Chapter 28 - Missing?!

Life with SHINee

April's POV


"Oh my, God!!! We need to hurry up and go back to SM!!! President is getting ready to send a freaking SEARCH PARTY!!!!" Chloe 언니 spazzed, gathering all our stuff. "We have 10 minutes to get back before he sends the search party!!! LET'S GO!!!!!


Back at SME


We found SooMan President giving orders to the security guards with the SHINee 오빠들 watching him worriedly.


"Pst, 오빠!" I whispered, jumping onto Taemin 오빠's back. I tucked my chin onto his shoulder and he gently kissed the corners of my lips. "What's going on?"


President was now dropped in his seat, a hand rubbing his temples. He was sighing in relief, ordering Key 오빠 to take 언니 back to the dorm safely, saying that someone sent a package for us. Since when did 언니 and 오빠 look so awkward?? They were always so cuddly and affectionate. What happened now???


Taemin 오빠 must have seen me staring cuz he sighed and ruffled his own mushroom hair. "Key 형 is nervous and I don't think he's really slept all week."


"Why is he nervous? What does that have to do with anything?" I was so confused.


"That night we had pizza last week.... Key 형 took Chloe to a super fancy restaurant. He spent all day baking a cake and making a puzzle. He did all that to ask her out in a "proper" way. But she hasn't answered yet." Taemin 오빠 looked really worried for Key 엄마.


"Wow. That's really sweet of him to do that."


"Don't tell me you want that too," he groaned.


"Of course. All girls want a romantic night like that!!! Especially with someone who'd plan something as sweet.... like Key 오빠. ㅋㅋㅋ."


"I can be sweet too. Just watch. I'll do something even BETTER!!!!!!!!" Taemin 오빠 said in determination.


Debut Stage


Key 오빠 and Chloe 언니 must have made up for they were joking round and Key 오빠 was continuously messing up 언니's make up by kissing her cheeks.


I was sitting in the corner with Onew 오빠 and Jjong 오빠, playing cards. I had to practice a last minute special stage for 30 minutes and as soon as I got back, Taemin 오빠 was off, meeting with someone. Sam.... she and Chloe 언니 were still not on good terms and they were sort of not speaking. 언니 would make me wake Sam up and leave before us. But the saddest part was... THAT I STILL DIDN'T KNOW WHAT WAS GOING ON!!!! -_____________- It seemed like everyone knew 'cept me.... why was that?? Even Justin Beaver knew to avoid Chloe 언니 so he must've known something was up.... Ah.... oh, well.... anyways, Sam was no where to be found and we only had 10 minutes left.


"Chloe, April!" Charlene 언니 called, looking super professional with that headset and iPad. "It's almost time to get on stage. Where's Sam. Never mind, I'll go find her, follow MinHee, she's the stage director." 언니 was off again, searching for Sam and we followed MinHee 언니 to the stage.


It was almost our turn when Charlene 언니 came rushing towards us, a look of panic on her face. "Sam is missing."


She handed us a note, written in poor Korean and Sam's handwriting.


Hi, 언니들.

I'm gonna be a solo artist cuz I'm that great and I don't need you.

Justin and I are already on the plane by now and we are gonna be the best artists ever.

You'll be soooooooooooo jealous. Bye bye!!




Author's Note!!!

Mwahahahaha!! The story is coming to an end!!! It'll be over in like 2 or 3 more chapters then I can focus on my other fanfic!!!

Our Fairytale Ball (click here)

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koreansleeper #1
koreansleeper #2
i was beat up
koreansleeper #3
i was with donghae
koreansleeper #4
i remember this story
koreansleeper #5
koreansleeper #6
@ShineeEllaBaby hahahaha i agree w/u lol
haha i lyke itt !!!yay ur gonnz write the other one !!!