' she thought, laying her head on her folded arms and falling asleep nearly instantly.


"I knew it," Chloe said, easily picking Sam up and over to the beds.


Author's Note!!!

The song was seriously written by moi!!! ㅋㅋㅋ It's kinda stupid but I wrote it!!!

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koreansleeper #1
koreansleeper #2
i was beat up
koreansleeper #3
i was with donghae
koreansleeper #4
i remember this story
koreansleeper #5
koreansleeper #6
@ShineeEllaBaby hahahaha i agree w/u lol
haha i lyke itt !!!yay ur gonnz write the other one !!!