Chapter 16 - Be My Girlfriend?

Life with SHINee

Minho's POV


About 10 minutes later, we were sitting in a cozy little restaurant, our faces buried in the menus. I turned to glance at her every once in a while and our eyes would meet, sending us both in to blushing fits...(AN: Is there a thing called a blushing fit...??? I don't even know what I'm saying anymore!!! You guys are so impatient, pressuring me into writing!!!!)


"Hello! Welcome to (Enter Name of Restaurant that Mary likes!!!). My name is 수진 (<---- Random name) and I'll be your waitress today. What would you like to drink?" She kept fluttering her eyelashes at me, smiling in what was supposed to be a seductive way.... I think...


"What would you like, Mary??" I was completely ignoring the waitress, smiling at Mary who blushed back at me.


"I'll have a lemonade please." She smiled at me and I noticed her cute eye smile... 눈 웃음


The waitress was watching me intensively, waiting for me to say something. "Did you not hear her? She wants a lemonade." the waitress pouted and scribble down the order.


"And for you, sir?" she said poutily.


"I'll have a coke." I smiled at Mary who was staring down at her lap. I reached over as the waitress left, lifting Mary's chin and brushing her hair back behind her ears. "There, now I can see your pretty face."


She blushed deeply before shooting me a shy smile. I liked that smile, it was innocent and cute. ^^


1 Hour Later


We were sort of kind of awkwardly walking down the streets of 서울, trying not to get noticed.


"Minho-ssi!" Mary said softly.


"I'm older than you, right?" I asked, interrupting her. "You can call me Minho 오빠."


" 네... Minho 오빠...ㅋㅋㅋ Today was fun.... Do you think we can meet again someday?" She looked up at the sky, the sun glowing on her smiling face. "


Of course. In fact, why don't you come with me now to the dorm. You can meet the rest of SHINee and RAWR. Chloe, April, and Sam are about your age."


"Chloe? April? Sam?" She asked, laughing. "I used to have friends in America with the same names!"


"Really? They used to live in America! Maybe they're the same people...? Nah.... That's too much of a coincidence, right?" I asked, ruffling her hair.


"Yeah... I guess it is.... Let's go meet your friends!" She said excitedly, running past me and down the streets. "


야! Be careful! Come back!" I chased after, easily catching up to her with my long legs. Hehehe!! ^^


"No fair," she pouted, crossing her arms over her chest. "Your legs are MUCH longer than mine!! You should have let me win at least for a little while. Hmph! 나 삐젔어!!!"


"Haha... I'm sorry.... Forgive me??" She poked her tongue out at me when I used my rare burst of 애교 on her. "Can I ask you a something?" I turned her to face me, leaning down to whisper in her ear, "Will you be my girlfriend?"


"G-girlfriend....?" she stuttered, her eyes wide as they can go. Then she broke out into a huge grin, tackling me to the ground in a hug. "YES!!"


I chuckled at her childishness, pressing my lips to hers in an innocent and sweet first kiss. "Come on, I have to go introduce everyone to my new girlfriend. Let's go!"


When we entered the dorm, it was chaotic, beginning with Key jumping out at me begging on his knees for forgiveness... About something.


"Minho! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!! I didn't mean to let her go it's just that she left before-" I covered his blabbering mouth with my hand.


"What is Chloe going to do with you... Anyways, meet my girlfriend... Mary Kim." I gestured to Mary and Key's jaws dropped open.


"G-girlfriend???? Since when?!?!?! Chloe!! Minho has a girlfriend!!!" Key yelled, Chloe coming out into he living room at his voice.


"Mary Kim?? Is that you?! Wahhhh! I haven't seen you in forever!!" the two girls ran towards each other and hugged. Thy knew each other....? Then were the girls of RAWR the friends she was talking about??


We had moved to the couch, the four girls catching up with each others' lives when the door opened and Sam walked in, giddy and holding an armful of chocolate covered roses!!


"언니들! 오빠들!!! Justin Bieber asked me out!!! And I said yes!!! Wait... Mary?? What are you doing here?!"


"She's my girlfriend," I said, taking a hold of Mary's hand. A hands felt so small in mine.


Sam's POV


Girlfriend? Did he say she was his girlfriend? Oh my, God. Why did my heart hurt? What is this feeling?

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koreansleeper #1
koreansleeper #2
i was beat up
koreansleeper #3
i was with donghae
koreansleeper #4
i remember this story
koreansleeper #5
koreansleeper #6
@ShineeEllaBaby hahahaha i agree w/u lol
haha i lyke itt !!!yay ur gonnz write the other one !!!